73| Reach For The Stars

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Being six months pregnant has it perks. People are a lot nicer to me even if they don't know me and are always asking if they can get me something. Too bad my ego won't let me say yes, but it's nice to know that if I ever did admit to needing something someone would get it for me. Anthony on the other hand does everything for me no matter what I say. He's learning how to make dinner and has been really active in reading parenting books. The boys keep teasing him because that's what he reads on flights and bus rides instead of being on YouTube or watching movies. But he is so excited to be a dad and we keep getting closer and closer to the day we're finally going to be parents.

So we decide that we should probably finish the babies room before I get too big to move around and can't help out. So we put up everything we got at the baby shower in the room and get the crib and furniture. For the first year of little Elissa's life she is set on clothing. Hell, she won't even be able to use all her stuff she's got. But that's okay, as long as she is loved.

"Should I put another star over there" Anthony asks as he points to a small spot on the ceiling. He wanted to put stars up there for the baby to look at and I,
of course, was all for it. But he got a little carried away and filled the ceiling with stars of all sizes.

"I think you've put plenty stars up there already" I assure him as he sets his paintbrush down.

"I just want her to know she should always reach for the stars" he claims.

"She will. One way or another she will" I promise.

"Have you always loved the stars" he wonders and I smile.

"For as long as I can remember. Growing up we didn't have much. My moms parents didn't agree with her choice of a mate and wasn't around to help out a lot when I was little. It's hard to learn your only daughter wanted to throw away everything and fall in love with someone who "doesn't belong here", it doesn't sit well with parents who are so straight forward like hers. We lived in a trailer park for a while before my mom got a raise at the planetarium and my dads business took off. So I didn't have a room like this one to teach me how to reach for the stars. But I would spend all my summer nights outside just looking up. I would stay up all night just to see them. That's why it's cool to always have the stars. They're there no matter what, it's nice to have that around" I explain.

"That's incredible. I can't wait to share these things with our daughter. I can't wait to go up on the roof and see her laying next to you asking so many questions. And you'll always have the answers" he claims.

"Hey, we all have our thing. You have baseball and I have the stars" I defend.

"One day I won't have baseball. But I'll have you and our daughter and hopefully many more kids and I can love happily under the stars" he insists.

"That's sounds wonderful. Maybe not all of that right right now, I love watching you play and hanging out with our friends and being such a big part of this community. But one day we won't want that, one day we'll have to move on and it'll be okay. We'll have each other and I know it'll all work out in the end" I promise.

"So what else do we need to do to the room" he wonders as we look around. The walls were done and the decorations are up. The crib is filled with toys and blankets and other things the baby might enjoy. She had a closet full of clothes and plenty of stuff for me to be able to have her on the road when I'm ready for that. There wasn't much else to do.

"I think we need to put a picture up and we'll be done" I insist.

"I know just the one" he claims.

He walks out the nursery and into the office room. He gets on the computer and pulls up a picture to print. I smile when I see a picture of us at the baby shower with our friends and family. The house was all decorated and I have pink and gold dress on to match everything. I had the biggest smile on my face as Anthony wraps his arms around me and everyone stood around us. That day was so much fun and I'm happy I got to experience this with them. I am so confident about raising this baby because of the people I get to do it with. I have so many people who are supportive and loving and I couldn't wait to show them what we've been able to do thanks for them.

So we print off the picture and put it in a frame. We set it on the desk and decide that the room was officially done. We take a final picture of it and I send it to my dad. I wanted him here so bad to help us out and be a part of this babies life, but all I can do is give her the hopes I have and tell her the stories I have.

"What do we do now? We had the baby shower and the room done. We got stuff ready for the day the baby comes, are we missing anything" he wonders.

"The baby" I tease as he rolls his eyes at me.

"I mean besides that" he scoffs.

"I think we're ready. The baby has everything it needs to be happy. Now we just need her to keep growing and when she's ready we'll be ready to meet her" I smile.

"I wish it was now" he admits.

"Me too but for different reasons" I tease. I loved being pregnant, but at the same time I hated it.

"I guess the dog will do for now" he teases as Halley comes in to the room to see what we've been doing all day. She was no longer a puppy and a beautiful little girl now. I couldn't wait to introduce her to the baby and see what she does. I know she'll be great with her. She never barks and is protective over me and my belly. She's doing to be a great puppy mom.

"Yeah, she's pretty cool" I agree as I pet her.

"I think we should get another dog. Rescue like 10 of them and keep them here" he claims.

"Where are we going to keep all those dogs" I wonder.

"No one lives around us. I'll see if we can push the fence back a few feet. Some of them will stay inside and some will stay out. Halley is the alpha and she would love the company" he insists.

"I'm always down for another dog" I admit.

"Perfect" he smiles.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now