84| For You, I Will

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Once Kelsey stopped going to work it hit me, this is really happening. And it's happening fast. Physically we were ready, there wasn't a single thing that we needed but we didn't have, most of the stuff we had two of. But there's no parenting book that tells you what your kid needs, there's no training and there's no instructions. All I have is my instincts and the best mother I could ever ask for my child. I wasn't worried about Kelsey, not one bit. She was a goddess in my eyes, could do no wrong. I'm jealous of Elissa because she will get to hang out with her mom all day and I won't. But I'm still going to be there, for every second I can. I'm not going to miss a single moment worth being there for. I'll make sure of it.

As for today we were just going to hang around the house. Being eight months pregnant in September is no fun. While it's close to fall we're not quite there yet and the weather is all over the place. One day it's beautiful and then there's days like today where it's 100 degrees out and not even Halley wants to be outside. Water can only do so much out there and there's no place for a pregnant person in this heat. So we stay inside and chill quite literally. I had a rare off day and this so usually when we plan something, but the only plans we had today is to do nothing.

"Should I cut my hair when the baby gets here" Kelsey wonders as she twirls a strand of it it around her finger. Her hair wraps around her finger before falling on her chest.

"I don't know. It would make a lot of sense but you love your hair. You could never part with it" I insist.

"For my baby I could" she reminds me.

"Very true. But I still say you wait it out a little, see how the baby reacts to your hair and if she pulls it. Because you can always cut your hair but you can't put it back on" I say.

"Thanks girl" she teases as she sends me a playful smirk. I just shake my head as I return to the game I was playing with our dog.

We continue to hang out and listen to music. As the song changes I smile really really big. I haven't heard this song in a while but it was one of my favorites. And from the look on Kelsey face it was one of hers too.

"Yes, when you're feeling lost in the night
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting
Count on me, I will be there

Anytime the times get too tough
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better
I'll be there to protect you, see you through
I'll be there, and there is nothing, I won't do

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time, promise you
For you I will, yes yeah, yeah."

I pull Kelsey off the couch and into my arms. She knew the drill as she wraps her arms around my neck. I hold her as close as I could and rest my forehead on hers. I bring up my hand to cup her cheek as we just sway back and forth. We let the music take us and our feet do the rest.

"I will shield your heart from the rain
I won't let no harm come your way
Oh, these arms will be your shelter
No, these arms won't let you down

If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress tall and strong
I'll keep you safe, I'll stand beside you right or wrong

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time, promise you
For you I will, yes yeah, yeah."

"What do you know about this song" she asks me and I smile.

"I want it played at our wedding" I admit and she stops. She looks into my eyes as she tries to read me. I try to let her but I know I'm not the easiest to understand.

"You've thought about that kind of stuff" she questions carefully.

"Sometimes it's all I can think about. About you in all white dress sitting in my arms just like this. A work of art for everyone to behold but only for me to understand. I'll be in the most expensive tux I can find and I'll leave my hair the way you like it so you can play with it. This song plays as I hold you closer than I ever had before, kinda like I am now. And we're swaying back and fourth just looking into each other's eyes, smiling. The time freezes long enough for me to remember it the rest of my life. And I'll visit that moment every time I need a break from life and I'll remember what makes it all worth it in the first place. And it's you" I promise.

"Have you been working on your vows too, because that was beautiful" she admits.

"Not vows as much as a proposal" I admit.

"A proposal" she questions.

"Yes. But now that I'm seeing your reaction I'm not feeling so confident about my idea" I insist.

"No! No, I'm ready. I promise. I just don't know what to think about getting married. No one in my family is married so I don't know anything about the first dance or the song to choose or anything like that" she sighs.

"That's okay, because that's not what our marriage is about. That's the side stuff. The only thing that matters is that we love each other" I say and she smiles.

"I don't know much about a lot of stuff. But I do know this for a fact. For you, I will" she says softly.

"For you I will lay my life on the line,
For you I will fight, oh For you I will die,
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my word, I'll give it all
Put your faith in me, put your faith in me
And I'll do anything oh

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time, promise you
For you I will, yes yeah, yeah
I will, I will, I will

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time, promise you
For you I will, yes yeah, yeah
Promise you, for you I will
Promise you, for you I will."

I softly pull her into a kiss as she stands in her tippy toes so she can reach me. My fingers get wrapped up in her shirt as I pull her as close as I can.

"I love you my shooting star" I whisper on her lips.

"I love you most" she says.

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