62| World Of Firsts

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Along with moving and baby planning it comes time for baseball to start. We start the season off at home and that worked out perfectly for me. We can get some furniture into the house and get ready to move in. It wasn't complete yet and we were still staying at the apartment for the time being, but we spent a lot of time at the house getting it ready so we can move here very soon.

Eventually Kelsey and I decide to have a house warming party. We didn't have pots and pans and shampoo or clothes over there quite yet but there was couches and TVs and other things needed to host a party. The living room was filled with furniture and the bedrooms were furnished too. The food for the party was catered and the first floor was pretty much complete besides a few things in the kitchen. We could still show our friends around and welcome them in with open arms. So we host a little party and try to break the news of us expecting a kid as easily as possible.

"Is there a reason you haven't stopped looking at your girlfriend all night" Jon quizzed and I smile big. She sends me a wink and I just shake my head.

"I'm glad you said something, because there is. So if you let me go get her we would love to make a announcement" I insist.

I skip away from my little friend group and grab Kelsey from the group of girls she was talking to. We invite everyone into the living room as we stand at the front of the room. I tuck Kelsey under my arm as she tries to hide her baby bump behind me. She wasn't big yet but it's becoming obvious we can't hide this much longer. So the sooner we can announce this the better.

"We just wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight. Even though the start of this season has been pretty hectic I'm happy we're not tired of each other just yet. Kelsey and I just wanted to welcome you all into our home and show you all around. I know this isn't much yet but we can't wait to be officially moved into here and it all be done. Moving can be kinda really stressful and with the start of the season it hasn't been easy. But the move was a needed one because we... are expecting a kid" I announce. The room falls silent as everyone looks at each other. Eventually David starts to laugh and a few other guys do too.

"You guys are not having a kid. You're just messing with us" David accuses. Kelsey lifts her loose shirt up to expose her belly covered in a tank top. She figured she would have to do this a lot because not a lot of people take me seriously so she came prepared. And when people saw her little baby bump there was no denying that she was indeed very pregnant.

"Oh my god, you guys are really pregnant. Congrats" Jess says as she pulls Kelsey into a hug. I think people were pretty clueless, not a lot of people were on to us. And this was still under wraps for the most part as we don't want the media to know about this yet. But I know these guys would never hurt me or Kels so I trusted them.

"Congrats man" Kris says as he pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks" I smile.

"How far along is she" he wonders.

"Over three months. So we should be finding out the gender soon and having a baby shower. We haven't even started on the nursery yet so we still have a ways to go" I admit.

"But you guys will be fine, I know it. She's a strong girl and she loves kids. And you've done nothing but be a positive role model and help kids all the time. You'll be fine" he assures me.

"I sure hope so. I don't want to mess this up" I admit.

"I don't think you could. Not on purpose at least" he claims.

"Do people ever do it on purpose" I ask and he laughs.

"No, not really. But you're not most people. Most people use their brain, not their hearts. Most people can't think for themselves, and you don't have to think twice before knowing the right thing to do. I think you're going to be a great dad" he says as he softly pats my back.

"Thanks Kris. You're a pretty good friend" I admit.

"I try to be" he winks.

After we celebrate and drink a little everyone goes home. Many of the guys have families of their own even though we were a pretty young group. But people of all ages are settling down now and I'm happy I am too. I finally have something that no matter what I'll always have in my heart and that's pretty cool.

Once everyone leaves we clean up a little around the house. I wanted to spend some time here so when we officially moved in we knew what we wanted to do. There's not a lot left to do because the nursery and kids room didn't have to be done yet. Once we get the last of it all in we're ready to go. And until then I'm going to keep enjoying this journey.

"Well that was fun" Kelsey admits we finish cleaning up. Thankfully with the place being so new the guys didn't make too big of a mess.

"It was. But I don't know if we can get Halley to the car to go back to the apartment" I admit as I point to the dog. She was passed out on the love seat with her paws hanging off and it was honestly the cutest thing.

"Then why don't we stay the night? We don't have to be home until tomorrow" she insists.

"I would love to spend the first night in our house" I smile.

So we find a blanket and cuddle up on the couch. Halley lays down right beside us as we just lay there. There was no sounds, the Internet wasn't hooked up and our phones were on the charger so we couldn't listen to music. She rests her head on my chest and I rest my hands in her little tummy

"Are you tired yet" I wonder.

"I'm pregnant, of course I'm tired" she giggles.

"Then you can go to bed, I'll keep holding you" I promise and she smiles up at me.

"Never doubted that you wouldn't."

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