16 ~ Aizawa's Request

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Midoriya's POV

After laughing for awhile, Todoroki let out a yawn. I looked at the clock, red numbers showing 12:03. "Let's go to bed, it's late, no actually early." I offered, looking back to Todoroki and he yawned again. "Yeah, I'm tired." Todoroki said, smiling at me and standing up. "How do we want to do this?" Todoroki asked, putting his hands on his hips and looking at me. "Do what?" I asked, clueless to what he was referring to. "Sleeping arrangements." Todoroki said, yawning again, making me do the same.

"Haha, sorry." Todoroki apologized. "Nah, it's good. Let's see, why don't we both just sleep on the bed." I asked, feeling a bit embarrassed. I watch as Todoroki's cheeks get dusted with a light pink. "Sure." He says, looking away slightly. 'Wait, nightmares.' I thought, suddenly regretting making that offer. "Dammit." I mutter to myself, unintentionally. "What?" Todoroki asked. 'Dang it, he heard.' I thought.

I sighed, trying to find a way out of this. "It's just, well, I don't wanna wake you up." My mouth moved on its own, mumbling most of my sentence. Todoroki looked at me, a confused expression flooded his face. "I can't quite hear you." Todoroki said, moving closer to me. "I don't wanna wake you up, so I'm not sure sleeping together is the best idea anymore..." I trailed off, feeling crappie. "Well then, it's settled, we are sleeping together. If you wake up, I want to be there for you." Todoroki stated, his tone telling me not to argue back.

But, like always, I argued back. "But that's not fair to you." I said, more complaining. "It's plenty fair." Todoroki replied, yawning again afterwards. "No it's no-" My eyes went huge as Todoroki's lips met mine, cutting off my sentence again. It was short and came as a surprise, but it make me feel fuzzy. "Listen, Mido. I care and if you're up, then I'm up. I'm not just going to leave you scared and alone." Todoroki whispered, his forehead on mine.

There was no way I could argue against that. I was stunned, Todoroki kissed me in order to shut me up, and then proceeded to tell me he cared. Todoroki was squatted down in front of me and I felt so much love and compassion in that moment. Before I knew it, tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "I keep making you cry, I don't seem to be too good at this." Todoroki sighed, his eyebrows knitting together lightly.

"No, you're just too good." I said, giggling a bit and wiping my eyes. "Then why are you crying?" Todoroki asked, pulling his forehead away and pouting. "I'm crying happy tears." I responded, reaching up to his face and caressing his cheek. Todoroki leaned into my hand and closed his eyes, letting his pout fall into a more relaxed face.

I smiled a bit as I tried memorizing each and every one of his features. "You know," I started, startling myself. "You're scar is so pretty." I finished, as I rubbed my thumb along the bottom edge of said feature. Todoroki opened his eyes, smiling at me and bringing his and to mine. "Let's go to bed." Todoroki said, standing up from his squatted position. "Okay." I agreed, too tired to care.

"I'm going to go get my clothes, I'll be back in a bit." Todoroki said, walking out of my room. I got up and walked into my bathroom after grabbing a pair of All Might pajamas. I closed the door behind me and placed everything in my hands on the counter. I took off my sweatshirt, looking at myself in the mirror. 'It's gross. I'm still a skeleton.' I bunched my brows together a bit and faced away from the mirror. I had almost finished changing when I pulled my shirt off the counter. Something had fallen off with it making a clinking sounds against the tile. I pulled my top over my head and bent down to pick up what fell.

My hand flinched back when I saw it was the razor I used earlier today. I stood there for a minute, just looking at it. 'Just cut. It's a perfect opportunity.' I looked away sharply and left my bathroom, closing the door behind me. I left my hand on the doorknob as I felt a familiar pit fill my stomach. My own thoughts actually disgusted me. I walked over to my bed, sitting down and waiting for Todoroki to get back before turning off the lights. A tear fell down my cheek as I brought my knees up to my chest. 'I hate thinking like this.' I thought, more tears slipping down my face.

Todoroki's POV

As I was heading to my dorm, Aizawa stopped me in the hall. "Why are you wandering the halls so late at night, Todoroki?" He asked, tiredly. "I need clothes. I'm staying with Midoriya tonight." I said, knowing he wouldn't make me stay in my own room. I mean, he was the one that asked me to look after the greenette in the first place.

Back to early that day

Aizawa came down from Midoriya's room and told everyone that he'd be okay and that the cuts on his arm were from a bully. Before he left, he called me over to talk. "I know this is kind of weird, but will you do me a favor?" Aizawa asked, leaning against the wall. I gave him a confused look, wanting to know more before accepting. Aizawa sighed. "I suppose you know about Midoriya and his situation?" Aizawa looked to me, emphasizing 'situation'.

"If you mean that I know what you told the class was a lie, then yeah, I do." I said, returning to my normal stoic look. "Then, will you watch over the kid? Everyone would be suspicious if I did." Aizawa explained. I agreed easily, "I was planning on it anyway."

Back to the present

"Is he okay with that?" Aizawa asked, worry weaving it's way into his voice. "Yes." I replied, as if it was a no brainer. "You know where I am if you need anything." Aizawa sighed, continuing to walk down the dark halls. I started back on my way to my dorm, making it there quickly. Something started feeling off, making me worried. I grabbed what I need and locked my dorm before starting a small jog back to Midoriya's room.

I get there and open the door quickly, looking for Midoriya. His forest green eyes meeting my own. He had his knees up and his cheeks were wet with tears. I walked over to the bed, setting my stuff down at the foot of the bed and pulling him into a hug, all in one swift motion. "T-Todo." Midoriya whispered, as he hugged me back.

"What happened?" I asked, grabbing his shoulders and looking at him, searching his face for a sign of anything. Not a single emotion was on his face, none expect small relief and sadness. Midoriya didn't say anything, but instead got up and opened the bathroom door. I walked up next to him and followed his gaze to something on the floor. I stepped up to the object and looked at it.

'A razor.' I thought, as I picked it up. I looked back up to Midoriya to see more tears falling down his face. I threw the razor away and walked back over to Midoriya, hugging him and walking out of the bathroom simultaneously. I closed the door and waddled us both to the bed. I sat him down crouching down to his level. "One second, okay? I'm just going to get dressed." I said, trying to make eye contact, which he just avoids.

I grabbed my pajamas and walked into the bathroom, changing quickly. I finished and walked out, setting my clothes on the floor. I hurried back to Midoriya, hugging him and instructing him to lay down while I turned off the lights. It was now just after one and I slid into the bed. Midoriya rolled over and faced me. Our eyes met and he scooted closer. I smiled a bit and pulled him into my chest.

"Better?" I asked, quietly. Midoriya just hummed in response, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling us closer. Soon enough, his gentle snores filled the room, lolling me off into a peaceful sleep.

1408 words

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