Chapter 2

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After a week of recording, me and Shawn can finally say we've finished the music video for Señorita!
We're very excited for this music video to be released. This past week señorita has shot up in the charts and it's number one in the U.K. and America. Señorita has been shown on the music tv channels with a lyric video that me and Shawn created.
We've put our blood and sweat into this song and we're so happy people are loving it, it was in the talks for 8 months. It took us on average like 7 months to do the song and finalise it.

"Are you excited?" Shawn snaps me out of my gaze
"Sorry, What?" I question making him look at me with worrisome eyes
"I'm fine!" I exclaim as he opens his mouth which makes him chuckle.
"I'm just looking out for you" He furrows his eyebrows
"I know baby" I coo getting up from my sofa and going to sit next to him on the other sofa.
Yes that's right, I called him baby. We got together the day after we went on the James Corden show. Hes amazing. Shawn is so lovely. And so far, he's been treating me right. But obviously it is only early days.
Shawn is my first boyfriend since Michael, and I hope he knows I can't rush into things.
"Come here" he opens his arms and pulls me into him kissing my hair
I look up at him after I feel his warm lips leave my head.
My eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips. I lean in and we kiss softly. Our lips move perfectly in sync with each other, his large veiny hands find their way to my thigh..he squeezes it softly making me jump.
"I'm sorry" he chuckles tucking a piece of hair behind my ear
"You're so beautiful" he whispers, sending shivers down my spine
I blush and look down "Thank you"
He kisses the corner of my mouth and smiles.

When we are cuddled up on the sofa, the bell goes.
"Will you get it?" I pout at Shawn
"Don't worry" he chuckles kissing my head walking off to answer the door
He walks back in a few minutes later with Janet behind him.
"Jan?" I question "what you doing here?" I get up and embrace her in an excitable hug.
"I've missed you" I coo in her ear
"We've missed you too!" She exclaims, we pull out of the hug and she turns to Shawn.
"I'm Janet, you've probably heard about me. Nice to meet you Shawn" she shakes his hand
"Nice to meet you too Janet!" He shakes her hand making me smile
"So why are you hear?" I ask when she turns to me
"Well, it's Marlons birthday next month. And he really wants you there" she looks at me
"Janet you know..I can't" I sigh
"I doubt michael will be coming, just come along. We ALL miss you" she begs
"I don't know Janet" I sigh
"You can bring Shawn, if that's what you're worried don't have to come alone if you'll feel awkward" she looks at me then Shawn
"I'm up for it" Shawn shrugs casually. Is he TRYING to annoy me?
"Well you have till next month to think about it, just let me know when you're coming and it can be a surprise for everyone. Mother really misses you, so does Joseph..and he never misses no fucker" she chuckles
"I miss them too" I nod "especially Kat" I smirk. I call Kathrine 'Kat' I always have done. Ever since being 15, and I'm 23 now. Lol.
"Well when you decide, you can message me. I really doubt Michael will come because Jermaine will be there" she shrugs
"He's still not okay with Jermaine?" I asked shocked
"Not after what happened with you, nah. He hates him" Janet shakes her head
Why am I such a mess. I ruined a perfectly good brotherly bond between Jermaine and Michael because I fucked Jermaine. Michael claims the second baby, that I lost..was Jermaine's. He says it wasn't his. He's adamant it wasn't his.
That's what eventually broke us up fully. His insecurities.
"I'm such a cunt" I shake my head
"It's not just because of you, Jermaine has always been jealous of everything michael has ever had. He was jealous of you and him, and jealous of Michael's career. They just don't get along anymore" Janet shrugs
"What about Marlon and Michael?" I question
"They're fine, Michael forgave Marlon for stuff that happed between you and him. Michael isn't bothered about that. He knows you was both in a bad way and drunk. And you wasn't with Michael at that point, so he can't get that mad about it. Obviously he can be upset, because it was his brother. But he can't be angry about it" she shakes her head
"well I best get off, I have a session with Michael at the studio. I'll see you hopefully at Marlon's birthday" she hugs me tightly, says goodbye to Shawn. And leaves my home.

"You fucked Jermaine?" Shawn asks quickly, i nod slowly "Yeah"
"Why?" Shawn questions
"Michael walked out on me, Michael was about to rape me, Jermaine walked in on it. Me and Michael started arguing. And Michael stormed out on me. Jermaine comforted me when I needed it the most, and it just kind of happened" I sigh
"When Michael came back we made up, a few days later me and Michael had sex. With my consent this time. Then a month later I found out I was pregnant again. Michael obviously thought it was his, he'd of never doubted it because he had no idea about me and Jermaine" I gulp

"It was only until after I lost the baby and we had a mini argument because I wasn't talking to him about how I feel. I let it slip to him, through anger, that it might not of been his. Michael was obviously distraught that I'd cheat on him" I look at Shawn

"He asked who I cheated on him with so I said Jermaine and he stormed out to his moms house next door..because we lived next door as you know. I chased after him and he stormed through his mommas house and beat Jermaine up to a pulp" I wipe a tear away, and Shawn comforts me.
"I'll always remember what Michael shouted to Jermaine after their dad, Joseph, pulled Michael off of him. He was like 'go near my girlfriend or touch her again and you won't have no hands to touch anything with. I'll kill you Jermaine!' I was so shocked" I look away from Shawn
"It's okay baby" Shawn coos

"And when Michael turned back around to me, I looked at Jermaine on the floor and there was blood all over him. Michael just his nose and you could already see Jermaine's eyes starting to get swollen and large" I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans
"I looked back at Michael with tears in my eyes and ran out, then I heard Michael shout after me. But when I didn't answer I heard him kick Jermaine and shout 'I fucking hate you Jermaine, if you've ruined this for us I'll ruin you' and after that he came and ran after me" I choke, hyperventilating
"You're okay now" Shawn rubs my arms softly, kissing my cheek
"You're okay B" he hugs me

5 hours later;

"Do you really wanna go to this party?" I look at Shawn
"If you wanna see them again, I'll be here for you. All the way" he pulls me closer to his upright body "I'm here for you baby" he repeats and kisses me softly
"It's not gonna be all relaxed, it'll be very tense at that party" I look up at him
"The boys probably won't like you" I chuckle
"They'll grill you" I add
"I don't mind" he shakes his head with a small shrug
"What If a argument breaks out? Jeez, what if Michael is there?" I mumble
"If he's there you're gonna be brave. And act like you don't care about his presence" Shawn strokes my cheek
"He'll want to talk to me" I gulp
"If he does...? What's the problem" Shawn shrugs
"I- I don't know" I stutter
"You'll be fine, I'm right here B" he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer
"I'll ring Janet now" I kiss his lips and he releases me from his grip.

"Hey janet" I smile down the phone as she answers
"Hey B" she replies
"So I'm ringing you just to let you kno-" I begin but she cuts me off
"Yeah one minute B" she pauses "MICHAEL JOSEPH. SHUT THE HELL UP!" I hear Janet practically scream
After I hear Michael and her arguing making me chuckle, they still are the same. Fight like cat and dog but are each other's right hand.
"Continue" she orders me making me laugh
"Me and Shawn are coming to Marlon's bday" I inform her
"Aww that's great! Well I'll see you next month! Thank you for coming" she beams down the phone
"Of course" I chuckle
"Bye hun" I coo
"Bye! Love you lots" she exclaims
"Love you toooo" i wave her off, through my voice. And end the call
"Success" I whisper to myself

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