81| Miss You

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"Everything looks great" my dad smiles as he looks into the camera. I smile back at him as I finish showing him the nursery and everything we got from the baby shower.

Doing this all parenting stuff without my dad sucks. I already don't have my mom, and now I can't have my dad because the law dictates who is a part of my family and who isn't. And the worst part is he was here at one point, he could be here if things were the slightest bit different. But they're not and he had to be there and I have to be here.

"I miss you" I say randomly and he starts to shun me through the phone. I knew this look all too well. That "don't start with me missy" look. He gives it to me every time I tell him that I miss him.

"No, don't do this. You're doing just fine without me" he promises.

"I don't want fine. I want my dad" I say and he cracks a smile.

"I want you too baby, more than anything. But right now I have to be here and you have to be there. That's just the way it has to be. But I know for a fact, not too far from now that we'll be together again" he claims.

"How do you know that" I wonder.

"Because I just won't have it any other way. I have to meet my first grandkid" he insists.

"Please let it be soon. I miss you too much" I sigh.

"I miss you too Moon Pie. Keep your head up and keep sending me pictures. I love them" he says.

"Only if you call me three times a week" I bargain.

"Of course. I'll see you around" he promises.

"Until then" I reply as I blow him a kiss. He catches it and holds it to his heart making me smile big.

We end our Skype call and I let out a long sigh. I look around the nursery and thank god it was ready. Because I surely wasn't. But I didn't have time to sit here and feel sorry for myself, I have a party we were hosting just to get friends and family over and have some fun with the volleyball net we set up out back along with some baseball things I know many of the guys will enjoy.

So I change into a nice sun dress before doing my hair and makeup. I don't do too much because it was hotter than hell outside and everything will melt off my face or head soon enough. But I still wanted to look good in case I can get some more pictures to send home to dad.

Once I was ready I finish up making the drinks and food for the party. I set everything else out and Anthony joins me. We make sure Halley doesn't get left out and she gets some treats too before everyone comes over. As soon as Isaiah gets her he takes her to the back to play and Trevor gives Anthony shit about how the house looked like my Pinterest board and he let me get away with it. In my defense he said "you can do whatever you want with the house" and I've watched one too many home remodeling shows to not at least have a idea of what my dream home looks like. And this is it.

Once the party starts I decide to hang out with Chelsea and a few of the other girls in my life. Luckily for me I'm surrounded by a lot of knowledge of having a family and being a mom and I was in good hands, even without my parents here.

"I can't believe how good you look and you're going to have a kid in less than two months. It's insane" Chelsea insists.

"It's unfair" Aliya claims and I start to laugh.

"What are you talking about? You look amazing and Naya is a little over than a year old" I say.

"And I feel like I had her yesterday so there's that" she teases.

"I hope I'm not like that. I want to be able to get back to work and do things once the baby is here. I have so many plans to do with her and she's not even here yet. But I feel like once she's born all I'm going to do is take care of her and sleep" I insist.

"Pretty much, but without the sleep part" Hyla assures me.

"You want to keep working" Chelsea wonders.

"Well, yeah. Of course I do. I don't have that job to support my kid or my relationship. It's not for taxes or because I feel like I have to work. What baseball is to Anthony is what working at the planetarium is for me. I fell like I have a purpose on this planet when I'm there. I'm not just a girlfriend or a mom, I have a reason to be here on this earth. It's my calling. It's how I stay connected to my mom. It's how I keep a eye on the star that I bought Anthony and named our daughter after. I know my family comes first and that it won't be easy, but I'm not giving up on my dream. Now my dream is that much better because I have my daughter with me to continue to dream" I say.

"God, I would kill to have your mindset" Aliya claims.

"I don't know, it's gonna be hard to work and be with Anthony and be a mom" I admit.

"But if anyone can do it, it would be you" she insists.

"I sure hope so. I don't want that much to change. Anthony and I have something that I couldn't even dream up. I feel like I'm in a Disney movie and he's Prince Charming. I thank god every day that I got to fall in love with him and he fell in love with me too. And that won't change once the baby gets here, there's just be more love going around. I don't want to lose what we have, I still want to go on dates and fall asleep in his arms. I still want to just hang out in the basement watching movies and watch him play in as many games as I can. I just want to do it as a part of a family instead of a pair" I explain.

"I trust Anthony is going to treat you right. And if he doesn't David will kill him personally" Hyla promises and I giggle.

"I don't doubt it" I admit.

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