70| You Knew

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I get home after a long game out at Wrigley. We finally won it in the 12th inning in a walk off fashion, which seems to happen a lot recently. But I was pretty beat and I just wanted to spend time with my girlfriend. As soon as I walk through the doors I set my stuff to the side and look around. All the lights were off and the house was cleaned, not like it ever wasn't.

"Kels" I yell out as I walk into the house. There was some leftovers on the table for me but it looks like she hadn't been out here in a while. So I grab a drink of water and eat what was leftover before heading downstairs to find my girlfriend.

I don't see her there or in the nursery or kitchen or even our bedroom. I check all the spares and the backyard before I start to worry. I know she was here because her car was and she wouldn't run away. She's got to be around here somewhere. Usually when I get home for a game she's either asleep or up waiting for me in the living room. But she wasn't anywhere to be seen and I was about to freak the fuck out.

But I turn around and see a light coming from the roof. I let out a sigh once I realized she was up there and I head back inside. I go up the roof and low and behold she was there by herself just staring at the sky. I figured if she was anywhere it would be here, but this usually mean she needs to be alone for some thinking time. But I wanted to make sure she didn't need anything before I left.

"Hey babe, I'm home" I announce and she sits up a little. She looks at me and smiles when she sees me. She pats the spot on the roof next to her and I happily join. We just look up as we wait for something amazing to happen.

"Good game" she starts. She was there for a while but I saw she had left after the 10th inning because I'm sure she was tired. She texted me that she had left and that she would be at home waiting for me when I was done. I just wish she would have mentioned where in that text and it would have saved me five minutes of a total breakdown.

"Thanks. But I just wanted to win I could come home. If you want some alone time I'll leave you be" I assure her. Even though she loves me very much, everyone needs some time alone. And when she's up here I try to give it to her.

"No no, I want you here. I promise" she insists.

So we lay there not saying anything. Just the sounds of our breathing fill the air around us as I find some peace in my life up here.

"You know, earlier today I was thinking" Kelsey starts. "I was reading about Shakespeare because he actually had a lot to do about the stars and the stories about them. And I came across a quote that said "when I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew". I think he is absolutely right about that" she insists.

"I have to agree. Because the moment I first saw you I couldn't help but smile. I didn't want to smile, I kinda wanted to cry instead because I hurt you and I felt awful about it, but I couldn't deny myself that smile. The moment my eyes rested on you I knew you were about to change my life. I knew that I was going to love you and you smiled back when you saw me smiling at you because you knew you were going to love me too. Even if we didn't know it at the time" I explain.

"And now I have a place like this to come up here and get closer to heaven and thank god for sending me an Angel in you" she claims.

"Are you really religious" I question. I've never seen her go to church but every once in a while she says stuff like this that makes me wonder how she used to be.

"Once upon a time I was. My mom was really into going to church and praying and that stuff. But after she passed I kinda stopped believing in god. I mean he took my mom away, she wasn't sick and she didn't do anybody any wrong. Why take her away from us, you know? But then one day I realized that he took her away because he needed a angel then he sent me you, and that's the only thing that's happened since my mom left that makes me believe in something I just cannot see" she explains.

"I make you believe in god" I ask. That's kinda a big deal.

"Yeah, you do. Because you got me this place that's put me the closest to the sky that I've ever been and I don't think I ever want to leave. Being up here makes me happy, real happy, and now that you're here I know that this has to be the work of god. What you've been able to make my life into" she claims.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be, as long as you're happy" I promise. She turns to me with the biggest smile on her face. She cups my cheek as she scoots herself and pregnant belly closer to me.

"All I want from you is all that you are and all that you're going to be. Because I know that's my most favorite person in the world" she claims. I just shake my head as I press a soft kiss on her forehead. I lightly press her head into my my chest. I look back up to the smile and I smile. A smile like the first time I saw her and I just knew. I knew she was the one for me.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now