Chapter 66

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4th August 1993
Beyoncé's PoV

"We know you're innocent Michael, stop worrying!" I rubbed his shoulders as he looked himself in the mirror.
"I just don't want to lose everything— I'm withstanding my innocence but I just feel like that isn't even enough for this world anymore. I don't wanna lose you and the children" he sighed shaking his head
"And you won't! You're staying here, with us" I kissed his cheek.

5 hours later:
Michael's PoV

I sat in a room with Jordan, Evan and Anthony.. my private investigator.
I'm getting so angry.. I don't wanna show my anger.. does anger show guilt? Who knows.
I glanced at Jordan Chandler.. a young boy who has accused me of the unthinkable. He looked in distress sat next to his father who has been absent from most of his life. He looked uncomfortable. My heart aches for this young boy. As I know what Evan is like... Jordan's mother told me about him many of times over the phone and in person. He's a money, greedy, selfish human being.

There's only one thing Evan could want out of this...
"Money.. we will resolve this issue with a financial settlement"

My eyes bucked at Rothman and Evan's suggestion.
"Hang on..." I sat forward "I want to prove my innocence! I don't wanna give nothing away to you" I snapped at him.

"Mr Jackson.. it will be better for you"

"Will it though? Surely if he pays out money it makes him look guilty?" Anthony suggested in suspicion. That's what the Chandler's want.. well it's what Evan wants.

I leant over to Anthony and whispered "it's fine.. just to along with it"
I sat up straight to face Evan and his lawyer.. Rothman, I don't even care to know his first name.

"How does $350,000 sound??"

"No way" Evan shook his head

"That's a substantial amount of money" I told him.

"It's not good enough.. the pain you've caused my son and you're offering $350,000 you must be taking the piss" Chandler laughed making me frown. I glanced at Jordan who was sat staring at his lap.
That poor boy.

"I haven't done anything" I make known.

"Sure, you fucking child molester"

"HEY!!" Anthony shouted, "one of the main agreements for Michael and I to meet you was to keep shit like that out of the conversation. No bad mouthing." Anthony added seeming really annoyed.

My heart chattered at what Evan said. I'm not that person, it's not who I am. I could never hurt a child.

"It's true though!!" Evan threw his hands up.

2 hours later:

I walked into Neverland with tear stained cheeks, I had to sit in a room with my accusers for near enough 5 hours listening to what they want from me financially.. surely if I did abuse his child he'd want me to go to court and get proven guilty.. I'd be sentenced to years, if not LIFE in prison. But he doesn't want that. He's not even suggesting court. He was the civil lawsuit route. But I don't. In a way it would be easier ya know? Just to hand over the money and he'd leave me alone. But it looks like I'm guilty.

I'm so busy with my tour that still needs finishing. The promotion of the album and tour. I'm busy with family life. My children. Beyoncé.
The case in court would take months and months. Up to years. It drags the whole procedure on when I could easily hand over a few thousand dollars and be done with it.

"Can you guarantee justice will prevail?" I turned to Anthony who came home with me, mostly so he could properly tell Beyoncé what happened today.
"I can't promise you anything Michael, all we can do as your legal team and private investigators is further prove your innocence when if you hand the money over" he said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Right" I sigh feeling stressed. That's NOT what I wanted to hear.

I watch my daughters run in and come to me with the biggest smiles on their faces "babiessss" I coo picking them up. "Daddy we missed you!"

"And I missed you both too!"

I look at my girls in my arms, I don't want them growing up thinking their father fiddles around with kids. That's not in my heart. I don't want them doubting me. I want them to KNOW I'm innocent and that I'd never hurt a child just as innocent as I am.

"Hey" Beyoncé breathed walking in. I smiled over at her softly. She walked over to me, I pulled her into my body as much as I could do with two toddlers in my arms. I kissed her lips making her blush and smile.

"So what happened?" She asked.
"Girls, would you like to go find Marie and play hide and seek with her while mum, Anthony and I have a grown up talk??"

They nodded and kissed me one more time only to run off and find Marie. My neverland maid.

After Anthony and I explained everything to Beyoncé, she was shocked. Heartbroken. But not surprised, not in the slightest.

"And he had the NERVE to turn down the money even though that's what he wants??"
"Yeah" Anthony nods.
"He wants the money," I sigh "it's obvious. But he won't take my money if it's a low amount. He probably wants millions off me. He wants to destroy my good name. My name that I worked hard for! He only wants two things from this. The millions of dollars and for my name to be destroyed. So no person will wanna work with me again. He want me to be the lowest of the lowest" I slam my hand on the kitchen table

"We won't let him do that to you Michael, trust me. Trust us" Anthony said surely.

I nodded sighing.

My life is the definition of a mess!!

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