Chapter 9

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3 months later

Everything has been going really good, I'm still married to Jay-Z but it's obviously fake. I still see Michael a lot, and as you can guess I'm still having sex with Michael. Nothing else has happened between me and Jay-Z like what happened back in the limo...that sexual encounter. I told him that we're just plainly married for business not anything physical because I don't want that from him. I'm not attracted to him in that way.
Michael doesn't like the idea of me still being married to Jay-z he said he wants me. He has me, I don't see his problem...I'm having sex with him and no one else, we literally act like a couple. Just not an official one which I think that is what he wants. He wants the world to know we're together. Michael doesn't like the idea of me spending time with Conor and Anth. Like they're both really good and nice guys I don't see his problem, yet again Michael has always been like this. He never like me being around other males, other than his father and his brothers. And he still even doesn't like me being around his brother most of the time.

Two months ago, Conor Maynard got in touch with me. He's from Brighton in the U.K. and he's asked if I'd like to do a few songs with him. He's not that big of a singer...but his voice is really good. Like really good. He more of a online star, like he'll do covers of other people's songs and he'll post them on YouTube and Facebook and they'll get millions of views and likes. So he is talented at what he does. We've met up quite a lot considering he lives out in America with his friend who is a rapper, he's called Anth. Anth is very talented too. They both work on songs together considering they're both musicians, are best friends and live together. So I think they want me on a few tracks.

"Are you still coming to Jamaica?" Conor asks me
"Yeah I am" I smile at him
"It'll be great, I just thought it'd be better if we have different surroundings to write in, it might give us new tropical ideas for songs" he smiles at me
"When do we leave?" J wonder
"Tonight, so you better have packed" he warns me playfully
"Of course I have! I can't believe you'd miss-judge me like that Conor!" I scold playfully making him chuckle. Honestly, he has the cutest laugh in existence. He's so sweet and genuine, it's hard to find someone like him. And omg, his eyes are another thing. PURE BLUE. They're beautiful. Sometimes when he's talking to me I just look into his eyes and get lost, it feels like I'm getting lost in the bluest ocean on earth.
"Shall I get someone to bring your bags to the airport considering we'll be here all day?" He asks me
"I'll get Jay to meet me at the airport with them" i smile and pull my phone out asking jay if he'll bring me my stuff.
"How's your album coming on?" Anth asks me randomly
"Which one?" I chuckle
"The African styled one" he smiles
"Yeah it's going great, I was hoping to get some ideas while in Jamaica for the album" I shrug nodding to myself
"Are you sure you really wanna be working on three albums?" Anth asks confused
"Yeah" I nod smiling
"I love music and creating it, it'll be fine" I shrug unbothered
"I've nearly finished my first one I started on, but I know that one won't do as well as the African styled one" I sigh
"It'll do fine, just like all of your albums have. You are the queen after all" Conor smirks nudging me
"Where even did that come from?" J ask. I always get called the queen or pop for like my over night success. Amazing sales in albums and singles. It's crazy tbf. I love my fans more than anything though. They mean the world to me.
"Some radio and tv presenter I think" Conor shrugs
"Ohhh" I nod smiling
"So. Are we getting a second part to Halo anytime soon? That's my fave song ever I think!" Anth smirked
"Thank you!" I thank him like he's a fan "and yes, I've already recorded it and it's set to be released soon as the first single" I smile
"Oh my god I can't wait!" Anth yells like a child finding out he's getting a new bike for his birthday. Conor chuckles at Anth's reaction, shaking his head.
"You guys wanna hear it now?" I ask looking between them both and they go wide eyed
"What? You'd actually let us do that?!" Conor asks happily
"Of course" I shrug
"Oh my god please!" Anth grunts excitedly, he comes running over to me like a child. I connect my phone into the studio speakers and go onto my iTunes and press my unreleased tab, then click on spirit.
The African opening of the song blurred through the speakers.

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