Chapter 3

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1 month later;

Me and Shawn are still going strong, yes we've argued like twice but it was over stupid shit.

"Are you ready baby?" Shawn questions me as I finish applying my lip gloss
I inhale deeply, "I think so"
"You'll be fine, I'm here" he hugs me from behind while I pucker my lips in the mirror
"You're so beautiful" he sighs annoyed by my looks
"You're quite handsome yourself, Mendes" I lick my lips and turn to him
He leans in to kiss me but I stop him swiftly, "ah!" I point at him
"I've just applied lip gloss, kiss here!" I point to my cheek
He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

When Leo drops us off at the Jackson home. I sigh heavily. Haven't been here in years. I look next door and see my old home, I miss all this soooo much!
"Are you okay?" Shawn looks at me
"I'm good" I smile wanly
He kisses my forehead and leads me to the door.
We knock and wait patiently. A few seconds later, Jermaine opens up the front door

After minutes of silence Jermaine speaks "Beyoncé?"
"That's me Jerm" I smirk
He gulps. I know what he's thinking. He's having flashbacks to when Michael beat the shit out of him for fucking me.
"What are- what are you doing?" He asks "here" he breathes
"Janet invited me for Marlon's birthday" I smile slightly
"Where is the birthday boy?" I question
"He's our back with everyone" Jermaine opens the door
"Come in" He adds with a welcoming smile
Me and Shawn walk in, I look around and memories floor back. Where me and Michael shared our first kiss- to where he first hit me. I cringe at the thought of how bad my life was at that point.

"Nice to meet you Shawn, I'm Jermaine" Jermaine shakes Shawns hand
"So I'm guessing you two are together?" He looks at me
"That we are!" I smile proudly as shawn tightens his grip on me.
"I'm glad you're happy" he smiles
"Thank you Jermaine" i reply soothingly as me and Shawn follow Jermaine out to the back garden.

I brought a card for Marlon. I didn't really know what to get him. What can you buy a guy who has a load of money to get whatever he wants whenever he wants?? It's trickle buying things for someone who already has so much!

"I doubt they all know were coming. So don't feel threatened by any of them" I turn and whisper to Shawn
"Its all good, don't worry" he rubs my back

"Guys, we've got special guests" Jermaine clears his throat.
Everyone is silenced and turns to me and Shawn. I gulp and sigh a little. Great. Here we go.
"Beyoncé! You actually came!" Janet squeals running over to me
"Beyoncé?" Kathrine calls to em
I pull out of the hug with Janet and look over at Katherine with tears in her eyes. I hear Janet and Shawn greeting each other behind me.

Kathrine walks up to me and holds me in her arms tightly, like she never wants to let go of me again.
"I can't believe this! You're beautiful. Absolutely glowing!" Kathrine gasps
"I've missed you Kathrine" I sigh hugging her tightly

"How have you been?" She asks cautiously
"I've been doing great mamma Kat! I've missed you all though, so much!" I sigh
"We've missed you more than words can say!" Kathrine replies rubbing my arm. I hear the Jackson boys greeting Shawn behind me.

"I can't believe you've actually come here for my birthday!" Marlon laughs hugging me again; for the 10th time since I've been here.
"I've missed you a much" he inhales my scent
"I've missed you to Marly" I coo, Marly was my nickname for him
"So is he your boyfriend?" Marlin whispers, I nod with a smirk
"He's cute" He nods
"Nothing compared to me though" he shrugs like it's nothing, I push him away playfully making him chuckle

"I need to tell you something!" Randy rushes over to me
"And what's that" I laugh, looking up at him see as though I'm sat on a deck chair.
"Michael has just arrived" he quickly replies looking over at the door then back at me frantically, repeating those actions like there is no tomorrow.
I gulp and look at Shawn who's tightening his grip on my hand
"Damn!" I whisper to myself

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