Chapter 6

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"You ready?" Michael asks
"I sure am" I smile as he puts his sun glasses on as me, him and his brothers get out of a large car.

Today, we announce the Victory tour and my appearance on it.

"Are you nervous" Jermaine asks me
"Not really" I shrug, smiling at the cameras as they take photos of me and the boys.
Michael wrapped his arms around me protectively as a group of girls came rushing over to us
"Michael michael" they screamed
Bill managed to block their path with a few other security guards
"Wait" Michael said to them as his security guards tried escorting them off of the red carpet
Michael walked over to the girls with a smile on his face, one fainted and the rest cried with love and passion.
"Can I have a hug?" Michael wondered looking over at the girls
They nodded historically as the security guards let the girls go to Michael one by one.
They cry gentle while being held by him. I watch and smile gently, he's so good with his fans.
"Hey, come get a photo with me" Jermaine asked me
I smile at him and nod.
Even though me and Jermaine had sex and stuff years and years ago. It's still really awkward that we'd even dream of doing that and going behind Michael's back.
"Beyoncé, Jermaine this way" the camera man shouts for us
We turn and smile, Jermaine has a fairly solid grip on my waist.

"We best go in" Michael came over after talking to and hugging his fans.
The brothers started walking as I finished off signing a fans phone case- she thanked me more than once when I was about to leave. Bless her heart.
I turned around to see Michael waiting for me and smiling.
"What you smiling at" I chuckled as we walked to the building
He giggled wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close to his lean body. His body has always been great, I touch is toned stomach and he smirks
"You're very good with your fans" he admitted whispering close to my ear
"I learn from the best" I look up at him and his face softens even more at the close up view he has of me.
"Can I?" He asks cheekily
"Can you what?" I chuckle
"Kiss you" He whispers we walk into the conference room
I look around and no one is paying much attention to us surprisingly, everyone's eyes are fixated on Joseph Jackson who is up on the stand
"Quick time" he urges me to kiss him
"Why don't we-" I begin but Joseph interrupts us
"Michael And Beyoncé have a very special announcement, welcome to the stand. Beyoncé Knowles and my son..Michael Joseph Jackson" Joseph speaks proudly of us both
Michael looks at me then pouts.
"You owe me pretty lady" Michael playfully scolds me as we walk to the stand while everyone is cheering for us and clapping
"Yeah right" I push him playfully to the stand making him laugh, his laugh echoed through the microphone making him stop instantly and cover his mouth quickly
He coughed to cover it up as I stand next to him wanting to burst into laughter.

"Thank you all for coming, I feel very blessed- we all do.  After the outstanding sales with 'Thriller' I think it's only fair I pay back the fans and tour the album. Tickets will be getting released very soon. The money that I will personally receive from this tour will in no way benefit me- as it will be getting donated to a number of charities around the world" he speaks professionally in his soft voice, camera clicks push away the sound of his voice at most parts
"This tour I will be joined by my brothers, and a very special friend Beyoncé Knowles" he points to his brothers stood together, then me.
"This tour will be called the Victory tour, my brothers and I will be joined together while Beyoncé hits the stage before we do" Michael smiles at me with a wink behind his sun glasses, I can only see the wink because I'm so close to him and can see his eyes.

Jackie and Jermaine went on to do a speech as me and Michael stood behind his brothers and Joseph.
His fingers graze mine sending shivers down my spine he looks at me and smiles softly, telling me he felt it too.

"Michael bro are you coming to the party?" Jermaine pats Michael on the back
"No I think I'm gonna go home" Michael looks away from Jermaine
"Are you coming beyon-" Jermaine begins but is quickly, and I mean quickly, cut off by Michael
"She's coming with me" he says sharply
That's news to me

"Ooo are you two back on?" Jermaine nudges Michael
"Why do you care Jermaine? So you can fuck her again? You only wanted her because she was mine" Michael grits quietly
"Let's go Michael" I pull on his arm trying to pry him away from Jermaine and the brewing argument
"Michael I didn't want her because you had her, I always wanted her. You just jumped the gun and started getting violent with it, with her" Jermaine points to me angrily
I sigh heavily, here we go.
If I don't get Michael out of her he will hit Jermaine and it won't be good.
"Shut the fuck up" Michael growls violently
"She's the one who tore us apart Michael, she fucked with us both she didn't care about us" Jermaine tried to brainwash Michael
"Fuck you Jermaine, I was in a bad place and you took advantage. You're to blame for yours and Michael's downfall, not me..not Michael. Why don't you take some fucking responsibility" I snap
"Listen here bitch-" Jermaine snaps, I slap him across his face and go to lunge for him but Michael grabs my waist and pulls me to him quickly
"Let's just leave" Michael kisses my ear softly
We turn to walk away and Jermaine laughs "thought so, go on..get wrapped up in that slut's tricks again!" Jermaine fires making Michael turn on his heels and punch him on the jaw. Jermaine falls back onto the floor and Michael goes to kick him.
I told you. I told you Michael would hit him.
I pull him back as he spits on Jermaine, for real, I pull him out the room as he continues to shout at Jermaine
"You ain't nothing Jermaine!"
"You jealous fuck"

When we get to my place I immediately go and find some medical stuff to clean up Michael's hand, it was a pretty hard punch. If one punch to the jaw has done this to Michael's hand...I wouldn't like to be in Jermaine's shoes with the aching jaw.
Michael clenches his jaw as I pour some cleaner onto his hand
"I'm sorry" I mumble
"It's not your fault" Michael looks at me
"It is, if I didn't sleep with him you two would of still been okay" I whimper
"Jermaine has always been jealous of me Yoncé. Fuck him now, this tour that I'm being forced into is the last thing I ever want to do being involved with him" Michael grits as I dab a wipe on his hand
"I'm still sorry" I sigh
"Shh baby" he pecks my lips
"It's all okay I'm not mad at you" Michael shakes his head
I look up at his mocha brown eyes and crash my lips against his. He moans into the kiss. As I pull away he pouts playfully.
"I was hoping I'd get a little bit more treatment then that" he playfully winks
"In your dreams" I peck his pouting lips making him smile

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