39 ~ Pictures

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Midoriya's POV

I sat in the darkness of my empty apartment for a while, holding back the tears as the memories of my mom came flooding back. The laughing, the smiling, the crying, the playing, everything. I eventually stood up, turning on the lights to find pretty much everything caked with dust. I cringed and quickly slipped off my shoes, running to the closet and grabbing out everything I'd need.

I started with wiping off the furniture and counters, just letting the gunk fall to floor to be cleaned later. The dust that was disturbed cause me to sneeze quite often and quickly lead to me opening the windows and balcony door and putting a mask over the bottom half of my face. I swept the wooden floors that covered the kitchen, dining room, and hall. I then went on to the rooms, thoroughly cleaning all of them. I vacuumed the living room and my room, intentionally leaving my mom's room for last.

As I finished scrubbing down the bathroom floor, the tight knot reformed in my chest again. I focused on breathing as I made my way to the room at the end of the hall. I felt as if the walls would crumble in on me at any moment and panic leaked into every nerve of my body, sending chills down my spine. I stopped at my mom's bedroom door, hesitating before quickly slamming the door open.

My tears filled with burning tears as I looked into the still room. It was if time hadn't touched her room; not a single item was out of place and it never lost her smell. The room was pristine, nothing had a spec of dust on it. The pale curtains fluttered in the cool night wind that blew in through the opened window.

I was in no way panicked at the opened window, nothing was moved or out of place. "Always so forgetful. You forgot to close your window again, silly woman." I mumbled, tears slipping down my face. I leaned against the door frame as I sat down, enjoying the slight breeze. My cheeks became damp as I pulled my knees up to my chest as put my head into them as I sobbed and sobbed until everything turned black.

"Izuku, Darling! Come get the door!" My mom hollered from the kitchen. I quickly made my way out of my bedroom and to the door, greeting one of the neighborhood mom's as she handed my a bottle of her home-made strawberry jam, asking me to give it to my mom. I nooded as we said our good byes. I walked to the kitchen, putting the jam into the fridge, explaining to my mom who it was. She wrapped me in her warm embrace, running her hands through my forest green hair. "Thank you sweetheart, but now it's time for you to wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes, quickly being met with the light of the hall way and the brisk wind. I got up off the floor, closing the window, but of course noticing the shimmer of some sort of clear shield around it. I heard a knock at the door and turned around, and the doorbell ringing with impatience. "I'm coming, one moment!" I hollered making my way to the door.

I opened the door, being met with a familiar face. "Oh! Hello, Mrs. Chiyo! Mihia!" I greeted the friendly neighbors. "Hello Izuku! I thought I saw you earlier! So nice to see you again." Mrs. Chiyo responded. "We brought you dinner, seeing as your mother passed awhile ago." The woman said, holding out a red pot. My heart clenched slightly as I smiled. "Thank you, that's very thoughtful, but I-"

"No. You're not allowed to say no to this." Mihia responded firmly. "Oh! Well, okay then. Why don't you guys come in?" I said, stepping to the side, letting them in. "By the way, have you closed your mom's window? Takahashi has had his quirk working to keep it safe since, you know." Mihia continued, making his way into the living room. "So that's what that was! Yeah, I closed it, tell him thanks for me?" I responded as I heard cupboards open and dishes being pulled out.

"Sure." Mihia responded, sitting on the couch and pulling out his phone. 'He sure has changed. We've been neighbors for as long as I can remember and Takahashi has been his best friend since pre-school. Oh, when we were young.' I thought, smiling to myself lightly. "Dinners served, mind if we eat with you?" Mrs. Chiyo asked, sitting down at the table, silently telling me that I had no choice. "No, not at all, I'd love some company." I replied, knowing refusing was point less.

I Blame Me (Tododeku) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now