Chapter 46

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Michael's PoV
2nd November 1992

I sat alone watching everyone mingle and laugh happily at the party for Kiara and Blue's birthday. I've never felt so low in life before. Although, I've got my family and my daughters— I just feel like something is missing. And that something is Beyoncé. She's my world but-

"Hey" LaToya smiles sitting next to me I sighed "hi"
She judged me making me look at her "yes?" I question with a arched brow "why aren't you over there getting your woman back?"
I shook my head and look down as tears stung my eyes "she doesn't love me. She's barely said two words to me since being here. She's not my woman anymore" I whisper sadly, I look back up and my eyes land on Beyoncé as she carries Kiara around who is sitting on Beyoncé's right hip perfectly. Them hips always made me go into a trance. She's so beautiful, and I've never had the blessing of her being my wife.

My eyes attached them-self to Beyoncé and her father talking. He was doing most of the talking, she seemed to be in shock. Not a good type of shock either. She put Kiara down on the floor as she walked off somewhere. Beyoncé started crying making me frown. What's he said to her? I get up but LaToya grabs my hand "Michael she's not your business anymore. Leave her"
I nod and sit back down "and she does love you dummy" LaToya added replying to my earlier statement. I laugh sourly "it doesn't seem like it.."
LaToya rolled her eyes as she grabbing her drink from the table "I know it doesn't. But you're the only man who isn't related to her who she will love until death. You're the father of her baby girls. That means something to women— I'm not sure about men. But women hold a special place in their heart for their baby daddy. And you are her baby daddy."

I smile softly at LaToya "thank you, Toya" I coo and kiss her cheekbone
"I love you, but I just hate that irritating voice"
She slapped me while giggling "Michael!" She called out while laughing
"What?" I laugh loudly widening my eyes "your voice is very irritating!" I confirm without a care in the world. She rolled her eyes at me "So is yours!"

I gasped in a fake trance "mine is gentle"
She laughed while cursing "gentle my ass"
I gasped at her choice of language, my eyes widened as I looked at her "I'll tell you what isn't gentle.. your language Miss LaToya Jackson" I nudge her gently. She laughed at me while shaking her head, I turned my head to look at Beyoncé. She was stood there a moment ago. I look around the garden and see her running into the house covering her face making my heart ache. Why is she so upset?

I get up without telling LaToya my destination. I jog into the house and follow the sound of Beyoncé's footsteps that she leaves behind after running. I make it to a bathroom in the far end of the home that no one really comes to.
I stand outside the door frowning as I hear her cry.
"Fuck!" She whispered through tears "why me? Why me.. I didn't do anything but care for other people. Now the people I care for are hurting in the worst way"

I sighed and knocked at the door building up my manly courage. There was a moments silence on the other end of the door before she opened it with tears still continuing to roll down her face. My heart clenches and my eyes burn at the sight of this. I just wanna wrap my arms around her but I know that's way too-

She wraps her arms around me forcefully and weeps into my chest. My heart increases its beating rate at our closeness. I sigh and finally attach my arms around her. As my left hand and arm hold her close to my body, my right hand strokes her head full of hair softly.
"Shhh" I whisper "it's okay, you're okay. It's all going to be okay"
She shook her head disagreeing with me making me frown.

I pull from the hug and look deeply into her eyes "what's happened, Yoncé?" I ask softly as she cried more grabbing onto me and holding me tight again.
I sighed and rocked her from side to side for a while just to relax her, I stoked her hair and back which helps with reliving stress— well it does with Beyoncé.

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