Chapter 34

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18th March 1990
Beyoncé's PoV

Charles almost screams down the phone at me "they want you to perform at the half time show!!"
I jump up "what!! No way!?" I shake my head smiling contagiously "really?!" I ask again
"Yes, yes!!!" He replies quickly
"I can't believe it! There's so much to sort out!! Bye, I gotta go" I tell him and end the call.
I then get up and get my notepad, I grab it and sit back at the table.
Wait.. I'm pregnant.. I can't do the show.

I've been pregnant for 2 months now.. morning sickness is really getting to me. I'm really happy, the baby inside of me is healthy and is growing beautifully.
Michael is as excited as ever. Him and Tatiana finally divorced so he is all mine now.
No one knows about me being pregnant... I haven't really been out in public and if I have I've worn baggy clothing, no one has picked up on it. It's not like my bump is huge, but you can see my slight bump and I don't want people starting to think I'm pregnant. I wanna tell the world when Michael and I are ready.

"What was that about?" Michael walks in the kitchen and heads to the fruit bowl grabbing a apple and some grapes.
"Charles said they want me to perform at the half time show" I smile softly. Michael turns to me with his eyes widened "really! That is great! I'm so proud of you! Did they say when?" He questions and walks to me hugging me.
"No" I shake my head and stand up "I hope it's not anytime soon though, I'm pregnant and can't be performing"
He smiles happily and rubs my stomach "You're so beautiful when you're pregnant, Yoncé.. I may need to get you pregnant more often" he smirks as he kisses my lips slowly making me laugh "in your dreams, Jackson" I pat his chest and walk out of the kitchen.. he shouts after me "you are my dreams, Yoncé. You're in them every night!"
I laugh and shake my head making him laugh too, He follows behind me as I head into the living room.
I sit down on the sofa and he sits next to me "7 months to go and we'll have a beautiful baby on our hands" Michael sighs happily, I look at him and bite my lip holding in my excitement "I'm very happy, I'm so excited to meet him or her" I clap my hands together
"Are we keeping the baby gender a secret?" He questions looking me in the eye I think for a few seconds "ooo, I don't know" I smile and go silent "I want to know" I look at him
"Same" Michael nods

A month later:
22th I April 1990
"Welcome back" the doctor smiles at us as I lay down on the bed. I lift my top up and smile "thank you doctor" I nod happily
He applies some jell to my stomach which makes me shiver from how cold it is. Michael chuckles and holds my hand as he sits next to me watching the screen.
The doctor starts moving the equipment around on my stomach making me shiver even more from the coldness.
"Wow" the doctor mumbles making my eyes flicker open quickly. I look at Michael who's smiling widely while tears stream down his face. I look at the mini computer and see who babies. My eyes water and I laugh from shock "you're having twins..." the doctor chuckles
I bite my lip as tears stream down my face "let's see if their legs are open" The doctor says gently.
"One has their legs open, the other doesn't" the doctor squints his eyes at the computer.
"Would you like to know both genders today?" He asks stupidly "of course doctor" Michael smiles happily as he squeezes onto my hand.
The doctor looks at me "who do the babies react to more, you or Michael?"
I sit and think, I then look at Michael and smile "Michael" I nod, Michael blushes and looks at the screen again.
"Michael could you talk to them, we need them to open their legs wide"
Michael chuckles and nods he strokes the top of my stomach and kisses the base of my stomach "Hey babies, daddy can't wait to meet you both. My little angels.. I just need to ask you one thing, which ever one of you it is who won't open your legs you need to, for mummy and daddy. Please do it for us" he coos at my stomach and kisses it. I feel my babies move around and kick a little.
"Thank you Michael, they've both opened their legs now" the doctor smiles "they sure love their daddy"
I nod chuckling "they'll be daddies baby's, for sure"
The doctor laughs along with michael and I then he stops laughing and takes some notes "is everything okay?" I frown looking at him. He shakes his head 'yeah' he then smiles "congratulations, you've got two beautiful babies. A boy and a girl" He congratulates us. Michael and I thank him as we cry softly in each other arms.

As we drive home my song comes on the radio 'single ladies'
"If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it" michael sings with my voice on the radio, making me giggle
"All the single ladies, all the single ladies" he sings crazily making me chuckle
"You're actually so crazy" I giggle at him swaying around in the car "I'm crazy for you" he stares at me with lust. I blush and look down "you're nearly 30 and you still blush like a 16 year old" he says in aww.

When we get home michael rings his mother ordering her and the family to come to neverland tomorrow around dinner time.. that's when we will announce the pregnancy, and that we are having twins. A beautiful girl and boy.
"Michael, don't forget that I need to be at hospital and then the orphanage tonight" I shout upstairs to him I stand there waiting for a reply "yes I know, I'm literally getting ready now!"
I giggle at him and shake my head. As I'm already ready and don't wanna wear anything too tight. So it's just jeans and a baggy top, but it's nice.

We head to the children's hospital and I smile knowing I'm gonna be putting a surprised smile on sick children's faces, as well as Michael will. He's singing man in the mirror and I'm singing halo.

We walk into the main room as cameras flash left right and centre at us "we've been tipped off" Michael whispers in my ear making me nod "looks like it"
All the children have been wheeled into the main room and they all clap and cry at the sight of Michael and I.
I smile and wave at them all as Michael walks away from me and shakes the hands of young children.

"Everyone stay seated and stay quiet while the king and queen preform" a nurse announced through a microphone, which she then handed to me as Michael already has a microphone.

I then start singing as people start clapping and clicking their fingers "Remember those walls I built
Well, baby, they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you win
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now" I start smiling when I hear all the sick children sing along with me
"It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you break it
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace"
I sway side to side as Michael dances with a little girl making me smile happily..
"Sing if you know it" I urge on and then carry on singing "You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo"

I smile at the little children all singing in harmony, with smiles on their faces.. something that places like children's hospitals don't bring them.
I take a breathe getting ready for my high note
"Hit me like a ray of suuuuunnnnn!!" I sing graciously earning cheers from everyone as the clap and smile for me. I look to Michael who is clapping in astonishment, he's proud. You can see it on his face.
"Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground againnnn" I stop singing and everyone claps praising me and my vocal abilities.

Michael stays stood up as he sings man in the mirror.
Half way through the song I look around and see people crying and swaying their bodies in tune to Michael's voice.

Everyone starts singing along with him making him smile widely, I even have a little sing along.
"I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love
It's time that I realize
That there are some with no home, not a nickel to loan
Could it be really me, pretending that they're not alone?
A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart
And a washed-out dream
(Washed-out dream)
They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see
'Cause they got no place to be
That's why I'm starting with me
(Starting with me!)"
He stops singing and everyone praises us.

"Thank you, thank you" Michael places his hands together in 'pray' and bends down respecting each and every ill child here.

We spend a few hours here with the children talking, playing and giving them gifts.

By the time Michael and I leave, we are truly exhausted. The ride home was pretty quiet.. when I got home I collapsed on the bed and fell into deep sleep.

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