Chapter 57

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Beyoncé's PoV
22nd February 1993

"Oh, why these bitches so mad for?
They don't want Yoncé on their door
Louis slugger to your four door
Careful you get what you asked for" I sing into the studio microphone
"CUT!" I hear Quincy say loudly through the Bluetooth microphone, I took off my headphones and looked up at the glass so I could see him "that was good but you need to do it through your nose, so it sounds real sassy and sarcastic. No high notes or vast note changes" Quincy ordered. I sighed and nodded.
"Jay you go in with her and sit on the opposite of the microphone. You might work better when both of you are in there. It builds real tension in the song, in a good way, when you're looking into each other's eyes" he said and ushered Jay-Z into the booth with me.

"Jay you start with 'Bitch know me' then Beyoncé, you continue with your bit. Just for a trial, then we'll start properly" Quincy ordered.
"Right boss" Jay-Z mumbled sitting down opposite me. I started chuckling but I soon shut up when Quincy questioned "What was that Jay?"
"Nothing, Quince, absolutely nothing" Jay shook his head.
Quincy raised his eyebrow "sure"

I chuckled again to myself as Jay got comfy opposite me
"Just pretend its like a battle, but don't show aggression in your voices. The song is about how far you've both come in the music world, meaning you both need to sound up your own arse a little" Quincy said then turned off the Bluetooth microphone. He gave us a thumbs up as the music started.
Jay waited for his turn and then started rapping "Bitch know me, I been me since the cocaine
Bitch know B, she don't even need a whole name" i started smiling when he said 'Bitch know B, she don't even need a whole name'

"No need to ask, you heard about us
(It's Beyoncé, nigga)
No need to ask, you heard about us
(Oh, my God)
Already know you know about us
No need to ask, you heard about us
No need to ask, you heard about us
Watch your mouth when you move around us"

"That was amazing!!" Quincy said excitedly "you two are literally gonna be a power couple after this album" he shook his head feeling astonished.
I start laughing as does Jay.

As you can tell, yes, we are getting married again but it's just for the promotion of the album we are doing together.
It's gonna be called 'The Carter's: Everything is Love'
Jay and I are getting married in a few months. The media already know about our engagement, they're going wild about it, they are so happy that I've 'finally' gotten over Michael.

Speaking of Michael.. he isn't too pleased about all of this. He doesn't like how I didn't tell him. He thinks it's real. I told him that I've been seeing Jay since last year.. he didn't believe me as such but I think he does now after seeing that our 'marriage' is this year.
I think it hurt him.. of course it is gonna hurt him. We've always been romantically involved, and seeing one of us moves on hurts us.

After 10 continuous hours in the studio, I think I'm done for the day.
I laugh with Jay as we go through some work stuff— work can get a little high maintenance and boring so we like to make it fun. We was making paper aeroplanes out of Quincy's work sheets and throwing them around the studio seeing who can get their plane the furthest.

Quincy walked in "What the hell are you both playing at?" He asked, trying not to laugh.
"Oops" I laughed which made Jay burst out laughing "yo, baldy," jay laughed hysterically. I start laughing at how he called Quincy baldy "man, your worksheets are ace for making paper planes"

Quincy raised a brow at us both "you better not have!" He warned looking at us both. Jay and I stayed quiet, we looked at each other then burst out laughing.

"Quincy where is beyon-" Michael walks in with my baby girls. He stops seeing Jay and I on the studio sofa together. My baby girls run at me squealing "mommy!! We missed you!"
I smiled hugging them tightly, I sigh blissfully. I got my girls back. "I missed both of you so much" I kissed them tenderly
I look up at Michael seeing him awkwardly stand at the door watching Jay interact with mine and Michael's children. What does he think Jay is gonna do? Damn.

"Thank you, Michael. For bringing them back" I said politely.
He showed a weak smile at me, you could see the hurt on his face, the sadness. The heartbreak.
"Bye girls" he smiled weakly, his voice breaking, he looked at his daughters and turned to leave.
I frowned watching him leave, I look at Quincy who is giving me a look trying to say 'go after him, woman!!'

So I did.

I got up and jogged after him. I closed the studio door behind me and jogged down the hall. There was no sign of him anywhere. I turned to my left and saw Michael's recording room. I turned away from it again, looking around. I had a lightbulb moment and turned back to his recording studio. I opened the door to see him sat on the office chair swinging on it like a child. While he has his face buried in his hands.
I close the door gently behind me "Michael?" I say softly

He looked up at me and showed another weak smile, he's trying his best to show he is okay "oh hey, you okay? How have you been lately?" He asked as normally as he could. He's being so weird with me. It's unreal.

"I've been ok, have you?" I asked with sad eyes knowing how hard our situation is for both of us.
After the super bowl half time show I gave birth to my dead baby. I didn't wanna do it before the show as I'd be in too much pain. I'm still in a little bit of pain now and it's nearly a month after it happened.

He shrugged one shoulder "I'm okay, I'm doing good" he nodded, obviously lying.
"I just wish things could me different.. that this could be different" he sighed weakly.
"We tried on and off for over 18 years Michael, it's hard.. we was young when we started off. I feel like we jumped into a relationship too quick. Not knowing what we both wanted— cause now I'm older and a lot more wise. I've finally realised what I want" I said softly.

He looked up at me with clouded eyes "I'm not the one you want, am I?"
I looked down and sighed, you're gonna have to say no Beyoncé.

I shook my head "no- you're not. And I'm not the one you want either, Mike"
He closed his eyes tightly as tears dropped from them "Don't-" he breathed sadly.. his innocent and pure heart breaking "don't say that" he shook his head persistently.
He looked at me with red eyes "I hope you know I love you, and I'd do anything for you- for us" he pleaded
"Of course" I answered softly, sigh a small smile.

"I miss you, baby" he said "I do, I really do" he nodded agreeing with himself. I look down at the floor and sigh. I sat down on the arm chair of the sofa and sighed "it's never been able to work for us Michael"

"Fate can save us though" he said with broken eyes, he got up and came closer to me.
"Don't marry him" he pleaded grabbing my hands "please don't marry him," he begged crying hard, he dropped onto his knees and held onto my hands as he cried like a baby.

I breathed in and tried not to get emotional "I love him, Michael" I said trying to pry my hand away from him
"But I love you" He looked up at me with tired and broken eyes, he looks so ill. Like he's been taking drugs. I furrow my eyebrows at him as he wraps his arms around my waist and places his head on my stomach "I love you" he repeated while whimpering like a dog been left at the vets.

"We're meant to be" he pleaded pulling on my hand
"No.." I laughed brokenly, "we're not, if we was, fate would have saved us"
"It did though!!" He almost shouts, not violently though, it's like he's protesting "fats did save us, Yoncé. It did, but I just fucked it up like I always do. I love you Beyoncé, truth is... I want no one else except you. No one can match up to the woman I've been in love with since being 17. You're my life Beyoncé. Don't do this to me..." he begged crying, I feel so sorry for him. Yet again, I've been forced into a arranged stunt marriage just so mine and Jay-z's joint album sells properly.

"don't break my heart again"
Just as I was starting to feel sorry for him, he comes out with that line.
I furrowed my eyebrows and moved away from him "excuse me?" I laughed shocked, widening my eyes slightly.
I pointed at myself while he looked at me confused, "I was the one who was always heartbroken in this relationship. It's like you only want me when I'm moving on. Tough Michael," I snapped "the only reason I stay in touch with you if for our baby girls. Randy was right about you," I shook my head but he butted in.

He lowered his eyebrows looking annoyed, angry and pissed off to the max "Randy?"

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