50| Illegal Alien

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After having two really hard goodbyes in the past few weeks I arrive in Mesa Arizona for spring training. We had quite a few fresh new faces and a lot of guys excited to be here. But unfortunately I wasn't one of them. I would much rather be home with my girlfriend and new puppy being the best boyfriend and dog dad I can be. I'm just going to have to wait until she gets here for those things to happen.

Being one of the last guys to get into camp my media day was the last one. There was quite a few people around my chair waiting to ask me what it's like to be on a team of so many young people and the curse and anything else they can think of.

"Hey Tony, nice to see you again" a reporter says and I smile.

"I would love to say the same thing about you" I joke earning a bunch of laughs. I always had my fun with the media people. I never shielded myself in front of a camera. I told it as it is, if I'm playing like shit lying wont get me more hits. If there's a teammate that needs to be defending I'll speak up. I've never had a issues saying what I needed to say in front of a camera.

"How was your vacation" another reporter asks and I pause. I think about it for a second before finally answering.

"For the most part it was awesome. I spent as much time as I could with my girlfriend. Hung around the planetarium where she works and hung out with friends and family. Nothing too crazy, did some stuff for my foundation and hit the gym. Just quality family time" I explain.

"Is it true that your girlfriends dad got deported" another guy asks and I freeze. I look around as everyone's eyes gets big. I certainly wasn't expecting that question and I know for a fact the other reporters weren't either judging by their reactions.

"What does this have to do with me or my team" I ask trying to get back to the subject at hand.

"Just a question" he says.

"What makes you ask this? Do you just not care about the family that this effects or do you want your name in the papers for reporting this" I snap.

"So it is true" he questions. I pause as I sit there trying to think about what to say. I didn't want people to come after Kelsey or judge her before knowing her. I wanted to protect her and her family... but lying wasn't a option. Lying made it worse. So I wasn't sure what to do or say. I wish she was here so she could tell me what to say. She always knew what to say, like when my parents asked about her dads legal status. So I try my best to channel my inner Kelsey and hope I don't screw everything up.

"I don't believe in people being illegal. We're all here for the same reason, to make a life we love, to find love, to be in love. And some people find love in places they never would have imagine. Kelsey's dad didn't come here to find his soul mate, and he didn't leave because he did. He wasn't here to hurt anyone, he never even took a drug let alone sold it and he wouldn't hurt a spider even if it was threatening him. He is an incredible man, a guy you wish had more power in places like this because his heart was so strong and so pure. He made his community a better place, everyone knew him and he knew everyone. No one could say a bad thing about him, but then you start calling him illegal and people hate him. We want to say people not born here in the US is bad and for what? Why are people from outside this country terrible people? He was a great part of Chicago and of this nation. We would be lucky to have more guys like him here in the states.

So to answer your question, on paper he was illegal. He came over to Chicago 30 years ago with a work visa and he never left. But to further answer your question, I haven't met a better man than him, from this country or the next. Wasn't a single thing bad about him. But for some reason we have to believe in order to be great you gotta be born in this country. That's all you gotta do in order to not be illegal. That or get married. But he knew that a piece of paper wouldn't change peoples hearts. He knew that he and the love of his life was meant to be together and nothing would tell him differently. They say he's a illegal alien but he's more human than these heartless people who throw labels around and decide what's right and what's wrong. What's so wrong with falling in love, starting a family? Why is he a bad guy for fighting for what he knew he couldn't find anywhere else?

You guys say he's illegal, I say he's a hero. I wish more people fought for what's right in their heart and not what's right in the news or on a piece of paper" I explain.

"Where is he now" someone wonders.

"He finally went back home, on his own terms. He wasn't deported, he left. And we talk to him every day, he's happy that he no longer is putting his family at risk by being here. But we miss him dearly and we can't wait to see him again" I admit.

"So you believe that illegal aliens belong here" that first guy asks and I sigh.

"No... but I believe in true love. I believe in the fact that there are good people who are not born in America and they should be able to reside here. I believe that being American isn't about what language you speak or where your born or what you believe in, being American is being about your family and loving each other regardless of what happened in the past.

And I believe things will never change as long as people like you fail to see there's more to life than legal and illegal, black and white, yes and no. It's love and loss" I insist.

"Are you saying this because she's your girlfriend" another questions.

"I'm saying this because it's right" I defend.

"This might make people mad" a person says.

"Those aren't the type of people I want to be a fan of me anyway" I admit. The room falls silent as all of the sudden people didn't have questions. I answered everything I was asked as truthful as I can. And I know it won't go over well with some, but I meant what I said with all my heart.

"Do you see yourself doing anything like that for your girlfriend if you had to" he asks. I smile as I start to nod.

"I stay every single time for that girl. No risk is bigger than giving up on a love that is as deep as ours is" I promise.

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