56| Can't Wait

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"Come on Anthony, lets go" Starlin says as he drags me behind him. He got me all the way to the elevator before I finally started to wake up a little.

"Sorry if I'm not the energizer bunny. It's 7 am and you literally pulled me out of bed. Physically pulled me out" I remind him. How he even got in my room is behind me. I was too tired to figure it out.

"Well there's someone here to see you" he tells me.

"If it's not Kelsey then I don't care" I defend.

"Well then it's your lucky day" he says as he pushes me into the hotel lobby. I see Kelsey standing there with Halley by her side. All her stuff sitting there as she takes a good look at me. 

Like lightning I take off and run over to her. I wrap my arms around her and pick her up before spinning her around. As soon as her perfume hits my nose I feel myself relax and that undeniable happiness takes over. All my sadness was gone and in its place it was the comfort of having the one girl I can't live without by my side again.

"Oh my god Kels, what are you doing here already" I ask as I set her down. I keep her impossibly close as I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I couldn't wait one more moment to see you" she tells me. I look deep into her bright blue eyes as she looks back at me. What I haven't gotten through a computer screen was finally here with me and for the first time since we separated I felt whole again.

"I'm so happy you're here" I whisper as I run my fingers through her long hair. I missed the feeling of her in my hands, of her eyes on me, of the way she made me feel.

"I've missed you so much" she claims and I smile.

"I can show you how much I missed you more than I can't tell you" I say as I press her body up against mine. I feel her nails did into my neck as she pulls herself up. She presses her lips to mine and my eyes slam shut. She pulls me down as she arches her back and all of the sudden nothing else mattered.

"Alright well, I'm gonna go" Starlin says as he backs away. I help Kelsey get the rest of her stuff and bring it all up to our room. We let Halley run around and get used to her surroundings. She was still just a pup but she was so much bigger than the last time I saw her. It's crazy how much changes in 3 weeks.

"Who's present is that" I wonder as I watch her pick up a bag she put down. I didn't know if it was for a birthday or anniversary, the bag was black and it had writing on it. That's it.

"It's yours" she claims as she hangs the bag from her fingers. I see my name on it and smile because I love surprises. I go to grab from her but she moves it away before I can grab it.

"You're gonna want to sit down" she claims as she playfully pushes me onto the bed. She straddles my lap before finally letting me see the present.

I rip out the stuffing paper and dig around in the bag. I pull out a baby onesie with my number on it and I look at her weird.

"I can't fit in this" I say and she starts to giggle.

"Turn it around" she insists. So I do as I'm told and turn it around. I see the words "Baby Rizzo" on the outside of the onesie. I look at it for a second kinda confused as to why she would get me a baby onesie. Then I realized the only reason why is if we were having a baby.

"Kelsey Ann Vazquez... are you pregnant" I ask. A huge smile comes up on her face as she slowly starts to nod. My smile quickly matches hers as I set the onesie to the side. I flip her over so she's under me and she starts to giggle when I set her on the bed. I quickly press my lips to hers as she kisses me back.

"Are you happy" she questions as I look at her with all the stars in my eyes.

"This is the happiest I have ever been in my life. I can't believe we're having a kid" I squeal as she smiles up at me.

"If you want there's other stuff in the bag too. I even got a sonogram. It's not much, the baby is just under two months along but it's there" she says.

"I'll look at it in a second. Right now I want to look that the woman who makes me the happiest man in the world" I claim as I softly cup her cheek. She leans into my touch which makes me smile really big.

"You promise you're not mad" she begs.

"All I want from this life is the love that we have. And the fact that we're going to have a kid that we can put this amazing love into, I feel like the luckiest man alive. I can't wait until the baby is here so I can hold it. I can look into its eyes and it will smile when it sees me staring at it.

I can't wait to start a family with you. No I wasn't planning on having a kid any time soon, but I couldn't be more excited. We're being blessed with a baby and all I do is work with making sure kids are happy. And now I get to have a kid of my own and I can't wait. I really can't" I insist.

"Well you have to. The baby is due in October so you got seven months to help me figure out what the hell we're going to do" she teases.

"We're going to be parents" I smile and she smiles back at me. She runs her nails down my back and I find myself thanking god for letting me find this woman and let her be mine.

"I can't lie, I'm so excited. I always wanted a baby" she admits.

"I know you did. And you're going to be a great mother" I promise.

"And you're going to be a great father. I can't wait to take our baby to your games and let it stand behind the first base waiting for you to come out" she claims.

"You have to wait" I tease like she did and she just rolls her eyes.

"Shut up and kiss me" she demands. She pulls me down and I move the bag to the floor. I look at it one more time and can't help but smile. Even though I have to wait... I can't.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now