You're being bullied, aren't you?

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FlashxPeter (I know I know, I keep doing this ship but I like it)
MJxShuri (it's mentioned)
Mean Ned
Nice MJ
Cassie is Scott's niece
Peter is 15 in this story. 
Also watch the video it is so funny.


Clint and Scott adopted Peter, they either stay at the Compound or the Tower and sometimes going to Dr Pym's house.

Scott: Ant Dad or just Dad
Clint: Hawk Dad or just Papa
Dr Pym: Grandad Ant

"Dad, can I go to Flash's house after school?"
Peter asked his dad, Scott Barton-Lang.

"Uh yeah sure. Don't be too late home remember, we have to visit Grandad Ant because my suit is malfunctioning."
Scott said whilst sipping his tea.

Ever since Scott and Clint adopted Peter when he was 14, he started calling Scott Ant Dad, Clint Hawk Dad and Dr Pym Grandad Ant and the names stuck.

Clint tumbled into kitchen going straight towards the coffee. He downed all the coffee in the pot before turning towards his husband and adopted son.

Clint said after kissing Scott on his forehead.

"I've got to go now. Bye Ant Dad, bye Hawk Dad!"
Peter shouted.


Peter made it to school fine but when he got to his locker, his ex best friend came up to him and shoved him into his locker.

Ned started bullying Peter ever since he started going out with Flash, MJ didn't have any objections as she was a lesbian and going out with Shuri. (Cute)

"What's up Penis? Have a nice weekend with the Avengers? Did you have fun with those gays huh? That's why I never liked Hawkeye or Ant Man. They are a disgrace to the Avengers."
Ned spat.

"Don't. Take. My. Family. Into. This."
Peter muttered darkly.

Ned looked slightly scared before pushing Peter back into his locker. Ned stalked of towards all the 'cool kids' and Flash walked up to Peter with a smile.

"Hey, so are you allowed to come over after school?"
Flash asked after pressing a quick kiss to Peters cheek.

"Yeah Ant Dad told me I can. Before Hawk Dad stumbled into the kitchen and drinking all the coffee. Uncle Tony is gonna be mad."
Peter said with a slight giggle.

"What's up Loser and new Loser."
MJ said with her nose in a new book.

"Ned is being a jerk like usual, Hawk Dad drank all the coffee and I'm going to Flash's house after school. What's up with you, oh mighty lesbian queen?"

"I got a new book on the weekend. My older sister is going back to Uni and my mum has a cold so not much."

"My mum and dad are away for a business trip and my little sister is away for a school trip this week."

The bell rang and the trio walked to their first period class which was Physics. (It was gonna be Chemistry but I forgot what I learnt in that class and I don't have Biology yet.)

"So class, we are going to be split into pairs and we will be learning about electrical currents. The pairs will be: Flash and Michelle, Jason and Abe, Cindy and Sally, Betty and Miranda, Peter and Ned, Keith and Katie, Jake and Charles, Amy and Maggie, Rosa and Gina, Michael and Norm and Raymond and Terry. You will be partners for the remainder of this topic so please learn to work together." (Did you guys see what I did with the names? No? Oh well just keep reading)

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