Idk what to call it

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Peter Parker was in class. He was in English and his teacher, Ms Warren, had a very strict rule. If your phone went off, you have to answer it on speaker and tell them not to call in school time.

Peter's face reddened when he heard his phone ring. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was 'Mr Bucky Barnes Mr White Wolf Sir'. 

"Ehm Miss is it possible that I don't have to answer this?"
He asked.

The class laughed, Ms Warren never let a call go.

"No Mr Parker, answer the call and put it on speaker."

Peter sighed and answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Hey Bucky."
Peter said.

"Hey -ugh- Peter. I'm on a mission with the team, like everyone's here and -Natasha can you stop gutting that guy whilst I'm trying to talk to Pete. God!- and we won't be back til tomorrow so -I don't care if there might be information inside him, just don't gut him right in front of me- so there's -Steve if you jump out of that plane without a parachute I will send you 70 more years into the fucking future!- anyway, there's leftover pizza in the -Fuck you, you Nazi- fridge so just reheat that when you get home. Also, Happy won't be able to pick you up -Clint, shoot me again I fucking dare you- from school so you'll have to walk home. Bye and don't burn the Tower down. Steve what did I fucking tell you!"
Bucky ended the call and Peter slammed his head down on the desk.

"Was that the Winter Soldier?"
Abe asked.

"Yeah. He's on a mission with the team."
Peter said, his voice muffled a bit as his head was still on the table.

"He goes by the White Wolf now."
Peter said.

"Hah, I bet that wasn't even the Winter Soldier. I bet it was just some random dude who you sucked off to pretend to be the Winter Soldier."
Flash shouted from the other side of the classroom.

Peter's phone started ringing again. The caller ID said 'Mr Bucky Barnes Mr White Wolf Sir'.

"Why is Bucky calling again?"
Peter thought.

"Mr Parker, answer your phone please."
Ms Warren sighed.

Peter answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"I forgot to mention -Steve if you go into that room by yourself I will yeet you out of this base- that there's another mission after this one so we might not be back for -Steve what did I fucking tell you?!- a while -Oh shit-."
Bucky stopped talking and Peter got a bit worried.

"Bucky what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, apart from the fact that a motherfucking HYDRA agent stole my fucking arm!"


"They has this bomb thingy and they yeeted it at me and I jumped out of the way but then -Oh for gods sake Thor, we are not taking the mutated dogs with us!- the blast took my arm off -I don't care if they remind you of Loki, we aren't taking them with us!- and they stole it."

"Wait, you're in the fight?! I thought you were in the Quin Jet!"

"No, I've been using my metal arm to fight but when my arm got taken I kinda stole Starks technology and attached an Iron Man arm onto my shoulder and it's a bit weird."
Bucky said.

Peter slammed his head on the desk.

"Bucky how could you lose another arm? Me and Shuri just gave that arm to you!"

"Well sorry Mr I'm-too-special-and-I-don't-need-a-metal-arm,-Steve, if you go and do that self sacrificing shit again I will shove that shield up your arse sideways- it's not my fault that Birdbrains 1 and 2 need to fill the dents of my arm with paint! -Natasha! I thought that you would know better!-."

"What did Nat do this time?"

"She's a fucking female version of Stevie with red hair! She tried to jump into a pit of cheap-ass versions of me!"
Bucky ranted.

"Ok well I'd love to hear about that but technically I'm still in class so by whole class heard you swear."

"Well shit!-Steve shut your face! You swore worse than me in the war so you can shut the fuck up!- anyways hi Pete's class, I'm the White Wolf but I'm more commonly known as the Winter Soldier. And I've got to go now because Steve and Natasha tried jumping into a pit of cheap versions of me. Bye Pete bye Pete's class."
Bucky said before hanging up.

'Well fuck.'
Peter thought.

Peter slammed his head down on the table repeatedly. Hard. Very hard.

"So let's continue with the lesson."
Ms Warren cautiously said incase another phone call interrupted the class.

No phones started ringing so Ms Warren continued with the lesson.

I had this idea when I was in the shower and it kinda went from that. And I know I said I would be taking a break but I realised that writing the one shots help me with my anger and stress.


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