Soulmates part 2

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Peter woke up to arms round his waist. He started panicking then he realised that it was Flash. Then it hit him, his bully is his soulmate.

"Flash, are you awake yet?"
Peter whispered.

Flash mumbled from where he was lying.

"Do you want food or not."
Peter said.

"Ugh fine I'll get up."
Flash moaned.

Flash reluctantly let go Peter and the boys made their way to the small kitchen.

"We've got cornflakes and toast. What would you like?"
Peter asked.

"Toast please."
Flash answered.

Peter put two slices of bread into the toaster and sat down next to Flash on the sofa.

The toast popped a few minutes later and Peter grumpily got up from his spot on the sofa.

He buttered the toast and gave a slice to Flash and kept a slice for himself. Peter switched Brooklyn Nine-Nine on the tv.

May came home about an hour later, she smiled at Peters back before saying that she was home.

"Hey Pete. Hope I'm not interrupting something?"
May said with a smirk on her face.

Peter and Flash's faces turned bright red.

"Ehm May, this is Flash. Hewasmybullyanditturnsouthe'smysoulmate."
Peter said in one breath. (He was my bully and it turns out he's my soulmate.)

Somehow May managed to understand what Peter said.

"You were bullied?!"

"It's fine May, it wasn't anything serious."
Peter quickly said.

May narrowed her eyes at Flash.

"I'm too tired for this. I'm going to sleep, I'll see you guys when I wake up."
May muttered.

"Night May."
"Night Mrs Parker."

When May was out of earshot, Flash whispered.

"I don't think your aunt likes me."

"No she does, she's just really grumpy because she did a day shift straight onto a night shift."
(My mam once did that and she was really grumpy when she came home)


"Poor Boyle. All he wants is for Holt to be able to make the perfect meal for Kevin but he just won't listen."
Peter commented. (That is one of my favourite episodes)

"Yeah! I feel really bad for him."


"So, what are your intentions for my nephew?"
May interrogated Flash after having a seven hour nap.

"To care for him."
Flash said.

"Anything else?"
Peter was full on cackling at this point.

"T-to love him?"

"Is that an answer or a question?"

Flash said more confidently.

"You pass the test."
May held her hand out for Flash to shake it.

Flash shook her hand but before he could let go, May pulled him in so that she could whisper in his ear.

"If you hurt Peter or his friends, you will not live another day. Got it?"

Flash nodded.

May let Flash's hand drop down to his side.

"May, you do know I can still hear you."

"It's more scarier that way."


That took fucking years and I have no excuse for it taking that long. (This is part 22 and I'm already in the fucking 70's)


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