Chapter 53

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Beyoncé's PoV.
January 15th 1993

"When you met Michael, what was the first thing you thought about him?" Piers asked, a interviewer.
I smile softly and sigh "that he was sweet, very sweet. He was so shy and loving, he's so caring"

"What was the starting point of yours and Michael's relationship?" Piers questioned, while looking at me.
I finally feel brave enough to do a full interview dedicated to my situation with Michael and I.
I look up to the roof, thinking. I look back at him and reply "well I moved next door to the Jacksons.. they were my bestfriends. I was so close to them all. But because I was, age wise, closer to Michael. We got on more, and talked more. He'd ring me every few nights when he wasn't busy. And I'd ring him also. We got together when I was 15 and he was 17, I loved him- I still do. When I was 16/17 I fell pregnant with my first baby girl. Sarabi Jackson. I thought life couldn't get any better. Michael and I decided to get engaged with permission from our parents and we wanted to live a life where we was happily married with a beautiful baby girl..." I replied.

My eyes started watering as I continued my story "6 months later s-She... she um- passed away" a few tears slipped from my eyes.
Bare in mind this is a live recorded interview.
"I can't imagine the pain you went through.. what was that like for you?" He looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

I blinked causing more tears escape my eyes "I felt empty, like my life would never be complete again.." I turned my head to see a photo of Michael, Sarabi and I, I smiled at the photo softly "she was my world, she still is today. Being my first daughter, she's always got a special place in my heart. I still talk to her. I pray, making sure god is h-holding her and taking care of her"

"Was Michael there for you?" He looked me in the eyes.
I gulped "he tried to be.." I replied and looked down at my legs "he was grieving too. He blamed it all on himself— I blamed it on me for not being a good mum. He was heartbroken. He'd s-shut himself away in the spare room and not come out for days at a time.. that was the breakdown of our engagement. We wasn't spending time together like and taking care of each other like we should of been doing. When I was around 18 or 19 I left him. I tried for so many years to fix it. Fix us, but I couldn't. There was nothing I could of physically of done" I shook my head as I wipe a tear away off of my cheek gently as I don't wanna smudge my makeup.

"I'm sorry to hear that— how are you both now? Are you still in contact, have you got bad blood?" He pried into my business.
I sighed and shook my head, a salty tear fell onto my leg leaving a wet patch on my legs.

I sighed and shook my head, a salty tear fell onto my leg leaving a wet patch on my legs

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"Michael and I talk..." I nod "we aren't the best of friends. He hurt me, continuously.. maybe I'd forgive him if it was just one time. But I made the mistake of doing that when we was younger. He saw my kindness as my weakness and used my love for him at his advantage. I still love him, I adore Michael. And I forever will. He gave me my children. He gave me my girls..." I replied but he cut me off "is it true you're pregnant again?"

I nod smiling "that's right, I'm gonna he a mummy again. I'm very excited for it!"
He smiled, then lowered his smile while raising a brow "is it Michael's?"


"Is it?" He questioned after I was silent.
I cough and nod "yeah, Michael is the father of my baby. I wouldn't want to have children who didn't belong to him- who didn't have michael as their father. He's the only man I'd ever want children with" I replied

"And I'm presuming he knows about this pregnancy? Well if he doesn't he sure does now" he chuckled a little
I laughed along with him "he knew yeah.." I nod "he found out around Christmas time" I replied

Piers' eyes widened slightly "and you gave that amazing performance the only day while being pregnant.. then at the end of this month you're going on to do the SUPERBOWL!!??" He exaggerated with wife eyes.
I nod laughing "thank you, thank you. And yes, I'm attending the super bowl this year, even though I'm pregnant. I was gonna do it a few years ago but I found out I was too far on with my pregnancy with Kiara and Blue to go through with the show"

"How do Kiara and Blue feel about yours and Michael's situation, do they like Lisa?"
I chuckled softly "the girls love their father. But they, for obvious reasons, don't like Lisa. They ask Michael if they can see him without her. The first few times they said it I told them to stop being silly and to go to neverland with their father and spend time with both Lisa and Michael. But they wanted it to be just family. So when Michael spent time with the girls Lisa would go to her mothers with her children. And Michael will stay with his own kids. Michael loves children, and especially his own. So I know he wouldn't turn down the girls- and they are starting to learn that they've got their daddy wrapped around their finger"

"Although, they are okay with the situation. They're still a little young to fully understand the situation. But Michael and I tell them all the time that we still love them. And Michael and I still love each other. They aren't too upset over it" I shrugged.

"Would you ever- take Michael back?" He wondered while drinking his water.
I nodded "I love Michael, I would take him back. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna ruin what he has going on with Lisa. I don't know the ins and outs of their relationship and I don't care to know either. It's their business, not mine. It's just like if I was to get with someone, that wouldn't be Michael's problem or worry. I love Michael, he's my world, so yes I'd take him back any day. But I've seen how he looks at Lisa, how he talks about her. He's very much in love with her...."

Michael's PoV
"He's very much in love with her.... you can see it in his eyes. He looks at her how he used to look at me" Beyoncé said, sadly. Trying to hide her hurt.
I frown and look down playing with my fingers. I look back up just at the same time the camera does a overview of her body and what she's wearing.
She looks so beautiful. Baby blue always looked so good on her.

"Does he ever talk to you about Lisa?" Piers question Beyoncé. She thought for a second then replied "nope, not really. When we do talk, it's about the girls or family events. He often talks about his music to me But that's all we do talk about" she smiled but it soon tuned into a frown when piers asked "did Michael ever... cheat on you?? With Lisa?"

She shrugged "I'm not sure, I wouldn't like to think so.." she replied to him, tears brimming in her eyes "I would like to think he loved me enough and respected me enough to turn her down until we broke up.. he did start shying away from me and spending time with her more. Whether that means sex.. I don't know" she shrugged untruthfully. She knows full well I cheated on her, that's why she hates me.

I wipe a tear away.

"Do you think Michael would ever take you back?" He asked her.
She shook her head "he's happy, I'd never wanna ruin that. Lisa and Michael are happy, who am I to ruin that? I'm not like that" she shook her head "i know he loves me.. but he's not in love with me. Not anymore. Those phrases are totally different"

"Are you in love with him?" He wondered. She paused and frowned.
"Piers, honestly.. I don't know. I know I have love for him. A lot of love for him. But I don't know if I'm in love with him or not"

More tears started to escape my eyes, she loves me, but she isn't in love with me?
I look down and shake my head. I've messed my whole life up..

"What's gonna happen when the baby is born?"

She coughed clearing her throat "well, I'll want him at the birth. So he can see his baby be born. I won't ever deprive him of that. But the living arrangements will most likely be the same, except for when he maybe comes to stay for a night or two when he isn't busy. I'd be fine with that. Lisa could always come too if she wanted" she smiled softly.

I frowned, my baby. I'm gonna be having a baby with the love of my life.. but I'm not even with her. I'm 'in love' with another woman.

It needs to change and fast.

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