Chapter 44

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Beyoncé's PoV
November 2nd 1992

After I ran past Michael and went to the toilet. I decided to put on a strong face and leave the bathroom. When I came downstairs Randy was giving his presents that he bought the girls to them.

Right now, Michelle and Kelly are up on the mini stage singing a few songs for the girls. Most of our family and friends are up dancing enjoying the party.. me? I'm sat on my own drinking a glass of wine.
I look over at Michael who is laughing while talking and dancing to Janet, Marlon and Quincy Jones.
He looks over at me and smiles softly, once our eyes connect I look away quickly.

"Why you sittin' by yourself pretty mamma?" I hear from behind me which makes me frown. I swallow my wine and turn around slowly in my chair.
I see Conor and Anth stood there smiling widely.
"OH MY GOD!!" I yell so loudly that the party went silent. I drive into a hug with them both as they both laugh "I've missed you both so much" I whisper as a tear falls from my eye. Conor pulls away from the hug and wipes my tears "aww.." he laughs softly "don't cry silly, you'll ruin your makeup"
"That's not makeup, that's natural beauty!" Anth butts in and sends a wink my way playfully making me chuckle
"Nah it's all makeup" I reply with a shrug making them laugh.
I sigh heavily and hug them harder

"How have you been?" I ask as I pull away from the hug again "we've been good, just busy writing songs"
"How is that going? Jee I haven't seen you both since the 80s" I say then frown "that's so long!"
"Anth! Come here" I hear someone shout "I'll be back.." he says to me and rubs my arm "we'll have a chat then" he promises and jogs off to whoever shouted of him.
"So.." Conor began and sat down on the chair, I sat back down in my original chair picking up my glass of wine from the mini coffee table in front of me, I look back at him and he carries on talking "How have you been?" He asked.
I shrug and glance over at Michael who is holding a bottle of beer watching Conor and I intently "I've been pretty lonely lately" I reply and look back at him. He tuts and nudges me "you could of visited me anytime!!"
I nod and smile "I know Conor, I just thought you'd be busy, we didn't even talk on the phone so I presumed you was just really really busy"
He softly smiles "i'll never be too busy for you B.. never to busy for your little girls either" he smiled harder at the mention of my daughters
"Have you met them?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow as I smirk
He shook his head and looked over to them playing with Michael's hair as he sits on the floor playing with one of their toys. Sometimes, I don't know who the child is between them three. Michael is such a kid at times!!

Conor replies to my question "No I haven't" he shook his head
"Kiara?! Blue?! Come to mommy a second.. I have someone who wants to meet you!" I shout over the music to them. They don't hear me but Michael does. He looks at me then the girls who are still playing with his hair. He starts talking to the girls. Soon enough they turn around smiling and come running at me. They dive on me making me groan then laugh, I look at Conor who is smiling widely "Blue, Kiara— this is Conor.. one of my best friends"
Kiara smiles and waves, Conor waves back at her "Hey" he says softly
Blue looks at him with a raised eyebrow— as you can probably tell by now, she's the sassy one. Kiara is the sweet caring one.
"Are you daddy's best fwend too?" She asked. Conor laughs slightly and looks at Michael then looks back at Blue "I don't think I've met your daddy yet" he smiles softly
"Why?" She asks with a confused tone. I sigh and chuckle "girl, be nice" I warn her. She looks at me and shrugs "I'm Blue" she smiles at Conor
"That's a beautiful name" Conor nods "just as beautiful as you.." he adds and squishes her cheeks making me smile widely at their interaction "daddy says I'm the most prettiest girl he's ever seen.." blue shrugs nonchalantly and looks around, her eyes land on Jermaine and she squeals "uncle jermy!!!" She jumps off my lap and darts to Jermaine. He bends down and grabs her pulling her in for a hug.
"Daddy doesn't say I'm pwitty" Kiara frowns, making me heart stop. I look down at her and she's pouting. I kiss her head and sigh "your daddy loves you, Riri.. you know that" I look down at her, riri is the nickname I have her at birth.
She shrugged and climbed off of my lap and walks towards Randy.
Conor shouts after her "Kiara?!" Kiara turns around and looks at him sadly
"I think you're beautiful, baby girl" he smiles at her softly. She blushes and looks down "thank you"

She carries on walking to Randy making me let out a sigh..

"I'm guessing she doesn't feel loved? Not like Blue does.."

I shake my head agreeing with Conor "she's been like this for ages, Michael said he'd change.. he hasn't. He's still showing Blue more love"
"Kiara is a sweet heart, Blue is so sassy— I can't deal with that" he giggles making me laugh "Yeah.." I sigh "she's my baby, I adore her"
Conor nods "she really is!"
"Give is some love then" he smirks and pulls me into a tight hug.
"I've missed you" I whisper as tears brim in my eyes he sighed and nodded "I've missed you too, bey. I can't believe you're a mother now.. you're doing so well"
I chuckle "I do try"
He rubs my back softly and I pull from the hug. He keeps his arm wrapped around my shoulder and I lean into his body and drink my wine. We talk about all sorts, his upcoming music releases. And mine too. Michael snaps us out of our little catch up...

"Beyonce?" Michael comes up to me looking pissed off. I roll my eyes and watch him walk up to me.
I sit up straight which forces Conor to remove his arm from my shoulders and pulls it back on place, as it rests on the garden chair arm.

I look up at Michael innocently "what?"
He looked around then back down at me "Come with me"
I frown at him. Who the hell does he think he is? He must be joking.. he's joking, right??.
"Why?" I ask, certainly confused.
He shrugged "I need to talk to you"
I shrug back sarcastically "talk to me here" I point to the ground

"Move your fat ass Beyoncé, now" he growls and walks off into the kitchen.. I groan and stand up. Conor grabs my hand stopping me which makes me look at him "want me to come?" He questions with soft eyes. I look back at the house where Michael is watching me.. waiting for me. I look back down at Conor and shake my head "I'll be fine, you wait here. See if Kiara will play with your or something" I shrug and begin to walk away "I'll give her the presents I bought her now then" he calls out to me
I turn and smile at him softly "sounds good, thank you!" I nod making him shrug and smile like it's nothing important. He didn't have to go and but birthday presents for the girls.

I walk into the kitchen of Hayvenhurst heavily pissed at Michael's antics. I close the back kitchen door after I step in and cross my arms leaning against the fridge as he's seated at the kitchen table "what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"Why are you doing this?" He looks up at me with tear stained cheeks.

I stand up from leaning on the fridge and frown.

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