45| I Love You Too

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After we get the documentation all figured out things were starting to look good for Kelsey and her family. Isaiah was conscious and awake and asking for his family every second they were apart. He ended up with septic shock which caused his blood pressure to be dangerously low and he has to stay a few more days so they can keep a eye on him. But he should be good to go home any time after that.

As for Antionio, it wasn't looking too good for him. He had lied many times and while he hasn't hurt anyone, hasn't deceived anyone who worked for him, he still broke many laws. He didn't pay taxes and he stayed here far past the time he was supposed to. And in a way that wasn't his fault. He didn't mean to fall in love, we never do. It's not his fault he's human, but there isn't much we can do to help him. We can't make exceptions to rules because of who we are, but that doesn't mean the rule shouldn't change entirely though.

I walk into Kelsey's families apartment early this morning to see how Antonio was doing. He's been pretty messed up, seeing your son fight for his life and then finding out you're about to be deported will do that too you. But he still wore a smile like a winter coat this time of year. He still put others before him, but it's becoming obvious that time wasn't on our side. And I'm not so sure he wanted to stay anymore anyway.

"Hey man, how are you" I ask as I join him on the couch. He gives me a kind smile as he scoots in closer.

"I'm doing fine. How are you" he asks with his thick Brazilian accent.

"I'm good. Just wanted to check in with you and see if you needed anything. Some encouraging words or a set of listening ears" I offer. He looks away at the pair of booties he found the other day and grabs them. He starts to mess with them as he softly shakes his head.

"I never thought I would go back to Brazil. From the moment I saw Connie I knew I was right where I was supposed to be. I never thought I would see my home country or my family ever again. But I think... I think it's time I go back" he says and I freeze. I try to process what he just said but it was hard. Family was everything around here. I can't imagine him not being here.

"Are you sure" I wonder.

"From the moment I watched the love of my life go into that burning house I knew she wasn't coming back. A lot of things died in that fire, one of them was my desire to be on this land that gave me the opportunity to have the love of a lifetime then take it away from me. I loved this land because of her, and now that she's gone I'm not blinded by love. I see this place doesn't want me here and there isn't much I can do to change that. My kids, they mean the world to me, but they're all starting their own lives. It's time for me to go back to mine" he insists.

"Kelsey is not going to take this well" I admit and he smiles.

"I know, that girl thinks with her whole heart. She loves so hard, I'm sure you can defend me on that one. But she's so strong, she doesn't need me. I'm not what she needs in order to be happy anymore. She's holding onto me and it's not helping her, she can't grow if she's so worried about staying dry from my storms that bring me rain. She's going to be sad at first, but then she'll look to the sky and know that I'm still under the same sky. I'm still going to be here for her, just not right here" he says.

"And what about Isaiah? He won't have a mom or a dad" I try.

"No. But he'll have you and Trevor and Kelsey and Tatiana, that's better than any mom and dad" he smiles.

"Your mind is made up, huh" I ask and he nods.

"I'm afraid it is son. I'm trusting my whole world I've made here to you. I know you'll treat them right, I know you'll love those kids with all your heart and you'll take good care of them" he says. He hands me the shoes he was holding and I slowly take them.

"And what if I don't want to do this without you" I ask and he laughs at me.

"I'll see you again. Once I get settled down I'll have you guys out for a while. We can go to the beaches and chill out on a boat" he tells me making my eyes go big.

"You got a boat" I ask.

"I got a mansion too" he smirks as I just shake my head.

"And you're sad about leaving here" I question.

"What I have here will never happen again. It's not in Brazil or anywhere else. Just sweet home Chicago" he insists.

"This place won't be the same without you" I insist.

"I think you'll live. And I'll always be a phone call away. I'll come visit, but I'll make sure I get back this time" he winks.

"Not if we don't let you" I tease.

"You have to know that I don't want to go, more like I need to make things right and go. My kids are my life and there's so many great things that remind me of my Connie here. But the reminders are painful, it just reminds me that she's not here anymore. And the only reason I stayed was for her, the family came with it. So I guess I'm doing what I was always supposed to do, I'm going back. But not before leaving this city a better place than when I found it. And with those four kids being here I did just that" he says.

"It's just not going to be the same without you" I insist.

"I'm gonna miss you all. The family fun nights and the cooking and the baseball games. But the right thing is very rarely the easy thing. Anyone can stay. But I would rather leave than be deported and be ripped away from everything I love. It still hurts, to have to go, but it hurts a little less being at peace with the situation" he admits.

"I don't think I'm ready for you to go" I say.

"I'll never be ready to go. But the sooner the better, the more I think about it the harder it'll be. So once Isaiah is okay I'll be gone, otherwise I'll never be able to leave" he explains.

"I'm gonna miss you" I mention softly. I felt like I was breaking up with someone.

"You too son. I'm so thankful you came into my life, showed my family to never give up hope and supported us. Thank you for everything, I'll tell everyone back the story of you as a man, not a ball player" he claims.

"Thanks for sharing your wonderful family with me. This first year Kelsey and I have been together has been some of my favorite memories and it's because of you and your family. I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect them" I promise.

"I know you will son. And for that, I love you" he says. I smile big as I place the little shoes on my lap.

"I love you too."

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now