Chapter 42

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Beyoncé's PoV
October 5th 1992

It's been two month; two months since I found out my soon to be husband was cheating on me. I mean— what did I expect, really? He's done this before. And he'll forever do it again.

"Quincy, you know how I said I want a song that reflects on the relationship I've had with.. um- you know who.. I think I'm ready to start writing more of that song again. I know I broke down last time. But the lyrics we came up with just got to me" I sigh and rub my hands over my jeans.
He looked at me softly "take as much time as you need! We aren't going to rush you, things like this don't need to be rushed. I know you wanted a album out last year but things changed for you.." he smiled giving me a notebook and pen.
"Where are the girls anyway? I love them coming to the studio" he added as he sat back in his seat.
"They're with their dad, I think they was visiting Katherine" I shrug
"You both still not talking?" He frowned "heck no!" I shook my head vigorously "if he wants me to forgive him he's gonna have to beg on his sorry ass knees" I add making Quincy laugh

"Oh come onnnnn!" He dragged out, heavily "he's been running around after you got these past two months. He bought you a car, he bought you a private jet. He sends flowers to your home near enough every day!! What else does a man have to do for forgiveness?" Quincy exasperated, throwing his arms to the side

"You wanna know what a 'man' has to do?" I question, almost snapping. He nodded learning forward in his chair to listen to me more carefully "not put his dick in his ex wives hole. That's what a 'man' has to do!" I frown as I explained.
His eyes widened "I see you two are on bad terms still"
I shrug looking at all the buttons in the studio "I'm on bad terms with him, obviously he's okay with me. I see him every few days when he gets the girls. He's constantly begging me for forgiveness and begging me to talk it out with him. Apparently, it wasn't how it 'seemed' like I'm not being funny Quincy but I literally walked in to my future husband, love of my life, fucking his ex wife.. it wasn't only I who walked in.. it was my two little girls too"

Quincy's facial features softened, before he could speak I carried on "and you know the worst part of it, we argued there and then. I told the girls to say bye to their dad, I waited for them in the limo.. bill brought them back out. And they got in and said to me 'doesn't daddy wove you anymore?' And I was like 'no, he never did. He loves you two though' but even that was a lie, because he wouldn't cheat on his future wife who he has two baby girls with for his slut of a ex. Not only did he cheat on me, but he cheated on the girls and our life!" I say getting stressed.
Quincy raises a eyebrow "he does love you, why do you think he's trying so goddamn hard to win you back?"

"Quincy.." I sigh "I've gone back to him too many times. I bet he's all up in neverland thinking 'she took me back before so she'll do it again' and that's not what's gonna happen I-"

The phone starts ringing loudly "one second" Quincy says to me as he gets up and answers the call
"Hello? Quincy Jones here, who's speaking?"
He smiles "oh, hi. You okay?— yeah I'm good. No she's at the studio with me... yeah I will don't worry. I'll see you soon" he speaks into the phone then puts the phone down.

He sits back down opposite me and looks at me "that was Michael, he took the girls home and you wasn't there so he was just calling me to ask where you was. He's bringing the girls here"

I groan and sink in the chair childishly "really? God sake!"
Quincy starts laughing at my childish remark "he has your children"

"I wish he didn't—" I mumble

Nah I take that back. I didn't mean it in the sense that I wish I never had them, I meant it as if I wished he wasn't the father of them. If someone could have been the father instead of him. But we've always dreamed about having a family. And now we do, our family has broken not even 2 years in to creating our own little family. I'm not gonna sit here and lie and pretend I wouldn't carry another child that Michael has fathered, because I would. I really would. Michael is my world.
That's why I'm hurting so much.

Tears start falling from my eyes, luckily.. Quincy hasn't noticed because he's looking through some notes.
The door barges open and my two little girls come running in "Hey babies" I coo as tears still fall down my face "Hey.." I whisper hugging them tightly.
"Alright michael" Quincy greets Michael with a handshake, I don't dare look up.

Kiara pulls away from the hug and looks at my intently "mommy? Why you cwying"
I fake a giggle "I'm not baby" I smile softly. Blue then pulls away "mommy.." she sighed and gently wipes the tears away "I just missed you both so much" I smile at them and squish there cheeks together making them giggle.

"Girls?" Michael says grabbing the attention of our two daughters "if you go with Quincy, he'll show you something very cool!" Michael explains excitedly while looking at me. I sigh and sit back.
Quincy hold out his hands to my daughters they smile and grab his hands. "Bye mommy!" They squeal excitedly and run off with Quincy.
"Bye" I wave back and giggle. As soon as the door shuts behind them, I turn to the music desk where all the buttons are and play a song, and start messing with the edits.

"Beyoncé?" Michael softly calls out to me, which I ignore.
"Beyoncé?" He calls out again, this time more softer.
I turn and look at him, tears filling his eyes. I roll my eyes and sigh "what Michael?" I whisper brokenly.
I look down at the floor as tears stream down my face.
"I'm so sorry" he cries harder and calls to the floor "I know you'll never forgive me for as long as i live.. but I want you to— I need you to know that I'm so sorry. You know I don't love her. I love you!" He kneels down in front of me grabbing my hands from my legs. I recoil and push his hands away "don't touch me, do not even touch me. Cause you'll go home to your ex wife and fuck her after you've been begging on your knees for me" I snap as tears continue to make a mark on my face.

He frowns at me as He furrows his eyebrows "I'm not going home to her, I don't even know where she is. We fired her. Well, frank did. I was happy to let her go too. I'm sorry I didn't tell you she was working on the tour with me. But I just knew you'd quick off and I didn't want our final months together to be arguing about Tati" he sighs hopelessly.
"You knew for months that 'Tati' was going on your with you!?" I almost shout as I back away from him on my chair "fucking months!!?" I swear "don't swear! Our children will be able to hear you" he scolded me like I was some child

"Fuck you Michael, fuck You!" I snarl at him, then I start laughing as I wipe my tears away "it's funny because, you still have your fucking childish nickname for that slut. Fucking 'Tati'. That slut ruined our life and our family and you're still stood in front of me, the mother of your children, calling her some fucking pet name?! You have got to be kidding me!"


"Don't" I shake my head as tears fall down "don't" I cry and put my head in my hands "just leave. Leave me alone Michael! I don't want you, I never will" I cry harder as I hear him sob.
I look up at him when he calls my name "I'm sorry— I'll um- leave you alone from now on. The only time I'll get in touch for you is when I wanna talk to the girls or I want them with me. It's the only time you'll hear from me. I promise" he mumbles and walks out.. my heart shatters into pieces. And without a doubt.. Michael's has too.

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