73 ~ Strawberries

901 32 19

Midoriya's POV

Todoroki followed me up the stairs and into the bathroom. I opened the cabinets under the sink, grabbing out the gauze and bandages. I set them on the counter, sitting myself on the floor. I slowly undid the dirty wrappings. I almost cringed at the sound of the wet fabric peeling off my skin. I felt my eyes widen as I saw the stitches in my arm. Bile rose to my throat as I rushed myself over to the toilet, throwing up more acid, causing my eyes to water. I felt Todoroki's hand rubbing circles on my back, moving me hair out of the way.

I braced my head with my hands as I sat hovering over the toilet, my throat burning. 'Why? Why didn't I die in the river? I cut. I cut so deep I needed stitches, so why the hell didn't I die?!' My mind raced, trying to find the answer before realizing, 'The water. The water was Cold!' I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. 'Dumbass. Cold water helps scabs form faster! Ugh! Why?!' I groaned, my exposed wrist starting to hurt. I leaned back, closing the lid and flushing, looking back to my bloody wrist. I felt my stomach wrench before looking over at Todoroki with a pout. Todoroki smiled at me gently, reaching out to grab my arm. He brought it up to his legs, letting it rest there as he prepared the gauze.

The sound of Todoroki gently taking off the rest of the bandaging making me want to puke again. I couldn't even look at my wrists as the candy cane themed teen cleaned and re-wrapped each of them. I felt tears fall from my eyes, barely grazing my cheek as I kept my head bowed and my eyes down. "Why are you crying? Did I hurt you? Did I tie them too tight? Here, let me-" "You haven't done anything wrong." I mumbled, interrupting Todoroki's worried mumbling. "Are you sure?" Todoroki asked, gently grabbing my hand in his own. "Yeah. Just frustrated with myself. With everything." I replied, looking up slightly, finding our hands and fingers laced together.

I noticed the blood on Todoroki's pants, only able to imagine how gross that would feel. "Let's go change. You need new pants and I need a shirt." I said, standing up with my hand still in Todoroki's. "First, brush your teeth. I hate how puke tastes and I can't imagine you liking it either." The peppermint boy said standing up with me. I chuckled letting go of his hand, "You're right." I grabbed my toothbrush and paste from the cup, scrubbing my mouth clean of the taste of bile. I finished as walked out, Todoroki following me to my room with our hands relocked together. I opened the door expecting the smell of puke, but was never greeted by such a smell.

I didn't realize it before, but my room was a disaster. Things having fallen off my desk, laying there with a small oval being the only part not having anything on it. Now taking a better look, there is actually a neatly folded towel there. My bedding was more on the floor then on the bed and my pillows were not where they normally go. I sighed at the sight, letting go of Todoroki's hand and walking over to my dresser. I grabbed out a shirt that was bought intentionally too big for me, finding the one I wanted gone. I grabbed pants for Todoroki toss them over to him. I carefully put my hands into the sleeves, pulling it over my shoulders and buttoning up a few if the buttons. I smiled lightly as I looked down at my stomach while doing up the shirt. Seeing how thin I was made me feel like I had control over at least something in my life.

It appears I wasn't the only who noticed my stomach though. "You're still so thin." Todoroki commented, coming over to me and doing up another button. I didn't know what to say, knowing he didn't think of it as a good thing like I did. "Speaking of which, you need to eat. You've thrown up a lot and acids coming up like that isn't good for your throat." I frowned at Todoroki's words, not wanting to eat. "Don't look at me like that. You need something on your stomach incase you throw up again." Todoroki said, worry displayed in his eyes. "And if I don't end up throwing up, all I get is fat." I mumbled, looking down as Todoroki ran his hands up again and down my arms.

"No. Don't think like that. Fruit won't make you fat. You like fruit don't you? Strawberries, right?" Todoroki asked, squeezing my arms as if he was massaging them. My mouth watered at the thought of a strawberry. 'And oranges. Oh that sounds good too.' I thought, all but drooling over the thought alone. "You're mean, ya know that?" I replied, a bit of drool escaping my lips. Todoroki laughed at that, pulling me into a gentle hug. It was quiet for a moment and we stood there, him holding me to his warm chest. "You scared me. I thought I would never be able to hold you like this again. God, I'm so glad you're okay." Todoroki mumbled, stuffing his face into my hair.

Before I could stop myself, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Wish I could say the same thing." I mumbled into Todoroki's chest.

"Excuse yo-"

"Though, this feels nice. I would miss this if I left." I interrupted Todoroki before he could scold me. I wrapped my arms around him tighter, moving my head into his neck. "I still don't like it, but okay." Todoroki replied, pulling back and bit before planting a sweet and short kiss on my lips. I quickly reciprocated, kissing back and wrapping my arms around his neck. He tasted sweet and it was addicting, making kissing him so much better. "One to ten?" Todoroki asked, pulling his lips away and resting his forehead on mine. "Mm, four, four and a half." I responded, gently pecking his lips again. "Much better than zero." Todoroki smiled, kissing me gently again. "Let's go get you those strawberries."

"And oranges?" I asked, licking my lips, still being able to taste Todoroki on them. "I'm not sure about oranges, but we for sure have strawberries." Todoroki said, releasing himself from our hug, grabbing my hand once again. We walked back down stairs hand in hand, heading straight for the kitchen. Todoroki let go of my hand as he reached the fridge. I sat down at the island as Todoroki pulled out my treat. I kicked my legs back and forth in excitement as I watched the halfy boy cut off the green and then cut the strawberry in half.

I hummed happily as the small bowl of fruits was set in front of me. I picked one out, sticking it in my mouth and chewing happily. "Thanks Todo." I smiled before eating another half strawberry. "No problem." Todoroki smiled a small smile, watching me eat from the other side of the island, resting his chin in his palm. "What're you two up to?" Mic asked, coming in from the living room. "Just getting something on his stomach." Todoroki said, jutting his chin at me as he spoke. "Mhmm!" I agreed, a smile pulling at my lips as I stuck more strawberry in my mouth.

"Ah. I see you found the strawberries." Mic chuckled, walking over and grabbing one, biting into it while holding onto the stem. I nodded, swallowing before I spoke, "Todo got them for me." Todoroki smiled again, using his free hand to rub my hair. "You seem to be in a better mood." Kacchan hollered from the living area. "Yep! I was given strawberries!" I giggled, knowing exactly how the blonde would reply.

"Of fucking course that's what'd make you happy."

I spoke at the same time as Kacchan, laughing as he sat up from Kirishima's lap, looking surprised. "What? You always say that when I get strawberries!" I laughed.

"I Do Not!" Kacchan yelled. "Then how did I know what you were going to say?" I chuckled as Kirishima and Auntie Mitsuki started laughing. Aizawa's hair showed than he had shook his head, letting me know he was at least acknowledging our chaos. I looked around the kitchen and living room, seeing numerous people that cared for me, but still felt as if I wasn't really wanted.

1433 words

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