The disaster gays

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I'm bored. This is basically the picture but instead of Peter and Wade it's Bucky and Sam.

There was a field trip happening at the Tower, Wanda got the short straw so she had to lead the tour. It was only a small science group from a prestige university so there wasn't a lot of students.


Wanda led them through Tony Starks lab.

"And here, we have the beautiful gays."
Wanda pointed to Tony and Steve. Tony was sleeping and had his legs up on Steve's and Steve was reading.

"And here, are the disaster gays."
Wanda sighed.

Bucky was chasing after Sam who had his metal arm.

Bucky shouted at him which woke up Tony.

Wanda started eating some popcorn that she got from Clint who was in the vents also watching.

"Barnes, Wilson, get the fuck out of my lab!"
Tony shouted to them before falling back asleep.

Sam ran out the room and Bucky followed.

"And that's the tour done. Any questions? No? Good. FRIDAY will lead you out."
Wanda left the tour guide in FRIDAYs hands.

My nose still hurts from Tuesday it's not even funny. Also I had to try so hard not to laugh in Music because we had a test. I failed it, I got 9/17 which is below the passing mark but I don't care I ain't taking it next year.


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