19| Moon Light

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"Happy anniversary!!!"

I walk into the break room in the planetarium and see all my coworkers with party hats on and party blowers in between their teeth. I see some "happy anniversary" balloons and a cake on the table Next to them. It wasn't anything crazy special, but it meant the world to me.

I cover my mouth with my hands as Chelsea brings me into the room. I thank all my coworkers for doing this for me and make sure I give them all a huge hug. We cut the cake and pass it out and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I certainly didn't expect this to happen, but it was pretty cool they planned this for me.

"So if you've been working here for ten years, that means you've been working here since you were 15. How is that" Chelsea asks.

"I was a paid intern with my mom a few months before my 16th birthday. So I technically started working here then and it was official in November on my birthday" I explain and she nods.

"That's pretty cool. You and your mom have like a legacy here" she insists.

"My mom worked here for almost 40 years. I don't know if I can do all of that" I insist and she smiles.

"You're right. You got a boyfriend who can take good care of you now" she accuses.

"While that is true, this job was never one I didn't want. It was my dream to work here and I don't want to leave just because I can. I love working with the kids and teaching people about the unknown" I explain.

"Yeah, can't relate. If I was you I would be off with Anthony somewhere right now" she insists.

"He's in Ohio" I tell her and her eyes get big.

"Alright... maybe not that somewhere. But I definitely wouldn't be here" she promises.

"There isn't a place I would rather be" I smile.

Eventually the party wraps up and I help clean up because it's the right thing to do. I see my supervisor come over to me and he pulls me to the side.

"Can I talk to you" he asks and I swallow hard. I nod my head as I follow him to the side of the room.

"What can I do for you" I wonder.

"I wanted to offer you a manager position" he blurts out and I stop. My eyes open wide as I stare at him in disbelief.

"Seriously" I whisper.

"You've been here for ten years, and this is a better place with you here. People come back to see you talk about our exhibits. You make the things here new and exciting, you bring life here. And I've been so on the fence about promoting you because I didn't want to lose your presence up here. I didn't want the kids to lose their favorite part of the museum, which has always been you. But I know you would never stay in your office, you'll be out here jumping in tours to spit out fun facts or finding new galaxies to show in the planetarium. This is probably long over due, but we would really like to move you up. You can plan tours and activities for the kids to do. You would train all the new people who come in and show them how it's done the right way. We would really like for you to take this position" he insists.

The smile on my face was insanely huge as I comprehend what he just told me. I nod my head really quickly and he smiles back at me.

"I would love to" I assure him.

"Awesome! You're going to have to reapply, but it should be no time before we get you out of your khakis and polo shirt and into business casuals" he insists.

And just like that my smile falls like a comet from the sky. I feel my heart sink into my stomach as I think of how this was all too good to be true.

"By reapply... do you mean all new documentation" I ask and he gives a "I don't know" face.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to check with our hiring manager to see what they say. You've been here for a while so your stuff is pretty old. When taking a new position all the employees have to send their stuff through again so it shouldn't be too bad" he explains and I slowly nod.

"Alright, thank you so much for this opportunity" I say with a small smile not trying to sound too suspicious.

"Of course. I'll be in touch" he promises.

He goes off and I finish my shift. I pick up some groceries up on the way home and put them away. Most of my family was out working or with their significant other or at practice. So that means I had the place to myself for a little while.

I decide to call Anthony and see what he's up to. Out of all the places he has to go he claims that Cincinnati is his least favorite even though out of all the major sports towns in Ohio that's the best one. But I still call because I missed him and I wish he was here.

"I haven't heard from you all day, I was starting to get worried" he insists.

"I'm fine" I assure him. "We had a party at work to celebrate me working there for ten years so that took up a lot of my time today" I explain.

"Did you get my gift I left you" he asks and I smile. I look at my nightstand and see the moon light he left me as a anniversary gift.

"I did, my dad gave it to me this morning and I love it. I'm looking at it now" I assure him.

"That's good to hear, but I need you to tell me what's wrong" he says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"How did you know something was wrong" I ask. I hope I'm not that see through, but I'm not very good with keeping secrets like this.

"Because I know you. I can hear it in your voice, I feel it in my chest. Somethings changed and you don't like it" he accuses.

"I got offered a promotion today at work" I explain.

"What!?! Baby that's amazing. Why are you upset" he questions.

"I have to reapply meaning I have to send everything in again" I reply. The line falls silent because he knows that's a real problem.

"Do you have to send in documentations" he wonders.

"I don't... I don't know yet. But if I do I can't accept the job" I insist.

"You deserve this. You've worked so hard to be promoted" he reminds me.

"I know, but sometimes life is funny like that. I just gotta do the best with what I have" I insist.

"I'm sorry" he says and I smile.

"Don't be sorry. There's nothing to be sorry for. My life has a path and what I want isn't always what I need. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. It's nothing to worry your pretty little head about" I assure him.

"I always worry about you. Not wether or not you'll be strong enough without me, I know you don't need me, but I worry that I won't be there when you want me" he explains.

"You're the stars Anthony, and even though I can't see them they are always there. Especially when I need them most" I promise.

"Good" he replies.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now