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Usually I'm not begging to go to Cincinnati. In fact a lot of the time I'm bitching and moaning about going there. And there's nothing against the place, it's just if I had a choice between being in Cincy and in Chicago I go to Chicago every day of the week. But this year they were hosting the all star game and I was pretty excited to be outside of the Windy City. This was my first all star game I was starting in and I was happy to be here with one of my best friends representing our team the best way we know how.

So we arrive in Ohio early for the home run derby. We just drove over because with Kelsey being pregnant I didn't want to chance anything with having to fly. Plus I still had a pretty good playlist set up so the whole ride over it was obnoxious singing and loud laughter. I get into camp in the best mood ever as I meet with the other all stars who were there this year. It's pretty cool to be in a room with the best baseball players in the world, it's even more cool to be one of them.

"This is insane" Kris gasps as we walk around. We say hi to some guys we once idolized and now we play alongside.

"This is the big time brother" I say.

"I don't even know what to say at this point. This is one of the coolest moments of my life" he claims.

"Soak it in rookie. There's never going to be another moment like this one" I assure him.

"I'm glad I got to do this with you. I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else" he says as he turns to me.

"Don't get soft on me" I tease.

"No promises" he insists.

After waking around and talking to people we get ready for the home run derby. I wasn't expecting to do anything crazy, just have some fun and try my best. I was never destined to win this thing, but to have the chance to try and hit some balls a long way was pretty cool too.

I look over as I finish preparing for the night and see Kelsey walking over to me. She had on a white tank top and my all star jersey on and open because it wouldn't fit over her baby belly. She was just at six months and it seemed like her belly was growing every day. And even though her belly was getting big she was still quite petite so it was kinda funny to see her belly so round. She wasn't waddling quite yet but I can just see it coming. She would be the cutest little penguin too.

"There's my all-star" she smiles as she walks over to me. I pull her onto my knee and she wraps her arms around my neck. I start to rub her stomach in circles as she smiles down at me.

"What are you doing out here" I wonder.

"Well your mom was taking about you and how great you are and I started to really miss you so now I'm here" she shrugs.

"Awww, well aren't you the cutest" I ask.

"I try" she smirks.

I pull her into a soft kiss and I slowly open my eyes. I look up and see her eyes still closed as she smiled to herself. I find myself being so thankful that I made her look that cute. I did that.

Baseball is cool and all, but a lot of guys hit home runs and make amazing plays. Not a lot of guys have a relationship that is so beautiful that it makes everything else seem so... dismal. In fact I'm convinced that there's no other relationship better than her and I. Not the couples that have been together for years, not the couple that didn't meet in some of the most awful circumstances. Who her I are, who we're going to be, I can't even imagine where that might be. I just know it's going to be something amazing.

"How are you feeling" I ask as I pull her in closer to me.

"I'm good. Been drinking a lot of water and I took some vitamins earlier. Also had some ice cream in a little hat" she cheers.

"Of course you did" I shake my head. All she ever eats is ice cream.

"Hey, the baby wants what the baby wants" she defends.

"For as long as I've known you you've eaten ice cream at a crazy pace" I accuse.

"Alright. And for the next three months I'm blaming the baby" she claims and I just roll my eyes. This woman, I swear.

"I just want her to be here already" I insist.

"I do too. But once the baby is here there's no going back. It's never going to be just you and I again. Not until she goes off to college at least. And as much as I want to hold our precious little baby in my arms, I'm happy we got a few more moons where it's just you and I. I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can because I know I'll never have this again. While it's well worth it, you're still the best thing that's happened to me. The only reason I'm having a kid in the first place. So being able to do things like this where I can just celebrate you and make memories with you means the world to me. We can't stop the moons from changing and it can't be reversed. All we can do is ride the wave and surf it as best we can. I know that with you by my side I'll never get dragged under. I'll always enjoy the ride" she claims.

"I don't deserve you" I insist.

"No one deserves another person. Relationships aren't jobs, we don't get raises or days off for good work. Relationships are 24/7 and not 50-50. It's 100-100, no more no less. And I will give you 100% of me and I expect 100% of you. You don't deserve more or less than that. You will always have all of me and I will always have all of you. That's how it goes" she explains.

"Not all the time. Not everyone's relationship makes this much sense" I insist.

"And that's sucks for them" she smirks.

"Well I'm glad I have you. Because being here is cool and all. But being here with you is even better" I promise.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now