Chapted 29

256 12 1

5th November 1989
               Michael's PoV

"Where is she?" Jermaine sighs as he carries on singing Beyoncé. Since I talked to her, she just randomly disappeared without telling anyone.
Janet rubs her face and groans "where could she be?"
I sit in silence biting my fingers, this is not like her, she didn't even say bye to Ka'liyah which means there is something seriously wrong with this whole situation.

Janet suddenly gasps.

"Have you checked her favourite bathroom?"

Jermaine frowns "no? I didn't even know she had one? How strange..."
Janet shakes her head standing up "I'll go look, you carry on looking down here and calling her" Janet says to no one in particular.

A few minutes later we hear a deafening scream, my eyes bulge out of my head and I sit up quickly "HELP!!" "RING THE AMBULANCE!!" Janet screams hysterically at the top of her lungs. I lock eye contact with Jermaine and we both have worried expressions written all over our faces. We both jump up at the same time and run for the stairs knocking over a few glass vases with flowers in. We barge into the bathroom to see Beyoncé lying on the floor... lifeless.

"Yes.. hello? It's Jermaine Jackson. I'm ringing for Beyoncé, she's laid on the bathroom floor"
"Jan, is she responding?" Jermaine asks a weeping Janet.
Janet doesn't answer all she does is cry, my vision is blurred as tears fall from my eyes, I bend down and shake Beyoncé gently "Beyoncé if you can hear me move a body part" I order her softly. No movement. I start to fully cry at that point.
"No she's not responding" Jermaine said panicked into the phone.

"Yes we're at hayvenhurst please send help right away!!" Jermaine begs and ends the call.
"Why didn't they stay on the phone?" I ask as I cry harder
"They said there's a ambulance in the area, around 5 minutes away so they'd be no point apparently" he shrugs wiping a few tears away.

I mumble to myself looking at Beyoncé laid out on the bathroom floor "this is all my fault!"

"What are these?" Joseph asks picking up a bottle of pills.
I look up and see the pills in his hands "oh my god" I cry harder
"A-She tried to- she's- she's killed herself?" I ask shocked as Janet tries giving my lifeless ex CPR.
Joseph pats my shoulder "she'll be okay, she's so strong"

The ambulance team arrives and runs in on us immediately checking her out and placing her onto the stretcher.
"I found these" Joseph hands one of the guys the pill bottle.
The paramedic thanks Joseph.
"What's her full name?" A paramedic that's on the floor asks me "Beyoncé Giselle Knowles" I reply quickly "age?" He asks
"28" I reply
"Any illnesses that you know of?" He asks me quickly as he lifts her up "um no, I haven't talked to her in 2 years I've been busy. So none that I know of" I shake my head. He thanks me and rushes out.
"I'm coming!" Jermaine yells after them "me too!" Janet quickly runs following them. Jermaine follows Janet out of the bathroom. I cry into my hands and shake my head "this is all my fault isn't it?" I ask Joseph
He sternly says "this is no ones fault!"
Joseph asks "are you coming to the hospital with us?"
I shake my head "I can't be there when she dies on me. I aren't strong enough to see that"
Joseph sighs "she needs you Michael, she might not want to admit it.. but she really needs you!"
I shake my head "I'm the reason she's possibly dead, I'll never be able to live with myself if she— if-"

"JOSEPH HURRY UP!!" My mother squeals unsteadily up the stairs "EVERYONE HAS LEFT FOR THE HOSPITAL ITS TIME WE DO TOO!"
"IM COMING" Joseph yells
"Has Tatiana left?" I look at him and she nods his head "she drove LaToya, Rebbie, Solange and Ka'liyah to the hospital" he replies and walks to the door "come with us Michael, even if she's dying, you need to be there to say goodbye. You'll never forgive yourself if not.." he looks at me sympathetically.

I get up after being persuaded by Joseph and run down stares into the car. Bill drives us there quickly, it takes maybe ten/ fifteen minutes.

I jump out of the car and run and push my way through the paparazzi

Michael is Beyoncé alright??

Is Beyoncé dying??

Did you kill her?

What is your wife doing here?

Do you still love Beyoncé??!

We hope Beyoncé makes a full recovery Michael.

Do you still want a future with Beyoncé?


I successfully push through them all and run into the hospital to the desk "Beyoncé'- Knowles" I breathe out frantically "where- where is she?" I question
"Floor three, room two" she informs me sadly. I nod thanking her and run up stairs...

I just hope she's okay.. it's all I'm wishing for right now!

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