Chapter 47

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Beyoncé PoV
17th November 1992

Nothing has really happened in the last 15 days.. I've been feeling really down, Michael has been coming round a lot to give me some adult company. My children are great, but you sometimes need adult company. I've forgiven Michael, but that does not mean I trust him. He's lost a lot of my trust and respect. He doesn't deserve my trust and respect either.

"Michael? Can you just wake the girls up I'm finishing off some music" I smile softly at him as he strolls around my studio in my home. He nods smiling "Sure.." he walks to the studio door opening it.. he turns around and slaps the door slightly to get my attention "..hey, don't over do yourself. You need to rest, go for a sleep baby" he coos truthfully. I sigh and shrug "I'm fine"
He raises a contradicting brow at me and smirks "I'm being serious, Yoncé" he chuckles.
The phone starts ringing from downstairs "I'll get it, then I'll get the girls up" michael announces walking out.

Michael's PoV

I answer the phone professionally "hello.. Jackson and Knowles residence.. Michael Jackson speaking. How can I help you?"
"Michael.." a woman giggles flirtatiously
"Who is it? I'm sorry" I chuckle slightly
Once she said my name I went wide eyed slightly
"Oh hey, how are you?" I smile happily "I'm good, I rang your home and you wasn't there. Why are you at Beyoncé's?" She asks nicely.. I sigh and look around. No one is there listening, or so I think.
"She's having a tough time and I need to support her and my baby girls" I confess.
"Can I see you later on today?" She asks with a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice.
I look at the watch on my hand and sigh quietly "umm, yeah sure. Where shall we meet?"
She whispers seductively "your place"
I gulp and nod "okay, sure. I'll see you there at 6pm?" I question feeling guilty for some reason.
"Sure Michael.. bye" she says seductively. I nod and smile slightly "bye"

I slam the phone on its hook and run upstairs to Kiara and Blue's room. I shake Kiara first "baby" I whisper "wake up baby girl" I coo. I go over to Blue who's already awake smiling heavily "hey daddy!" She giggles getting up making my heart melt.
I smile at her "hey baby" I coo as she jumps into my arms. I hug her while sitting on the edge of kiara's bed
"Wake your sister up, get dressed and come down for breakfast" I smile at blue. Blue crawls off of me after kissing me goodmorning.
"Sisterrrr" Blue sings jokingly while shaking her "wake up! Wake uppp!" She jumps on her carefully.
I get up and leave the room, I jog downstairs to see Beyoncé in the kitchen making breakfast for the girls.
I smirk watching her, I wish I could just make her my wife. I really want a wife.
I make the decision to wrap my arms around her. I rock her side to side with my face buried into her neck.
"What are you doing?" She asks cautiously while finishing the breakfast.
"I'm showing my woman some love" I coo smirking slightly
"How's writing going?" I ask quickly so she didn't answer my first statement.
She nods moving away from me to look at me "good, really good"
"I can't wait to hear them" I say truthfully watching her as she makes the girls' breakfast dishes up.
She smirks turning to me slightly, then turns back to the breakfast "I can imagine" she replied.
I chuckle slightly when I notice the girls running in with a cute outfit on.. a matching outfit they got for their birthday from Janet. Janet really spoiled them. Janet adores them, and she is definitely their fave auntie.
They get seated as they greet their mommy "morning mommy" Kiara smiles happily, she then smiles at me "morning daddy, you look nice"

My heart melts when I hear that "thank you baby, you look beautiful yourself" I coo making her blush.

I look at Beyoncé putting the plates down in front of Blue and Kiara. She bends down and kisses each of our daughters making them giggle. As she bends down to pick something up from the floor, my eyes suddenly find their way to her perfect ass. I bite my lip watching her ass. She stands up straight and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
I smile at her to play off innocent, she chuckles shaking her head and heading to the sink.

"She daaaanced to the night, in fear of her life. She danced to the beat of her own" Beyoncé sings beautifully. My eyes widen "wow" I mumble. She turns to me and frowns "what?" She questions.
"That just sounded really good, is that one of your songs?" I question her crossing my arms leaning against the fridge. She nods smiling "yeah I love it, the story behind it is beautiful— yet sad. I feel like it shouldn't be sung from a woman's perspective though" she shrugged.
I shrugged also "you sounded good, i reckon it'd be fine"

2 hours later:
Randy turns up picking up the girls, he's having them for the day. He apparently really wanted to have the girls.
I walk into the hallway and see a guy who's driving randy around taking the girls to the car. My eyes then glue onto randy and Beyoncé, Randy seems to be all over her. I frown watching them, I cross my arms leaning against the head board watching them intently.

Once Randy leaves with the girls. Beyoncé comes into the kitchen to clean up. I finish up eating my apple while sitting at the table.
She smiles at me sexily making my stomach flutter.
"You okay?" I ask her to calm my nerves.
"I've never been better" she smiles "I've decided I want my album to come out next month.. I've been recording demos and sending them to Quincy all month and he loves every single one of them.. meaning I can just finish up recording them properly. In the space of a month and a bit I've wrote a lot of songs. I'm hoping to release it in December. But it'll end up being January." She rambles on making me giggle slightly. I stand up putting my apple in the bin. I turn around grabbing her hand pulling her into my body "shut up and come here" I smirk. She smashes her lips against mine..

I think you can kind of tell what that event headed into.

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