Chapter 77

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Beyoncé's PoV 15th July 1994

London, UK

I gulp watching him sat on my couch. I look him up and down quickly, he looks good, he always looks good.
"You happy to see me?" He smiled softly.. looking me up and down.
I frown and throw the towel in the hamper "what are you doing here??" I manage to mumble.
He shrugs "I miss you, I miss us, I miss-"
I sighed rubbing my forehead "Michael don't start this" I go over to my desk and get the makeup wipes "what do you mean??" I saw him frown through the mirror. He's looking me up and down from behind. This man just doesn't change.
I sighed and turned around as I rub my eye makeup off "Michael, I'm married"
"Oh yeh," he nodded "say hey Mrs Carter" he mimicked me from my phrase I repeated twice earlier on in the show.
I raised a brow and tried to hold in my laugh "you jealous? So I'm guess you watched the show?"
"No—I'm not. And yes, I watched the show. You're still a very talented performer even though you've had three babies, very talented" he nodded, very business like. I smile softly thinking of my first child. Sarabi.

I look around my dressing room "where are my daughters??"
He raised a brow at me crossing his arms "our daughters" he rephrased my sentence.

I'm still pissed at him. He's lucky I haven't cussed his ass out. Marrying fucking Lisa Marie Presley?? Who in the right mind would do that.
I'll never forget the day I found out. I cried so hard.
They got married on the 26th May 1994.
So I have no clue why he is here, with me, she should be at home with his beloved wife.
"Yeah," I shake my head "where are our daughters" I rephrase.
"Back at the hotel" he nodded his head sidewards.
"Why aren't you with them??" I raised a brow at him, feeling pissed.
"They're with the nanny, I didn't wanna bring them here straight away if we was going to argue as soon as we saw each other" he shrugged making me laugh fakely "why would we argue??"
He held his hand up "I'm married to Lisa Marie"

"Oh?? Congrats" I faked a smile pretending I didn't know.
He furrows his brows at me looking at me steadily "you didn't know?"
I shook my head "I didn't have the foggiest" I shrug.
"Aren't you supposed to inform me of stuff like this, anyway," I folded my arms "it's a change of circumstance for our children" I gazed at his perfectly sculpted face.
He looked down and sighed "I'm sorry, it just- it just happened really. It wasn't a big ceremony. It was just me, her and Janet" he frowned.

Janet. Janet was there?? My best friend seeing off my ex being married to the king of rocks daughter??

Don't get mad, Yoncè. Don't get mad.
I breathed to control my hurt and anger.

"Oh, that sounds nice though" I get another packet of wipes and get more wipes out to take my makeup off.
"You aren't mad??" He asked softly. I shrugged "I don't see why I would be, I'm happily married"
I threw the wipes in the bin and cleaned my face with a toner that prevents spots.
I threw more wipes in the bin and turned around to see his nostrils flaring as he looked away from me, his jaw tensing.

"Can I see my babies??" I croaked, there wasn't anyone I missed more then my two baby girls.
He turned to look at me, his eyes darkening by the second, "I fly my ass ALL the way out here to see YOU and THIS is how you repay ME!?" He shouted at me, his voice dripping in venom.
"Yeah that's right, you brought your ass over here when it wasn't needed. I don't need you Michael. I just need my babies!" I forced out, yelling at him.

He was pissed at me. So pissed. You could see it in his face. In his eyes.

"Why u always have to have an attitude??" He frowns at me making me roll my eyes.
"It's not an attitude, it's my personality, if you can't handle it then go away.. but leave my kids in the country"

He laughed loudly. "You really think I'm gonna leave my children here with a mother who doesn't know what she wants"
I frowned "my children come before anything in my life. I wanted them touring with me— I only let them stay because you wanted them to stay!"
He shook his head "I'm not on about that... I'm on about you, you personally. Taking pills.. you ain't fit"
I laughed out loud "and you are?? You came to pick OUR children up from the music video set and you was high.. you had no idea what you was doing nor saying. So do not lecture me about being a bad parent when all you think about is when your next pills get transported in" I snapped harshly and stormed out my dressing room looking for security.

"Make him leave" I begged Steve "please I need him to go... don't let him leave London though!" I shake my head as I wiped my tears

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