9| Just Like You

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Like most days I find myself drifting off into space while I was at work. And that's not some lame space joke, I do doze off a lot. It's not that I didn't want to be here, but I kinda didn't. I wanted to be at home with Isaiah and Tatiana playing games or going on a bike ride, just be a kid again for once. But I'm not a kid, I turn 26 this year and thanks to a series of unfortunate events I had to grow up quickly. And while I love being independent and knowing so much about life, I still wish I could just be with my family and hang out for a little.

"Hey, I think you might be drooling there" my friend Chelsea teases as she comes over to me and I stand up. "Dreaming about your boyfriend huh" she teases and I start to blush.

"Even if I was I wouldn't tell you" I insist.

"Where is he now" she wonders.

"Pittsburg... then Cincinnati then Seattle before he comes back here" I explain.

"Wow, that's rough. Do you guys FaceTime a lot" she wonders.

"Every single day. And if he's not FaceTiming me he's calling or texting" I assure her. The next second my phone vibrates in my pocket and I smile. "Speaking of the devil."

I look at my phone and see three missed messages from him.

"Man... you got him wrapped around your little finger don't you" she asks as she looks over my shoulder and I shrug.

"He's a very expressive and very sweet talking man. I don't know if he's like this with all his girlfriends or if he for some reason is really into me" I start to explain.

"Are you serious" she asks me and I look at her weird. "I don't know why you won't believe that you are like, the coolest person ever. You are so smart, you know more than what's in this museum. Everyone loves you because you're so nice to everyone and you're literally always in a good mood. Your like the hottest girl in the world and you're not even trying. What guy wouldn't want to be with you" she asks.

"A lot of them, because there's a reason why I am the way I am and they can't handle it" I defend.

"Well Anthony can" she insists.

"Anthony doesn't know the whole story" I say and she stops. Her eyes get big as she moves in closer like she's telling a secret.

"You mean... you haven't told him about the fire" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, I told him about that. But not the whole documentation issue" I say.

"Oh sweetie, you gotta tell him" she shuns.

"I know, I know. It's just... he's really into me and I'm really into him. I want to see where this goes but I'm scared. Now we're using labels like boyfriend and girlfriend and I don't want him to feel like he's stuck with me, you know" I ask.

"No Cici, I don't know" she claims. "None of this is your fault. You did everything you can, you went through the rubbles, you looked through your moms office for your ID card or birth certificate. You did what you can. You're a citizen and you don't need a piece of paper to tell you that."

"I shouldn't, but I do. They're passing bills and more and more people are being deported each day. I work in a government facility for Pete's sake, I'm not going to be able to keep this up much longer without this blowing up in my face and we both end up hurt" I explain.

"Why don't you quit then" she questions.

"First of all, I love it here, it reminds me of my mom. Second of all I can't apply to a new job without proper documentation. I need this money to pay for rent, I make the most in the family and I don't want to mess that up" I explain.

"I feel so bad, is there anything I can do to help" she asks.

"Please don't get me fired" I beg and she laughs.

"Okay okay, I'm going back to work. But I want to go to lunch with you" she insists.

"Okay, deal" I say.

We go back to work and I do some tours. I loved seeing the kids excited faces as they get to look into the galaxy's and planets and stars. They don't care about the technical stuff, they just know this still is really cool. Space is a concept we can all wrap our heads around no matter what we believe in, that's why I loved it. We will always have a difference of opinions and beliefs, but we can all look to the sky and smile wondering what's out there in this universe waiting for us to know.

"What's your favorite part of outer space" a kid asks me during a tour and I smile. I bend down so I'm eye to eye with her. I pull out a little sticker in my pocket of a supernova and hand it to her.

"Did you know that stars don't last forever? Now don't worry, a supernova can't hurt us here, but when stars get old they explode and they create a ton of energy. What takes its place is a mashup of colors, a beautiful rainbow that fill the space around it. There's only been three supernovas in the Milky Way galaxy we occupy for thousands of years. So they're rare but beautiful, just like you" I smile as I put the sticker on the kids chest.

"Woah" she gasps.

After that tour I was done and I clock out. I make sure everything is shut off before I turn in my keys. I head out and I feel my phone vibrating again. I see Anthony trying to call me so I answer it as I walk to my car.

"Are you ignoring me" he asks and I laugh.

"No. I was working" I remind him.

"Ohhhh. Crap, I'm so sorry. I was kinda blowing up your phone" he admits.

"I could tell" I giggle.

"Well are you done now" he wonders.

"I am" I assure him.

"Awesome. Because I want to hear all about your day" he claims.

"Why" I question.

"Because I think you have a really cool job and I know you love it so I want to hear about it" he insists and I smile. He really does care.

"It was pretty good. I almost feel asleep standing up at one point but my friend came and made sure I was still alive. Then I did some tours and met the cutest little girl" I explain.

"Do you want kids of your own" he asks as I slide in my car. I rest my head on the window as I look up at the sky.

"I do, one day. But for now Isaiah keeps my hands full" I smile.

"I want 40 kids. 20 girls and 20 boys" he says and I bust out a loud laugh.

"Oh my god, where are you going to keep all those kids" I ask.

"I'm kidding. I just wanted to hear you laugh" he admits.

"Do you want kids, like for real" I wonder.

"I do. A bunch of them, just not 40" he assures me.

"I think kids are great" I agree.

"I think you're great" he replies and I just shake my head. I close my eyes softly as I smile to myself.

"I think you're amazing."

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now