Chapter 84

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25th September 1995
Michael's PoV

I leant on the kitchen breakfast bar watching Beyoncé out in the garden with Blue and Kiara having fun. I smiled watching them bonding and playing together.

"Hi Mr Jackson" Mel walked in, Mel is my cook. Has been for maybe three years now, and she's a great cook.
I treat her as a family member, Mel, Yonce, blue, Kiara and I was all baking cookies earlier which was exciting
"Hey Mel, I told you. Call me Michael" I smiled at her as she walked by me.
She is only 25 so she's young, respectable, and easy to be around.

She took the cookies out of the over and put them on the cooler, obviously for them to cool off.

"Are you and Mrs Carter okay now??" She turner and looked at me. I wanted to tell her that Beyoncé isn't a carter, and that's she's a Jackson. But that would be highly immature of me.
"Umm- I'm not sure. We just talk now because of the kids, I believe if we didn't have Blue and Kiara she'd of left me a long time ago" I confess looking out to the garden, Beyoncé chasing my little girls. I smile and rub my chin.

"Sir would you like me to distract the girls?? I'll take them to the zoo, you and Mrs Carter can talk in private" Mel looked at me, I raised a brow "you'd do that for me?"
She shrugged politely "of course, I love spending time with the girls.. I'll take them to the mini zoo we have, we can feel Gypsy, and the giraffes"

I smiled widely and stood up "I think the girls would love that, thank you, Mel"

She bowed slightly "no problem sir"
She then walked off into the garden and shouted of the girls.
The girls get on well with Mel, as Mel has been around since they've been babies, so they bonded with Mel as they grew up. They think of her as a big sister which I love.

Beyoncé came in seconds later smiling as she walked to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water. She opened the cap and drank from the bottle.
"You okay??" She asked softly, I glanced back up at her and nodded "I'm okay"

"Okay?" She raised a brow as she sat on the opposite side of the breakfast bar "why are you just 'okay'??" She added
I glanced up at her with sad eyes "I miss you" I said sadly, softly
She sighed and looked away "Michael-"
I stood up properly "look I know what you're gonna say, yes, I am married to Lisa" I then shrugged "I don't love her like I love you, though"
I sat down on the stool connected to the breakfast bar and sighed "I'm not supposed to be saying this.. it's in the contract" I sighed rubbing my face
"What's in the contract??" She said confused. I looked up, guilt washing out my eyes and my face.
"I— my marriage is like yours and Jay's"

She raised a amused brow at me "your marriage is fake?? Come off it, Michael. I may look stupid but I'm not" she shook her head. I reached over and grabbed her hand to hold it "I'm being serious.. my management and legal team thought it'd be best for me to marry, so there's someone there, a wife, who can take care of me and love me. Make me feel like I'm worth enough to still be around"

She scoffed removing her hand from me "so your daughters aren't enough for you to keep you going??"

I rolled my eyes and tried grabbing her hand again but she moved it away from me "that is not what I'm saying, not in the slightest. I've been in a bad way since everything happened with—" I gulped "Jordan"
I then shrugged "my legal team thought I'd do something stupid and try and kill myself. They said getting married and trying for kids is what would be best for me" I looked into her eyes "I was adamant that I didn't wanna marry or have children with anyone else expect you. I agreed to marry Lisa because i knew I couldn't have you. Yes you're married to Jay, and yes I know it's fake, but you're doing it for both of your careers, it's a contract right? That's what I'm engrossed in" I shrugged truthfully

Her eyes watered making me feel so bad "so you.. you're trying for children with her. Even though you don't love her??" She slit her eyes at me, Now I know she's judging me. I nodded shamefully looking down.

"Why didn't you ask me?" She said brokenly. I looked up at her to see a tear slipping down her face "don't cry" I say softly grabbing her hand and stroking it "I didn't ask you to have my next child because I know you're busy.. you having children now wouldn't be ideal and I understand and accept that"

"I'm not touring anymore well not that I know of...that album I'm releasing soon I'm not touring with.. I could of done it" she said truthfully.
I sighed "I didn't know that.. we haven't been right since the first time we broke up when having the girls. We haven't been right since then, you push me away and I push you away. We're as bad as each other" I frowned at her.

"You'd have my child again??" I looked into her tear filled eyes, this woman fascinates me so much. She's unreal, to me.

"It all depends on if I tour again" she shrugged gently as she looked outside as Gypsy, the Elephant, walked by.
She smiled watching Gypsy take a slow stroll by the windows.
Liz Taylor bought me Gypsy, and Gypsy is a complete angel. She was a circus animal who was abused. But here she gets to roam free in my thousands of acres of land. I've been wanting to get another elephant to keep her company but when I talked to elephant specialists they said she'd be okay with the giraffes as elephants and giraffes roam around in africa together like they're family.
So she normally accompanies the few giraffes that I have.

"And if you don't tour again??" She raised her brow

"Well then I'll have you children" she nodded looking back into my eyes with a fire igniting in her eyes.

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