Chapter 16

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1 week later: 31st December 1982

"Morning baby" Michael cuddles into me as we both lay in our beds. It's currently 7:00am.
"Morning" I coo pecking his lips. He pulls me closer to his body making me lay one leg over his waist line.
He smiles at me and kisses me repeatedly until he's had enough "how is my baby this morning?" He questions pecking my nose, I let out a yawn and nod my head "I'm good, what about you?" I play with his hair making him moan "I'm good because I get to wake up to the love of my life" he mumbles closing his eyes, I smile like I've just won a jackpot and coo at him "aww baby you're so cute" he grabs onto the back of my thighs just under my bum and he pulls me on top of his body so that each of my legs are on either side of his body.

When I look into his eyes my thoughts aren't what they should thoughts race to my baby girl. Sarabi.
"Michael?" I mumble
"Yes baby?" He asks stroking my hips
"Do you know what month it is tomorrow?" I ask looking at my fingers that are stroking Michael's ribs
He sighs and nods "yeah" he whimpers "the birth month of our beautiful baby. 5th January. Our baby would have been seven. Seven years old" he whispers
A tear falls from my eye as I reminisce on the times I had with her, those 6 months I had with her will always be so special to me.

She was conceived some time in May and I gave birth on the 5th January.

She was my everything, and it was all taken from me in a heartbeat. Words can't explain the hurt I went through loosing my baby girl. Michael was distraught—but for a mother it's different, I birthed and earthed her, she grew inside of me. I built a, What I thought, was an unbreakable bond with her. But I learnt the hard way that a mother and daughter bond can be easily broken in a heartbeat. She was my pride and joy, I was thrilled to have such a beautiful daughter. Nothing gives me greater pleasure then to call Sarabi Jackson my daughter.
More tears fall from my eyes as I get off of Michael and curl myself up in a ball. Michael immediately wraps his arms around me and cries with me "shh baby it's okay" he coos
I wipe my tears away while hiccuping "I miss her so much"
Michael sighs rubbing my back "I miss her too!" He sniffles then carries on speaking "we love her so much and she knows that. And I know for a fact she loves us. And is so proud to call you her mommy, she adored you baby. Never forget that. She was definitely a mommies girl. Daddy could get lost in her eyes" Michael giggles making me giggle too "she loved you" I look at him with red puffy eyes
"Not like she did you" he shook his head "but I know she still loved me, and you. Just like we love her, and we'll never forget her" Michael strokes my leg calming me down

After 2 hours laid in bed taking—and crying. We decide on getting up and getting ready so we can go to Katherine's and Joseph's house. Michael has moved in with me, you may think it's fast but we've lived together before. It's not like it's a new relationship and we hardly know each other. We've known each other like 8 years now.

3 hours later:

I'm waiting on Michael to hurry the fuck up, we're having a New Years party at Joseph and Katherine's. Everyone will be there. All the Jacksons, including mikes brothers and sisters with their children. Then my mum and my dad.
"Hurry up or you wanna see Siggy and Brandi!" I shout up to Michael. Siggy is short for Sigmund. Sigmund is five, Brandi is 10 month old. Children's of Jackie.
He comes running down the stairs smiling "oh!" He says excitedly "I just can't wait to hold my baby Brandi, she's such a cutie!" He rubs to the door opening it "quick Yoncé!" He urges me. Now he wants to hurry?? Cheeky cunt. He just can't wait now I mentioned the kids. If you haven't guessed Michael adores children. He'd die for a child if he could.

When we get there we are greeted by the children first.
Yashi who is 5 (Rebbie's daughter)
Stacee who is 11 (Rebbie's daughter)
Siggy who is 5 (Jackie's son)
Brandi who is 10 months(Jackie'a daughter)
Tj who is 4 (Tito's son)
Taryll who is 7 (Tito's son)
Taj who is 9 (Tito's son)
Jermaine Junior who is 5 (Jermaine's son)
Autumn who is 4 (jermaine's daughter)
Valencia who is 6 (Marlon's daughter)
Brittany who is 3 (Marlon's daughter)
Marlon Junior who is 1 (Marlon's son)

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