56 ~ Crumpling Mask

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Midoriya's POV

After almost three whole hours of make up, hair, and getting dressed, undressed, and redressed in something else, Mic was finally satisfied with what he had done and let me look in a mirror. The make up was light, just some blush and light eyeliner. The outfit was my favorite though. It wasn't anything too special but I loved it. A simple white shirt covered by a black and white flannel with another one of Mic's leather jackets. I was wearing the black ripped jeans Todoroki bought and my black tennis shoes. I spun around, looking at what it looked like from behind. "Todoroki choose great jeans. They hug you in all the right places." Mic said, also looking me up and down, making sure everything looked right. "You did amazing Mic! I really like it!" I smiled.

Even though he had tried really hard, Mic couldn't do anything more than brush my hair

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Even though he had tried really hard, Mic couldn't do anything more than brush my hair. The braids sprung out and gelling it didn't work, so it was left down, but brushed. I ran my fingers through my hair, much smoother than normal. "I feel like an actual prince." I mumbled, liking the way everything looked.

"Good. You have three and a half-ish hours until Todoroki said he'd be here so make sure you have everything." Mic replied, putting his hands on his hips, looking like he had just made a masterful piece of art. "R-Right... I have to meet his family." I felt a bit uneasy at my own realization. "Just be yourself. You'll be fine." Aizawa scared me as he spoke from the door I hadn't realized had been opened. I looked at the dark haired teacher, processing what he had just said. "But I am a complete wreck. Anxiety and panic seem to always be present, not to mention guilt. I'm not sure the me that I am now is good enough... for Todoroki and his family, or even you two. I'm just me. A teenager that has a quirk that is too powerful for his body to handle. I'm not special, I'm just weak." I muttered, a small, sad smile playing on my face as I looked down.

My thumbs were being picked at by my other fingers, the skin next to my nail beginning to tear. I felt a sting building behind my eyes as my anxieties and worries began to tear down my carefully crafted mask. I felt arms wrap around me, like being covered by a warm blanket. One set of arms belong to Mic, who was holding on to me like if he let go, I would disappear. The other set were Aizawa's; a gentle, almost motherly, hug draped across both me and Mic. The warmth of all three bodies wasn't scalding hot, but most definitely warmer than what I could produce on my own. I brought my hands up to their arms, holding them gently, seeing this as the only way to hug them both at the same time. "You may be a bit of a worry wort, but that's just who you are. You're not plain or weak, you're strong, stronger than I'll ever be. And I mean that both physically and mentally." Aizawa's tired voice all but whispered into my left ear as he comforted me.

"Same goes for me. I mean, we smacked heads against the cupboards together and you proved your self control and utter strength." Mic piped up, making me chuckle at the recent happenings. "I know that if I ever lost someone as dear to me as your mother was to you, I don't think a cute outfit or two would be able to make me smile like you. Even though you're suffering, you find a way to power through and smile. I don't know about you, but that is what I call strong." The blonde to my right spoke encouraging words as his grip loosened a bit, now more of a supportive hug.

The warmth and comforting made a bubbly feeling start in my stomach, though it wasn't a bad one. I smiled gently gripping a bit harder at their arms, doing my best not to cry, closing my eyes. I honestly didn't know how to respond to what they had said, so I stayed quiet. We stayed there, just hugging for a while, none of us moving more than slight shifts. "Hey, trouble maker. You feeling any better now?" Aizawa asked, the vibrations of his voice in his chest make my ear feel weird. "Mm-mhm." I hummed in response. "Good."

Even though we had confirmed that I was okay, no one moved to let go. "Shota." I heard Mic whisper, even though there was no point as I could still hear them. "What?" Aizawa replied, apparently knowing whispering was useless as he spoke normally. "Do you like what I put him in?" Mic asked, the excitement clear in his voice. "Huh?" I felt Aizawa loosening his grip as both of the warmth sources let go. I pouted to myself as I turned to the dark haired male, showing off my outfit. "It looks good." Aizawa stated, his eyebrows raising as I smiled. He sighed before placing his hand on my head. "You'll always be enough, kid. You can come to us if you ever feel like this. We'll listen and help if we can, even if it's just a long, comfortable hug." Aizawa was looking down the hall, but I knew that he meant every word. I felt the muscles behind my ears pull as I smiled as widely as I could.

"Right." I replied, knowing I've been told stuff like this before. I jumped on Aizawa, hugging him from the side for a moment before doing the same to Mic, almost falling as the blonde lost his footing. "Thanks you two! I gotta go cover this fuuu-dging hickey and re-wrap my arms before Todoroki gets in here in,' I caught myself from f-bombing before looking at the clock ticking on the wall. "Just under three hours." I finished, skipping my way to the bathroom to get bandages and gauze before happily going to my room. I sighed when I closed the door, the fake over exuberant happiness falling as I walked to my bed, plopping on it tummy down. "Stop falling apart in front of them." My already soft voice was muffled by the blanket and mattress as I spoke to my quickly crumbling mask.

"Okay!" I said, standing up, grabbing my phone and concealer. I used my phone's camera as a mirror, applying the make up and making the dark mark on my neck practically disappear. I grabbed the first aid I grabbed from off my bed and put the jacket and flannel down in its place. As I was undoing the bandaging, my thoughts started falling into a dark pit.

I pulled out my phone and played music before I decided to do something stupid. I made quick work of unwrapping, inspecting, then cleaning, and redressing my cuts. I looked at the wrappings I just took off, seeing little to no blood on everything but the gauze. I sighed, turning up my music, the song not one I knew. I finished what I was doing and started listening to the lyrics.

Time flew by as I listened to the music playing from my phone, ignoring the notifications after a while.

1234 words (I kid you not.)

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