Mama Spider and Baby Spider.

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When Natasha first laid eyes on Peter, she had a motherly instinct to protect him. Peter loved Natasha and called her Mama Spider and Natasha called him Baby Spider, the others teased them about it at first but quickly stopped after getting glare from Natasha.

It was an ordinary night. Natasha didn't sleep until everyone else was apart from Stark. He never sleeps. Natasha was asking FRIDAY if anyone was awake when the AI alerted her of Peters nightmare.

"Miss Romanov, Peter Parker seems to be in distress. I suggest going to his room and calming him down."

Natasha took FRIDAY's advice and went across the hall into his room. She could hear him mumbling in his sleep and she knew he was having a nightmare. She walked into the room and she spotted Peter in the bed, thrashing about and throwing the covers and pillows of the bed.

Natasha walked over to the bed and kneeled by the bed.

"Паук, ты проснешься, пожалуйста?" (Baby Spider, will you please wake up?)
Natasha asked in Russian.

Peter woke up suddenly and wrapped his arms around Natasha's waist.

"Мама Паук. Пойманный в ловушку. Строительство. Toomes. Напугана." (Mama Spider. Trapped. Building. Times. Scared.)
Peter said in Russian.

Natasha started singing a Russian lullaby.

(That sounds creepy)

Peter calmed down and started apologising.

"Peter it's fine, I was awake anyways."
Natasha said.

"Can-can you maybe stay with me? It's just I don't like staying by myself after nightmares and I know it's stupid and I probably shouldn't have asked you and know you hate me and I just ruined our relationsh-"

"It's fine. I'll stay with you."
Natasha cut Peter off.

"Thank you Мама Паук."

"Нет проблем, малыш Паук."
(No problem baby spider)

Natasha curled up beside Peter and they fell asleep within 10 minutes.

"Hey FRIDAY, where's Natasha and Peter?"
Stark asked his AI after the two failed to show up for breakfast.

"Last night Peter had a nightmare and Miss Romanov went and comforted him. I believe she is still in his room."
FRIDAY replied.

"Thanks Baby Girl."

Tony decided to leave the two Spiders alone. He knew that since May died he had trouble having no mother figure and had taken an instant liking to Natasha.

Hope you enjoyed this little story. Probably one of my shortest ones yet but Tili Tili Bom is fucking creepy.


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