14| Say It

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Late night after a game in late July I have Kelsey come over to my place. I know her family all probably wanted to be sleeping instead of listening to us talking and not much else was open right now, so I have her come over to hang out and watch a movie. Although it's a lot more fun at her place, my place was where we should be on a night like this.

"I made you something at work today" Kelsey claims as she plops down on my couch. She hands me a piece of paper and I smile.

"What's is this" I wonder as I take it from her.

"Sometimes we make our own constellations and name them as a part of a interactive part in the museum. Today I made this one" she exclaims like a little kid showing their parent their drawing they made in school.

She connected the stars that made a heart and drew a A and K in there for her and I. I smile really big because this was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love that she was thinking of us and I was good enough to be a part of her constellation.

"Kelsey, this is great. I love it" I say as I pull her into a kiss. She straddles my lap as she kisses me harder than she did before.

"Anything else you love" she whispers on my lips and I smirk. I run my fingers through her hair before resting my hand on her cheek.

"Do I even need to say it at this point" I ask and she smiles.

"You don't have to say it... but it wouldn't hurt either" she insists.

"Kelsey" I say softly as she stares into her eyes. "I love you like the stars love the sky. I love you like the clouds love to fly. I love you more than anything money can buy" I say and she smiles really big.

"How long have you been working on that one" she asks.

"Since I knew I loved you, so for a few weeks now" I admit.

"Well I thought it was really cute" she admits as she rests her hands on the couch behind my head.

"What do you got" I ask as I run my hands down her back and she smirks.

"I don't do rhyme" she insists.

"You're so good with words, what do you mean you don't do rhyme" I ask.

"It's too cheesy for me. I like descriptive and deep writing" she claims.

"Alright. So try that" I insist. She just shakes her head as she puts her thinking cap on. I can see the wheels turning in her head as she aligns her words like a constellation high above the sky.

"I love you more than there are stars in the sky. I love you in more ways that the stars can be designed. And my love for you is as powerful as a supernova thats been exploding for years, and it'll never truly die out before another star takes its place burning so bright. When I look up to the sky you're not just a single star, you're the whole damn sky reminding me that this life can be so beautiful. We can connect the stars however we want them and build whatever we want in this life. And we've built this love that is exciting and beautiful and a little scary. But just look around at all the stars, I think we're doing pretty good" she admits.

"Pretty sure you rhymed there at the beginning" I start and she rolls her eyes. "But as far as spoken words go, I don't think I've ever heard anything more beautiful" I promise.

"You know, you make a lot of promises" she notices.

"I just know that I'm going to be with you for a long time" I insist.

"Anthony..." she trails off.

"I don't care what the government says. You belong here with me and your family and I promise you I'm not going to let them take you away" I insist.

"That's another promise" she teases.

"I'll make them all, just to keep you by my side" I insist.

"I don't want to lose you" she says softly as she touches my face. She was touching every inch trying her best to remember me like this.

"You won't baby" I insist as I grab her hand and lace my fingers through hers.

"You promise" she asks and I smile.

"I promise."

She leans over me so her hair covers us. She presses her lips to mine causing me to grab hold of her tight. My hands slip up her shirt as I dig my fingers into her soft skin. Her fingers spread out on my chest like a set of difibulators keeping my heart beating fast.

"Do you want to take this to the bedroom" I ask as she starts to kiss my jaw line. I clinch my teeth hard as her lips make their way to my neck.

"Not really" she admits and I smile real big. I tangle my fingers in her shirt before pulling it over her head. She does the same to me before I roll us over so she's under me. I can see her smile shine in this dark room like a star in the sky and it makes my heart beat even faster. She slips her shorts off and to the side before wrapping her hands around my neck. She pulls me down so my body was pressed against hers. Her hands grab my side as she digs her nails into my bare skin.

Being in love kinda took everything I did before and makes it a million times better. The dates aren't just dates, it's like we're supposed to be together hanging out all the time. Her family is becoming my family and I love coming over for family fun night or just to eat dinner. And having sex isn't just mindless sex, it's making love, it's falling more in love. It's so much better than anything else I've ever experience in my life, and it's all mine.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now