Chapter 24

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Michael's PoV: 29th August 1987

My 2nd birthday without Beyoncé... I'll admit. It has been tough, these past two years have killed me. Seeing her at events wanting to talk to her but her security keep me away. When she sees me she doesn't seem to be too fazed by it. She seems to be happy, and I'm glad. It hurts that she doesn't love me anymore, I've never stopped loving her. I know it sounds stupid considering I was cheating on her before I was engaged to her and after—but all I thought about was her when I was cheating. Diana has always had a strong hold over me, it's stupid and I have Diana.

Beyoncé has been on a world tour for the past year, I've seen on the news. And Janet told me too. None of us Jackson's have had contact with Beyoncé. She wants nothing to do with none of us—because of me— and I understand why. I broke her heart and I just need to accept that she'll never be mine again.
I sit in the living room at my mothers and Joseph's house and the tv comes on.

"Shawn Mendes took the jump and decided to go on stage while Beyoncé was performing and asked her to be his girl, for ever more.., yes you heard us right! He asked for her hand in marriage..their secret relationship has been going on for a year and none of us could see their un-denying love for each other!"

I sigh shaking my head, why did I decide to come to my parents house for my birthday..if I would of stayed at home I wouldn't of known about this Sham of an engagement!
I wipe my tears away before people catch me crying.. Joseph looks at me, the tv and then me again "let her move on, she seems happy"
I sigh and nod "I do want her to be happy, it's just hard to move on when she's the woman of my dreams— I love her so much. I don't ever want to let her go. But I'm going to have to now"
Joseph gets up and sits next to me "are you serious about her? If I can make your paths cross again.. will you promise me you will love her for forever more I'll make sure you both meet and spend months with her"
I look at him with hopeful eyes "you can do that?" I gape at him as I wipe happy tears from my eyes
He nods smiling "yes! Only if you promise me you'll never hurt that poor girl again!"

I nod frantically "yes! Yes I promise!"
He smiles and pats my back "then I'll make it happen!"
I smile thankfully "thank you so much Joseph" I breathe "this means the world to me!"

Beyoncé's PoV 31st August 1987

"Everybody!!" I shout into my microphone
"Cause baby I can see your halo, I PRAY you won't fade away!! HALOOO, halo ohhhhh halo oooohhhhoooh I can see it, I can see yourrrrrrorrrr ha-llloooooo" I sing with the crowd we the scream.

A few minutes later, I thank my fans and leave the stage..I've finished my show for tonight.
I walk to my dressing room and see two faces that I haven't seen in a while!

Joseph and Janet

I breathe in sharply "what are you two doing here?" I ask with a hand on my chest, they did scare me!
Janet shrugged and stood up "i was missing you, and joe came along" I raise a brow and look between them both.
Joseph then speaks up.. "so, you're engaged?"
I shrug with a nod "yeah, he treats me right he doesn't cheat on me" I fire back sending daggers at Joe.
"Have you listened to the album?" Janet asks looking straight at me
I laugh "my own? Yes, everyday!" I nod closing the door behind me and dabbing my forehead with a towel that is wrapped around my neck.
Janet chuckles softly "not yours, although yours is a banger...we was in about mikes!"
I look at her through the mirror and frown "why would I listen to his album...I didn't even know a album of his was released, that's how much i care" I sarcastically reply back
She rolls her eyes "it came out today"

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