Chapter 4: 'Broken Ice' album announcent!

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If I'm being honest. I have no idea where Shawn is. He hasn't been in touch with me once, nor answered my calls and messages.

He must be really pissed.

"Are you coming to the Thriller premier/private screening?" Janet asks
"No" I laugh
"What? Why not?" She asks
Michael didn't end up releasing his album on the date I released mine. He decided to release it a few months later.

"Just come, we get the first preview of the songs" she begs, trying to pulls me in with getting the 'first preview' of the album
"Like I care" I shrug
"B!" She warns
Yes, she calls me B.
"Come please! I need a date" she pouts
"Really? Damn. That's unlucky JJ" I pout sarcastically
And I call her JJ.

"Please Beyoncé" she begs
"Ugh fine!" I give up
She squeals with happiness
"When is it?" I sigh
"Tonight!" She smirks
"Seriously!" I gasp
"Very serious" she nods
"God sake Jan" I groan
I jog upstairs and looks through my clothes. Yep nothing. Well I'm lying, I have loads of clothes. But nothing I wanna wear tonight. I pout to myself.
"Here, wear this" Janet says from behind me
I turn to see her holding a beautiful Two piece outfit, I gape it.

"You'll turn heads tonight in this girl, cause your figure is to die for" she smirks loudly "Okay okay" I chuckle grabbing it

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"You'll turn heads tonight in this girl, cause your figure is to die for" she smirks loudly
"Okay okay" I chuckle grabbing it

"Oh babe you look amazing" she gasps when I come downstairs in the outfit with a pair of black heels.
"I can just see the headlines now jan" I sigh

"Beyoncé turns up to the Thriller premier in a steamy outfit"
"Michael Jackson invites Beyoncé to his premier" I reel off some stupid headlines
"Janet they're gonna be all over this, and make something bigger out of this stupid ordeal. They'll have my life and my ass if they capture a photo of me near him" I sigh
"Don't panic about it girl" she chuckles "what they think doesn't matter!" She shrugs
"Yeahhh" I mumble

We arrive at the premier in a beautiful limo.
People scream mine and Janet's name, fans fainting here..there and everywhere. Paramedics rushing to aid them.
We wave at a group of girls and they all practically faint.
"Janet! Beyoncé! Here!" A guy beckons us over to him.
He has a camera!
Interview time.

"Lovely to meet you both!" He smiles after the camera starts recording
"Thank you! You too" me and Janet both reply in sync making us chuckle, we've always done this. Always said the exact same things at the exact same time.
"Are you both here for Michael?" He asks
Me and Janet look at each other then furrow our eyebrows
"That's a bit of a stupid question- who else would we be here for. Jermaine...his manager, Frank" Janet replies sarcastically making me laugh
The dude scoffs "I meant are you here to support him or just doing it for the attention?" He snaps
"Obviously to support him!" I say in a duh tone
"Why would you wanna support him?" He asks
"Why wouldn't I? He's been a good friend since we was little" I shrug trying to play it cool
"It's not what we heard. We got sold a source saying you both dated back in college" the guy raised his eyebrow
I scoff "don't you ever actually report on real news, important news? Instead of feeding off of other people's lives- making money from them. Just to make their lives a living hell. Why don't you report on news that ACTUALLY matters. Like children drying, animals dying. Police brutality?" I snap going on a rant

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