86| Miracles Happen

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Kelsey gives birth to Elissa Connie Rizzo at 8:45 pm on September 7th 2015. Our little princess was 6 pounds 2 ounces and a whole 17 inches long. She had a head full of brown hair and blue eyes like her momma. She had my nose and my lips and was the cutest little thing ever. You know, once they cleaned her up.

Kelsey stayed in the hospital over night and they put our little Ellie in a crib next to her. Kelsey was able to breast feed and sleep with her to get used to it. The doctors keep them both monitored to make sure they'll be okay to go home here pretty soon. I wasn't able to sleep much for many many reasons, but I didn't mind. I get to see my queen and my princess together for the first time and it was precious. I was obsessed with this family I had, and it wasn't complete just yet.

My parents joined us last night a little after the baby was born and they got to hold her and take pictures. Not a lot of people know the baby was here already, just my family and the front office people because I won't be at todays game so I can spend my first day with my first baby. But I also called in another huge favor and it was so going to be so worth it.

At 7 this morning I kissed my girls goodbye for a little and headed out to the airport. I head to the place where the Cubs take off from and land at and meet the private plane we had. I stand at the bottom and watch the door of the plane open. Antonio walks out and I smile so big. He practically runs down the stairs and right into my arms. I hug him tight as we embrace each other for the first time in eight months. I refamiliarize myself with him as he squeezes me tight.

"Oh man, I've missed you so much" he says with his accent nice and thick again from his time back home and the smile on my face was huge.

"I've missed you more" I insist.

"How's my strong little girl doing" he asks as we break apart. I keep him close as I look him over. He looked pretty good, he's been getting a lot of sun and he looked refreshed which made my heart happy. Not as much grey on his face, he looked ten years younger.

"She's been incredible. She is the toughest of the tough, it wasn't easy but she did it and she looked pretty good while doing it too. She's still resting and so is the baby, but if everything is good when she wakes up I can take them home with me tonight" I explain.

"That's awesome. I can't wait to see her and meet my first grandbaby" he insists.

"Then let's get you to her" I say.

I grab his things and load them into the back of my car. We drive on over to the hospital and find where all our people were. He reunites with his sons before reintroducing himself to my parents. Tatiana will be here later today and she doesn't know he's here yet either so it was just going to make this surprise that much better. Once everyone settles down and Antonio gets Kelsey gift out of his bag we go in to see her.

She sees me first and smiles big. She had Elissa in her arms and the baby had her eyes open. She had her mothers eyes who had her mothers eyes too. I'm happy she did, she can have a part of her grandma with her even though they'll never officially meet. Once I come in Antionio comes in behind me and immediately Kelsey starts to cry. And I know this means a lot to her because she never cries in front of people. She'll cry in the shower or when I'm away but never when me or anyone else is around. But there was no stopping the tears from falling as she was surprised by the fact her dad was here. She wasn't sure he could be here again and it broke her heart to think that. I know it did. All she wanted was for him to meet his granddaughter, to be able to come home for a little and see his family. And now he was here and this moment was perfect.

He walks over to her and places a kiss on her forehead. She sniffles as she reaches out for him. She cups his cheek as he looks down at his daughter and granddaughter.

"You guys are so beautiful. I'm the luckiest grandpa in the world" he says.

"How are you here" she asks.

"Anthony. He had the Cubs plane come pick me up and bring me over. The only stipulation was that I went back after a week" he tease and she giggles.

"I'm so happy you're here. This really just became the best day of my life" she claims and I smile.

This exact moment was what I was hoping for. I had this moment play in my mind a million times and it never ended up this good. But this was perfect. The girls were healthy and soon enough everyone will be here to see our baby and give her all the loving she deserves. Just a few hours old and already so loved, that's all we wanted for her. And she got that.

Eventually our families clear out and decide to get some food to leave us be for a little. I help Kelsey pack everything up as we get ready to go home. I stand there and watch her as she looks over the baby who was in her carrier. She had on a pink cubs onesie and the shoes her mom made for her. The baby just slept the day away in her carrier ready to go home for the first time.

I walk over and wrap my arms around Kelsey's chest. I kiss her cheek before joining her in watching our baby just exist.

"She's perfect" Kelsey admits.

"She is. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Watching her grow and being so proud of the woman she becomes" I admit.

"I can't wait to do it with you" she admits as she turns to me. She pulls me into a real kiss and I was convinced that this really was the best day ever.

"We're going to be the best parents. And we're going to make mistakes, I know we will. But we're going to do everything we can to try and make this work. And we will" I promise.

"I haven't a doubt" she smirks.

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