55 ~ An Early Morning

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Midoriya's POV

Before I knew what was going on, I found myself sat up in my bed, a blanket of sweat covering every inch of my skin. My breath was ragged and I couldn't remember why I was in such a panicky state. I sighed and grabbed my phone, turning it on, temporarily blinding myself. I sighed, rubbing my eyes to help adjust to the suddenly brightness in my dark room. The time written on my screen should've surprised me, but to be honest, it didn't. '3:38 a.m. And I thought I was doing better.' I thought, yawning as I flipped my blanket off my legs, putting my phone down on my side table. "Eug." I groaned quietly, actually disgusted by the feeling of my clothes sticking to me. I racked my hand through my unruly locks and regretted it as my hand came away almost wet with sweat.

"Gross." I scoffed, looking down at my hand. I wiped my hand off on my shorts before grabbing my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a change of clothes.  I grabbed my phone again, using it as a light to guide me to the bathroom. I made as little noise as I possibly could; the slightest sound making me stop and look at the shared door of my teachers. Once at the bathroom, I closed the door and turned on the light, killing my eyes before they adjusted to the light. I shivered as the sweat had cooled and gave me goosebumps. I turned on the water, using the time that it took for the tub to warm up, I stripped myself of my clothes and bandages. My wrists had bled a ton but were now no longer bleeding.

I checked the water with my foot before getting in. I stood under the warm water for a moment before getting my shampoo and scrubbing harshly at my scalp. I rinsed it out before repeating the action with conditioner. I grabbed my body wash, activating it in between my hands before rubbing myself off, careful of any cuts I had. I scrubbed at my skin until it turned red before I felt that I was finally clean. I stood there for a bit after I had rinse of the soap, just letting the warm water beat on my shoulders and back. I ran my hand through my hair again, trying to remember what I had dreamed to make me react so poorly. "Dammit!" I hollered, hitting the wall with the side of my fist. I had completely forgotten that there were others trying to sleep when the door slammed open, making me jump and slip, smacking my head. The curtain pulled back, revealing Aizawa with his quirk activated.

"Oh. It's just you." Aizawa sighed, his hair falling, framing his face once again. "Yep. Just me. Sorry for waking you." I replied, trying to hide behind the thin fabric. Aizawa closed the curtain again, muttering a small apology. I carefully stood, turning off the water. "Why are you up, kid? It's barely four." Aizawa asked, his voice rough with sleep. "I-uh, I'm not a-actually sure." I stuttered, trailing off as I used my hand to flick off water. "Mind passing me my towel? It's on the counter." I felt like someone had set my face on fire as I asked Aizawa something so very embarrassing. "Sure." Aizawa responded and a few seconds later my towel appeared in front of me. I grabbed it without so much as a second thought, quickly starting to dry myself off. "Did you at least try going back to sleep before getting into the shower?" I jumped at the sound of Mic's voice.

"N-No. I was utterly drenched in my own sweat when I woke up." I all but whispered, feeling very awkward. "Oh, everything makes sense now." Mic said. I only just noticed, but he didn't sound tired at all. "Sorry to wake you. I forgot there were people sleeping. Lost in thought I guess." I apologized, rubbing my hair with my towel before wrapping it around my waist. "It's fine. We're used to having to get up at ungodly hours of the morning." Aizawa replied, yawning afterward. I couldn't reply. 'Some how that makes me feel even worse about waking them.' I thought, playing with my fingers. I felt a cold drop of water hit the back of my neck, making me shiver, my teeth hitting each other a few times. "You guys should go back to bed, I'm okay. I promise." I said, rubbing my hands over my freezing arms. "Are you going to head to bed too?" Mic asked.

"Uh, yeah?" I replied, thinking I could sit on my bed and do something quietly and not be lying. "Better question, are you going to go back to sleep?" Aizawa asked, his tone cold enough to send shivers down my spine. I didn't respond, knowing that 'no' was probably the more realistic answer. "I'll take that as a no. We'll get out though. Breakfast down stairs when your done." Aizawa stated, closing the bathroom door before I got a chance to respond to him. I looked out, seeing it empty before I stepped out, the cool air hitting my already cold skin didn't feel nice at all. I quickly dressed, trying to warm myself up.

I rubbed at my hair with my towel again as I opened the door, making my way to my room to drop off my clothes and other supplies. I skipped down the stairs, knowing I didn't really have a choice about breakfast at four in the morning. "Good Morning!" I smiled as I greeted the two adults. "Morning." Aizawa grumbled, taking a sip of, by the smell of it, his coffee. "Hmm." Mic hummed, cooking something on the stove. I sat down next to the black haired teacher, being quiet as to not bother more than I had already done. I felt absolutely awful about waking them up as I sat still, looking at my knees. "You like pancakes don't you?" Mic suddenly asked, shifting his weight to his other foot. "H-Huh? Uh, oh! Yes, but you don't have to make me anything!" I replied, looking at his back, noticing his hair in a bun. "Too bad. You're eating and then I am helping you dress up for today." Mic replied, sounding like my mom when I had done something stupid enough to make her mad.

I chuckled, smiling at the thought. "Okay." I smiled, knowing arguing would be fruitless. "Shota, you'll be eating too. Coffee is not breakfast." Mic said just as Aizawa stood up. The dark haired male sighed, sitting back down. "Eat up, it's a while until lunch." Mic said, placing pancakes and bacon in front of us, sitting himself next to Aizawa with a plate of his own. "Itadakimasu." I said before starting to eat. We ate in silence, Aizawa being the first one done, me and Mic finishing at about the same time. "Thank you for breakfast Mic." I said as I rinsed off my plate, setting it in the sink. "No problem." Mic said, petting my hair. "Now let's go dress you up." The blonde smiled, grabbing me hand and dragging me behind him. "I-I have clothes Todoroki bought we can try." I suggested, walking up the stairs. "Sure!" Mic smiled, looking back at me.

"Good luck!" Aizawa called up just before my door shut and I was undressing and dressing until Mic was happy. Then came the make up...

1258 words

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