54 ~ Enji and Endeavor Are Two Different People

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Midoriya's POV

It went quiet after that. The buzz of other people around us and my bouncing knee being the only things keeping me sane. 'I have to meet Enji Todoroki tomorrow. Not Endeavor, Enji, because apparently there's a difference between the two. Ugh, so not comfortable with this. Ah, wait... doesn't he have siblings? Am I meeting them too? What about his mom? Does his mom even know we're dating? Has he seen her since he's started helping me? Wait, wait, wait. I don't think his seen his mom because of me. Oh my gosh! I could be ruining their relationship. What am I gonna do? What if I do the same thing with the rest of his family? I'd be a home wrecker! I mean, from what I've been told, it already is a bit of a wreak but I might make it worse. Oh! This isn't going to turn out very well is it? Oh! What if I mess everything up? Todoroki'll hate me!'

I was taken out of my thoughts by Todoroki placing his hand on my face. I hadn't even realized he had removed his hand from my own. "Hey, calm down. Let's go walk around. We still need gauze, right?" Todoroki asked, distracting me from my panicky and out of control thoughts. "Uh, yeah. Mic and Aizawa don't have any there and with what happened last night, I'm going to need it." I responded, my body relaxing a bit at the gentle touch.

"I hate to agree with that." Todoroki chuckled, standing up and holding his hand out for me. "O-Oh, one sec." I replied, grabbing the bags and my drink before sliding out of the seat and attempting to grab his hand. When I realized I couldn't, I set down my drink, put the bags on my arm and grabbed my drink and put it in the same hand. I smiled as I gripped Todoroki's hand, feeling accomplished as I did. "Ready?" Todoroki asked, trying to hide the fact that he was amused, and failing.

I decided to ignore that and nodded, smiling as we started walking. We started making our way to the shop we went to for the bandages yesterday. I felt butterflies in my stomach; just holding Todoroki's hand made me happy. We moved to the side as a group of girls walked by. And let me tell you, their 'whispers', were quite loud.

'Look at the green haired boy! He rocks those clothes! So cute!' The first girl said. I made a mental note to tell Mic that even girls thought I looked good.

'Yeah, but the other one's hot too.' Another said, obviously checking Todoroki out.

'Too bad, girls; they're holding hands.' This girls words were full of venom and disgust as she scoffed.

'Huh?! They don't even match! The green haired boy doesn't deserve someone as hot as him!' The second girl spoke, the scoff after made me feel even worse than her words. I felt my heart break at they're words and let go of Todoroki's hand, looking at my feet as I walked.

'Yeah! The hot one would go better with one of us rather than him." The third girl spat. I felt tears burn my eyes as I tried to keep pace with Todoroki. I blinked repeatedly as I tried to clear my vision and keep the tears from falling. Todoroki stopped and started to turn on his heel when I grabbed his bicep. "It's fine. I'm used to it." I mumbled, not looking up at him as I spoke. "Ah, I'm not sure I like that but okay. Let's just go, okay? Don't listen to them." Todoroki replied, petting the hair on back of my head; as well as pulling me into his chest.

I pushed back after a few seconds, turning to continue on our way, my eyes still teary and down cast. My eye was attracted to Todoroki's hand as he held it out for me to grab. My heart fluttered more than a thousand butterflies wings. I decided I wanted to try something different and linked my pinky finger with his, smiling at our hands. I lifted my head just a little to see Todoroki's face and was met with a smile that made my heart squeeze.

We made our way in and out of the store, keeping our pinkies linked, only letting go to try to beat the other to paying. Unfortunately, Todoroki was faster and ended up paying for the gauze. "Stubborn butt head." I muttered under my breath. "What?" Todoroki asked, looking at me. "Huh?" I replied, acting innocent. "Nothing. Anything else we wanna do or do you want to go back to Aizawa and Mic's place?" Todoroki asked, walking out if the store. "I-um, well. What's something your dad likes?" I asked, wanting to get him a gift. "Why?" Todoroki asks, his pinky grabbing mine a little tighter.

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