Chapter 30

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5th November 1987
Janet Jackson's PoV

We've been here a total of 5 hours and she's flatlined 6 times. The doctor said if she flatlines again, there's a possibility they won't be able to get her back.
I sit cuddling into mother with my eyes closed from the soreness while Michael on the other hand, is pacing the waiting room "when will they tell us what's happening? What if it's the last time she flatlines then doesn't wake up?" He panics. I groan and rub my forehead I sit up from leaning on mother and sigh "Michael, sit down. You haven't sat for 5 hours"
He doesn't even look at me "I can't— too stressed" he says emotionlessly.

1 hour later:
Katherine Jacksons PoV

"Mother.." Michael whispers brokenly, I flicker my eyes open and look across the room to Michael who is leant on the wall.. I look around and everyone has fallen asleep even little Ka'liyah.
I look back at my baby boy and smile weakly "how you doing Michael?"
He sighs rubbing his face "she's not gonna make it, I just know it" he shakes his head in total shock as he continues to cry. He's been none stop crying. Luckily Tatiana isn't here to see it. She went home maybe a hour into getting here, she said this was a 'family situation' which was right.
I've obviously rang her dad and mom but they are away in the U.K. at the moment, they said they'll get the next flight back.. when that'll be, I don't know.
I quietly scold Michael "Michael, she's so strong, she will get through this"
He cries even harder and starts sniffling, he wipes his nose and groans "Michael?" I look at my son who is completely heartbroken "you still love-" I get cut off by the door opening. Michael quickly looks to the door but once he notices it's Joseph and Tito he sighs and looks away.
"I found something" Joseph grumbles shaking his head "it's titled 'Michael and the Jackson family'"
I furrow my eyebrows at Joe "well what does it read, Joseph?"
He shrugs "I thought it'd be best if Michael read it, it says his name.. she's his ex. I thought it was only right" Joseph hands over the note type letter to Michael. He gulps and opens it up.

He glances over the words written and cries shaking his head "read it out son" I softly say to him. He nods and takes a deep breath.

"For anyone reading this... Michael, Janet, Kathrine.. whoever from the Jackson family. Just know I love each and every one of you.
I wrote this whilst the pills where kicking in today, I've never felt so low about myself in all of my life. I just want to disappear, hopefully this has worked.. if you've found this it probably has worked.
I just want to be with Sarabi and spend my time with her, I don't want to spend my time on Earth— somewhere were I am not wanted!
Michael, I can't thank you enough for what you've done in my life. You blessed me with the most gorgeous baby girl ever to exist.. and for that I thank you deeply. I hope you live a happy life with Tatiana, she seems to be right for you.

You may be wondering why I've done this? Why a successful, 'happy' woman has done this.. I've been suffering for a while now. But what happened today really flipped my world upside down..." Michael speaks

"What happened today?" Tito butts in making Joseph and I shush him "let your brother continue!" Joseph scolds him quietly
Tito rolls his eyes and goes quiet again, we all turn to Michael as he continues.

"Hearing my ex-partners wife call me all the names under the sun then try and be nice to me when she's around me makes me feel sick. What made it worse was that Michael never stuck up for me, he never has done. Tatiana said it would be better if I wasn't around, so I've blessed you all.

Kathrine, Joseph... I love you both dearly, you are my second mum and dad, and without you both I'd be lost. Thank you for both taking me in when my parents didn't want me when I was pregnant with Sarabi. You've been my rock ever since!

Janet.. oh Janet.. my best friend. I'm so sorry I've done this to you, and not talked to you before hand. It's nothing personal, trust me. I just couldn't handle everything that was happening to me.

I've left you all my money, do whatever you think I'd like you to do with it.

God bless you all, I'll see you in another life x" Michael reads out. He breaks down crying and throws the note onto the floor
"Why!" He cries kicking the wall which wakes everyone up "why did she do this to me!!" He yells brokenly.
Everyone starts waking up from the banging and yelling.
The doctor then comes in with a sympathetic look.

"She's gone isn't she?" Michael questions whimpering
"No, but she's unconscious.. the pills also damaged her stomach and uterus. Possibly suggesting she won't ever be able to have children again.. she needs to be well looked after when she wakes up. And no questions for now, let her adapt fully." The doctor smiles slowly
Michael breathes out happily holding his chest "oh thank you doctor, I thought you was going to come in and say my wife had died" Michael hugs the doctor.
Wife? Is that boy crazy?


The doctor smiles and hugs Michael back "I'm glad we could save her, she's a fighter.. for sure!" He then walks towards the door "oh and she is ready for visitors, only one person at a time though we don't want to startle her when she wakes up" he suggests then leaves the room.
Michael starts walking to the door "I'll go and stay with her. You lot can go come and rest, I'll call you if she awakes" Michael smiles at us as a tear rolls down his cheek.
"Okay baby" I coo "I'm happy she's alive" I add

He breathes out happily "oh boy, I am too!"

"He still loves her" joseph shakes his head smirking
"Well if course he does, they was childhood sweethearts. They had a baby together" I frown
"No mother.." Tito shakes his head and smirks "he still loves her he wants her. He ordered Tatiana to go home, it wasn't her choice. He wanted to be alone with Beyoncé" Tito adds
I shrug "of course he does, he thought he was going to lose he for forever!"

"I agree with Tito" Jackie smirks, I look around for Jermaine. Oh yeh that's right, he popped home to get some rest. And check on everyone's children.
Jackie adds with laughter "that man nearly had a heart-attack when the doctor walked in"
Janet laughs "wife or not, Beyoncé will always be the one for Michael. Michael doesn't love that damn Tatiana, she's just a groupie who he's attracted too"
I hiss "Janet!!"

"He loves her!" Everyone cheers together making me laugh and shake my head.

He still loves her.

Michael's PoV
It's been three more hours since the doctor told us she was going to be okay. I haven't left her side once.
I fell asleep a couple of times but I never wanted to fully go to sleep Incase she woke up.

"You scared me you know?" I chuckle at Beyoncé, I know she can't hear me.. or talk to me. But I need to talk to her.
"I thought you was going to die, I don't know where I'd of been if I got the news you died.. well technically, you already died 6 times. You flatlined 6 times but you still fought to be here!"
I cry and hold her flopping hand which was warm, as always "I love you so much Beyoncé" I cry even harder watching her "you're my world and you always have been...always will be. We have a daughter together.." I sigh and shake my head then whisper as I stroke my thumb over her hand and look down closing my eyes "I want more children with you"

"I want a family with you Beyoncé, not Tatiana. She's not the one for me!" I add with my eyes still closed, trying to stop myself from crying.

I then hear a voice "I want more children with you too, Michael" I hear someone croak. I look up and see Beyoncé weakly smiling at me.
I choke up and start crying, what she just said didn't really matter at this point.. what matters is she's here, she's conscious again.
I gasp "oh Beyoncé!!" And hug her tight "you scared us all so much" I softly speaking as she cries into my neck "I'm sorry Michael, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to disappear"
I shush her "hey hey, don't cry, it's gonna be alright!"
She looks into my eyes as tears stream down both of our faces.. "I love you Michael"
"I love you too, baby" I coo kissing her lips gently. I pull back and smile at her, she bites her lip making me go weak. I smash my lips against hers making her moan. Nothing else matters right now.. nothing else matters.

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