Chapter 59

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12th May 1993
Michael's PoV

"In the park, you and me.. whatta bout, whattabout" I sing 'remember the time' as I walk around my kitchen getting ready for dinner tonight.

Lisa is upstairs getting the kids ready for bed. They're staying at mine tonight. Beyoncé rang me earlier this morning say I had to keep the girls tonight. For the second night in a row.
Not like I'm bothered, I love having my girls staying at neverland.
It's just strange how I 'had' to have them again, she gave me no valid reason as to why I needed too.

Lisa popped her head in the kitchen and smiled "they're fast asleep" she giggled.
I shagged chuckling "must of been all that running around outside.. they love water fights."
"Just like their dad, aye?" Lisa cooed walking up to me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, I breathed in her scent.
She smelt like Beyoncé.

I lowered my eyebrows. Why does she smell like her?

She probably used her perfume that I keep here which Beyoncé left here one time. I always spray it on my pillows when I feel alone, it makes me feel like she's here with me.

I ignore the fact Lisa is wearing Beyoncé's spray, I capture Lisa's chin in my fingers and tilt her head to the side then upwards so she was looking at me.

"I love yo-" she spoke but the tv was blaring in the living room.
I lowered my eyesbrows "What the hell, who's done that? I thought you said the girls were asleep?" I asked Lisa as I hear sirens on the tv and a load of commotion.
I head to the kitchen door but she stops me "they were asleep. I'll go see what's up. You stay here and finish what you're doing" Lisa smiled at me in which I returned. I nodded and turned around. I started chopping up some carrots but Lisa shouted of me interrupting me

"Michael get in here now!!!" She almost screamed.
"I'm coming" I sighed walking out of the kitchen. The phone ringing stopped me.
I picked it up and answered it "hello, Jackson residence" I spoke professionally down the phone.

"MICHAEL—" I heard someone say panicking "wait a second" I say to whoever it is Down the phone. I grab the phone and take it off of the hook. I walk into the living room and look at the tv.
"NO MICHAEL I ARENT WAITING" Janet screamed down the phone.
My eyes laid on the new title on the tv.
"ITS BEYONCÉ!!" Janet yelled down the phone.

I was silent.

In shock.

I read the news title 'Beyoncé found dead at her studio in California'

My eyes fill up with tremendous amounts of tears.

"She- she's gone?" I ask nobody but myself

"Michael get your arse down to California Hospital Medical Center now!!!" Janet cried down the phone hysterically.

"Lisa I'm going" I dropped the phone to the floor once I saw Beyoncé being put into the ambulance on a stretcher.

"Look after the girls" I scream running out of the house.

I run over to the security office not too far away from the main house "BILL" I say breathlessly "Cali-Fornia" I pointed while crying "hospital medical Center now!!"
"Beyoncé" I breathed heavily having a panic attack.
"OH SHIT" he jumped from his seat listening to the news on the radio. He ran out of the security office and ran to the car. I followed behind him. We jumped in and he skidded all the way to the hospital.

"I'm so sorry kid" bill apologies while crying himself.

"She was my life bill, my only love. My forever love" I shook my head crying, I've never cried like this before. And I'm always crying.

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