Chapter 5

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"Marlon we can't do this" I sigh annoyed
"Why?" He laughs
"So all I have to do on this tour is sing all the songs from my album? Won't it be a bit boring, there's no mixture there between album songs" I look at him
"It'll all be good, your fans will be fine with it. You have the best selling female album of the year. Yours and Michael's sales are the same. You're both becoming so big with these albums! It's CRAZY!" He smiles
Jackie walks in the studio and I gasp
"You need to help me" I look at Jackie with pleading eyes
"Marlon isn't that bad..calm down" he chuckles
"Nooo! Not Marlon. It's just the tour stuff. it's stressing me out!" I groan holding my head
"Don't be a pussy" Jackie laughs
I smack him and he frowns at me
"That was uncalled for"
"No. No it wasn't" I look at him like I'm the devil
"Bitch" He mouths at me
I frown at him and he laughs.

"So is that want the songs to be in this order for the show??" Jackie looks at me peeling his eyes from the computer
"Yes" I smile
"Right... now dance routines" Marlon's gulps
"Oh boy" I gulp also
"You're great at's fine" he smiles
I laugh sarcastically causing Marlon to hold his middle finger up at me
"We aren't really that good at dancing though..." Jackie trails off
"No" i stop him
"He's the only one who can dance B" Jackie sighs
"I don't care. Michael Joseph jackson is not helping me dance for my tour" I growl
"He doesn't dance like I wanna really expect me to break out into the moonwalk and MJ spin..fuck that" I laugh shaking my head
"Well he's here so play nice" Marlon mumbles
"Who is?" I frown
"Michael.." both Jackie and Marlon gulp waiting for my reaction.
I sigh loudly and groan.
"Whyyyyy?" I moan in frustration

10 minutes later. There's a knock at the door.
"Oh fuck" I groan
Jackie opens the door up for Michael.
I haven't seen him since we made out at the Thriller album event. So it's gonna be kinda awkward.
He walks in with his bright smile
"Hello brother" Michael hugs Jackie, he then eyes me and Marlon up because we're sat together. Damnnn he still doesn't like me being near Marlon? After all these years?

"So you wanna dance on this tour?" Michael sits next to me
"Well i didn't just wanna stand around" I bluntly reply while looking over at Jackie and Marlon reading something on my desk
"Writing more music already?" Jackie points out
"I am" I nod proudly
"You won't be releasing your next album for another few years though" he frowns
"I won't have much time to write on tour, so I wanted to do a bit now while I had some song ideas in my head" I shrug
"I like this song" Marlon speaks
"Which one?" I ask
"Single ladies (put a ring on it)" he replies
"I like that too" I nod smiling
"I should hope so, I'm not recording nothing for a while though, until I'm on tour I think" I shrug not knowing
"You've already got some good ideas for different songs" Jackie nods amused
"Yeah you have" Marlon nods
"Lets Look" Michael gets up and heads over to Jackie and Marlon

"Baby boy, single ladies, run the world , love on top, end of time, bootylicious, independent woman" Michael looks over the sheet.

"Turn the page over" I order
I see Marlon turn the page for Marlon "I can't turn a page Marlon" Michael scoffs making me chuckle
"Formation and hold up" Jackie reads the songs
"Bounce back" Marlon adds
"Read a bit of the notes on formation" I order
"I like my negro nose with Jackson five nostrils?" Michael looks up at me
I wink making him blush
"Are these the songs you're hoping to put on the album?" Jackie asks
"I'll be writing around 100 and more before I even start thinking properly about the album. There may be better ones that I write" I truthfully speak
"These all look really good though" Michael nods looking over my notes again
"I've had lots of inspiration" i shrug looking straight at Michael, he gulps making Jackie and Marlon cry with laughter.

1 hour later;

Jackie and Marlon left around an hour ago. While me and Michael have been trying to come up with dance routines.
"So 8 out of 11 songs are dance songs?" He asks
"Yes" I nod
"Crazy in love, let you, crazy stupid love, I don't care, no basis,think about us, chances and let's do it" I inform him
"Right" he nods

"Yeah do that" Michael nods as I drop to the floor and put one leg over the other like crossing my legs keeping my right foot flat on the floor to make it easier for me to rise.

I'm wearing heals and dancing, this will not turn out good. I go to stand from my position but fall. Michael catches me in his arms and I thank the Lord.
Me and Michael are face to face, staring into each other's eyes. Oh god help me. Them eyes are so distracting.

He leans in closer to my lips but I move away and stand up. I can't have this happen, not again.
He coughs awkwardly.

"I don't feel like 11 songs will be enough for the show" I say to save anymore awkwardness
"You could always sing a few songs from different artists that are your favourites" he replies
I sit there thinking for a while making him laugh.
"Who's your favourite artist?" He asks
"Me. I only listen to me. My songs, my covers, my remixes. Just me" I say, trying not to laugh
"You crack me up" he bursts out laughing covering his face making me laugh out loud

"Seriously though" his laughter dies down

"Probably the Jacksons" I shrug
"That has to be when I was in the band" he winks
"In your dreams" I reply with a smirk
"Favourite songs?" He asks
"I want you back, the love you save, never can say goodbye and I'll be there" I reply
"Do a medley then" he shrugs smiling
"Will that still be enough?" I ask
"Should be" He nods, smiling through pursed lips
"Sure" I smile
"Have you actually sorted out your tour?" He asks
"No" I chuckle
"Come on tour with us, join with us. You go on first sing some songs. Then we'll come on. You go on your own headline tour when you have a second album out and have a mixture of songs to sing" He smiles
"Are you sure?" I raise an eyebrow questioning him
"Of course, it'll be fun" he smiles

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