Chapter 50: 'I AM YONCÉ... FIERCE' album release

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Beyoncé's PoV
January 13th 1993

Morning sickness is killing me.. but nothing is gonna bring me down today! My album was released as soon as the clocks chimed at midnight meaning my album has been out the matter of 11 hours. It's already soaring in sales. I'm so happy with myself.
I decided not to release a promo single.. I just dropped my album on my fans without no warning. Man I bet they're so shocked.
It's crazy to think that some of my songs on my new album I've had for years and years but I've just never put them on a album. I have sang some at previous concerts before but fans have never been able to go out and by the record cause I never officially released it! But I'm so happy I have now! The album name is


1. Run the world (girls)
2. Single ladies (put a ring on it)
3. partition
4. Yoncé
5. Drunk in love
6. Formation
7. Hold up
8. Love on top
9. End of time
10. Freedom
11. Sorry
12. Daddy lessons
13. Flawless
14. Bow down
15. Feeling myself (feat Nicki Minaj)

This album.. I am so proud of.. I think it's gonna be a game changer for me and my musical history for this world. I'll be forever great full for Quincy for actually putting up with me and my many emotional breakdowns during this ride and album writing and recording experience. I'll always love Quincy.

Even more stuff to luck forward too! I'm attending the Billboard awards tonight with Janet as my plus one. Kiara and Blue are coming along with me and seeing their mummy perform.
Michael and Lisa will apparently be there.. but hey, who really cares?

"Ready for your last rehearsal??" Janet asks me. I nod smiling. I watch her eyes as they gravel down to my stomach. I cover it with my hoodie and groan "Don't Janet" I say laughing slightly.
She shrugged smirking picking Kiara up "I just can't believe you're already two months pregnant!!"
I frown "I'm not"
She smirked and shook her head at my childishness "alright alright.. but in four days you will be!" She says excitedly.
I look at Kiara who's already looking at me "what does pwegnant mean mommy?" She questioned me innocently making me smile widely. I walked up to her and grabbed her out of Janet's arms and put her on my right him. I look at her smiling "it means mommy is having another baby.. I told you this before. You will be blessed with a baby brother or sister in 7 months.. are you excited?" I ask her. She nods ecstatically, "yeah!" She almost squeals making me giggle as my heart warmed up. I'm so blessed to have these two girls. My only wish is that I could have been blessed with these two.. but still have Sarabi here with us. That would of been a true blessing. My little baby newcomer will be my fourth child, and I've never been more happy in my life time.

Kiara sat on my hip thinking about what she wanted the gender of the baby to be "a boy!" She yelled.
Blue walked in sassily and spoke up "we don't want a boy you idiot, they are mean. Look at dad, he's mean to mommy. We wouldn't want our brother to be mean to her too. We want another sister. House full of girls!"

I laughed at her then for serious "apologise to your sister!.." I order "don't call her a idiot. Everything else you said was pretty true. But your baby brother wouldn't be mean to me: he'd be a blessing!"

Blue frowned "you're having a boy..?"

"No" I replied "I don't know yet.. but when I do, my two fave girls will be the first to know!" I smile at them
She nods happily then hugs Kiara once I put her down on the floor "sowwy for calling you a idiot, I wove you really!" She spoke innocently. Kiara nodded and hugged her back. I smiled heavily. My babies are so cute.

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