Parker is Spider-Man?

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The tv in MJ and Neds class turned on. It only did that if an Avenger fight was happening which it was but this time Spider-Man was there.

MJ asked to go to the toilet as she was now Peters 'guyinthechair' as Ned blamed Peter for getting grounded on Homecoming. MJ insisted that she kept the name 'guyinthechair' as several civilians had already heard Peter say that and so if Peter changed it to 'girlinthechair', people might get suspicious.

"Oh my god! The Avengers are fighting with Spider-Man! This is the greatest day of my life!"
Flash exclaimed.

Even though Flash was Peters bully, he loved Spider-Man, Peters other identity. Only the Avengers, Ned, MJ and the Wakandan royal family knew he was Spider-Man.

"Alright, Stark, Thor, Banner and Barton, lead the Chitauri away from the civilians any way you can. Sam, Nat, Spidey, Bucky and T'Challa, we'll help the civilians."
Steve explained to them.

"Ok Spidey, there's civilians in that building that's about to collapse. Get them out of there now."

"Got it Cap."

Peter or Spider-Man swung into the building and got everyone out but just as he was heading out, the building collapsed on him.

"Hey Spidey is the civilians out of the building?"
Cap asked him

"Ugh, ye-yeah. I'm a little injured but I should be fine."
Peter said trying not to groan in pain.

"Spidey, what the fuck. You are trapped under a fucking building. You are hurt and you need help."
MJ exclaimed.

"K-KAREN, mute comms."
KAREN did what Peter asked her to do and he started talking to MJ.

"It's fine. I'm not important. Besides this is only the second time that I've been stuck under a building."

"But still. Also KAREN is saying that she's glitching and can't work properly."

"It's fine I can manage that."
Peter said

"Do you want me to call Shuri? Cos I will if you don't tell the Avengers what happened."
MJ warned him

"No it's fi-ARGH!"
A piece of metal pierced through Peters right leg.

"Spidey, what happened? Please respond."
MJ asked worried.

"A pie-piece of metal pierced through my leg."

"Right I'm calling Shuri."

"No don't."

MJ was already calling Shuri so Peter didn't have time to argue.

"I'm telling T'Challa that you are stuck underneath a mothertrucking building."

"No, Shuri. Please don't."

"I need to Parker."

"If you do tell T'Challa, I'll disown you as my science buddy and girlfriend."

Shuri gasped.
"You wouldn't."

"I would but now I can't breathe. I need to take my mask off."

The classroom.

"Oh my god, we might see who Spider-Man is! This is the greatest day of my life."
Flash exclaimed.

Spider-Man took his mask off and the one and only Peter Parker was there.

"No. No fucking way."
Flash said shocked.

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