14 ~ Kisses and Hugs?!

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Midoriya's POV

I was able to tell it was Todoroki's head, only because I could see his hair from the corner of my eye. I don't know why, but I felt relaxed by this. I grabbed the towel from the counter, quickly drying my hands before rubbing his hair. 'Oh my! It's so Soft!' I thought, continuing to stroke his hair. "Are you okay?" Todoroki asked, muffled by my shoulder. "At the moment, yes." I replied, not moving.

"What about earlier? When Bakugo had to drag you back to the table?" Todoroki asked, now handing me his bowl. "Really? I dry my hands and now you ask me to rinse your bowl?" I said sarcastically, laughing a bit. "Yep." Todoroki said, moving his head up, now resting his chin in my shoulder. "Of course." I said, rolling my eyes as rinsed his bowl.

"Uumm, Mido, you just completely dodged my question." Todoroki almost whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "N-No, I wasn't okay. I don't like what's on that slip of paper." I said, feeling my eyes prick with tears. "I know, but I can only help if you let me." Todoroki said, laying his forehead back on my shoulder. It was different this time though, as he had his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Woah." Todoroki mumbled, letting go and turning me around. "What?" I was so confused. Todoroki had hugged me before and had never done that. "C-Can you lift your shirt?" He asked, a light pink dusting his checks. I was nervous, I have scars and I am very skinny... 'Oh, he felt my ribs.' I thought, piecing things together. "Let's head up stairs, Todo." I said, holding my sweatshirt down. "Lift your shirt." Todoroki demanded, losing all of his previous embarrassment.

"If someone else sees, what will they think?" I whisper-asked, feeling a familiar warmth fill my face. "Oh." was all the response I got from Todoroki. "Yeah, let's go up stairs." I said again, trying to calm down. We walked out of the kitchen, turning off the lights as we left. We walked in the dark hall to the elevator.

We got to my room quickly and I thanked the heroes that there was some light coming in through the windows in the hall. I took off my shoes and turned on the light, sighing as I flipped the light switch. "I'm sorry that I keep repeating myself, but can you please lift your shirt?" Todoroki asked after he took off his shoes. "Uumm, yeah, but you have to promise you won't jump to conclusions, okay?" I said, wanting to explain before he judged me.

"Okay." Todoroki reassured, taking a seat on the bed. I felt slightly embarrassed as I grabbed the bottom of my sweatshirt and pulled it off, keeping it in my right hand. I couldn't bring myself to look at Todoroki, after I heard him gasp. "O-Okay," Todoroki repeated, eyes as big as golf balls. I didn't know what to say, I didn't want him to be upset with it.

"Look-" I was cut off by Todoroki. "Where'd the scars come from? And why are you so thin?" He asked, standing up and walking towards me, a slight look of pity on his face. "Don't look at me like that. I've said it before, but please, don't pity me, Todo." I said, trying to put my sweatshirt back over my body. "Don't put it back on yet." Todoroki said, grabbing my sweatshirt before I can finish putting it over my head.

I stopped and took what was on, off. "Now answer my questions." Todoroki demanded, sending shivers down my spine. "Some scars are from me falling and others, I did to myself." I trailed off, knowing he wouldn't like the last part. "Which ones are self inflicted?" Todoroki asked, stepping forward a bit. I looked down to my sides and slid my fingers down, hovering over the many scars.

I looked to Todoroki, who was now standing very close. I went to step back, but before I could, Todoroki picked me up and set me in the bed, kneeling down in front of me. I blushed at this and felt very embarrassed. Todoroki grabbed my hips and turned me to the left just a bit. I was embarrassed and confused as I watched Todoroki gently kiss one of the bigger scars. "W-W-What are y-you doing?" I asked, my voice breaking in more than one place.

"I'm giving you loves. You, Izu, won't be cutting here anymore." Todoroki said, turning me to the other side and doing the same thing. "Feel better?" Todoroki asked, looking up and smiling. "Y-yeah." I said, covering my face with my hands. "Don't cover your face." Todoroki said. I was half expecting him to grab my wrists and it made me flinch.

I looked at Todoroki and his face was hysterical. He looked so confused and innocent, I couldn't help but laugh. "What? Why are you laughing?" Todoroki asked, still sitting in front of me. "Y-Your face!" I said, between laughs. "I'm sorry, but-" my sentence was interrupted by my laughing. Todoroki sighed, smiling slightly.

I slowly calmed down, feeling very tired. I looked to my clock, finding that it just after 11:30. "I don't mean to spoil your good mood, but, can I ask why you're so thin?" Todoroki asked, resting his chin on my thighs. I felt slightly embarrassed, but not as bad as before. "I st..... ..ting 'cause I f... ..t." I mumbled so quietly, even I could barely hear myself. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Todoroki asked, leaning up to me. "I said, I stopped eating 'cause I felt fat." I restated a bit louder, still fairly quiet, feeling my eyes burn as tears pricked my eyes.

I didn't truthfully want anyone to know about it, but here I was, telling Todoroki about my issues, once again. "I-I'm sorry." I said, not looking at him. "I always dump my problems onto you." I explained, feeling more and more like a burden by the second. I held in my tears the best I could, hoping Todoroki wouldn't hate me. It was quiet for a few seconds before I saw Todoroki moving from the corner of my eye.

I looked to him, afraid that he was mad, and instead was greeted by a warm hug. I froze for a moment, not entirely sure of what to do, before hugging back. The tears I was previously holding back, started running down my face like a waterfall. I hadn't realized how cold I was until I felt his warmth, a shiver running up and down my back. I felt so vulnerable at the moment. I was half naked, shaking, sobbing, and holding on to Todoroki like my life depended on it.


I flinched, and then froze. The voices of my classmates filled my head again. The shaking was no longer there and my sobs were silent. The only movement were of the tears that were still cascading down my face. It felt as if time had stopped for a split second.


I gulped and gripped tighter onto Todoroki's shirt. I pushed my head into his shoulder, my ear being covered by his neck. I could hear his pulse and it calmed me down, just a bit. I was scared, I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. I didn't want to hear it at all.


I flinched again and pulled Todoroki as close as I could. "Hey, what's wrong?" Todoroki asked, sending a calming chill through out my body. "Oh, you're probably cold." Todoroki said, standing up and retrieving my sweatshirt from where I dropped it.


I jumped, getting a weird look from Todoroki. I reached for him, wanting comfort and he handed me my sweatshirt. I grabbed it and threw it over my torso, making grabby hands at Todoroki. He looked confused for a second, and then realized what I wanted, walking over and wrapping his arms around me. "Are you okay?" Todoroki asked, pulling me onto his lap. "Mhmm, just don't let go." I mumbled into his neck, breathing in his scent.

"I won't." Todoroki said, rubbing circular patterns on my back. I felt some sort of comfort from this as the voices didn't appear again, but I was not expecting what Todoroki said next.

1409 words

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