Field trip to Wakanda part 2

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"Peter no!"

"Peter yes!"

"Peter no!"

"pEtEr yEs!"

"PeTeR n0!"

This had been going on for hours.

Peter wanted to put Red Bull and a bag of sugar into his coffee and whilst Shuri would normally agree with him, she had tried it and nearly ended up in a coma because of the sugar overload.



"Because you might die!"

That's what all the students heard when they stepped into Shuri's lab.

"Princess, is everything alright?"
One of the guards asked.

"It's going perfectly fine. Could you please tell this idiot of a friend that putting Red Bull and sugar into his coffee is a bad idea?"
Shuri asked sweetly.

"Spider-Man, Princess Shuri is correct. She had nearly went into a coma, and I am sure you wouldn't like that."

"Ugh fine."
Peter moaned.

He put the Red Bull and sugar down and picked his coffee up.

"You guys are spoil sports."
Peter complained.

"Well I'm sorry that I care about your health. Anyway, good morning class, today you will be learning how to make bombs."
The guard shot her a worried look.

"Only joking. You will be learning how to sew vibranium into clothes."

Peter walked up the wall and watched the class carefully.

Shuri started teaching the class.


"And, this is how you wake a sleeping Spider-Man up."
Shuri whispered.

She held an air cannon near his ear and blasted it.

Peter woke up and immediately fell on the floor

"What the fuck Richard?!"
Peter shouted.


"So how was teaching the students?"
T'Challa asked, even though he knew what had happened.

Peter shot a dirty look at Shuri. T'Challa stifled a laugh when he saw the look.

"Someone, woke me up when I was sleeping."

"Well I'm sorry that my class bored you so much that you fell asleep. Although it was pretty funny."

"Yeah it was funny."
Peter admitted.


"Who's there?"
Peter asked when there was a knock on his door.

"Just me."
Flash said, opening the door.

"Hey. Did you enjoy today?"

"Yeah, it was pretty funny when Shuri woke you up."

"It was not. I didn't have my coffee so obviously I fell asleep."
Peter whispered harshly.

"Hey I'm sorry, now scooch up."
Peter moved over so that Flash could lie down next to him.

"Remember that you have to get back to your room earlier."
Peter yawned. (I yawned when writing that)

"Yeah I know. Did you know that Shuri and MJ go out and a few days ago it was their one year?"
Flash asked.

"Yeah, I didn't know until Auntie Nat said at breakfast."
Peter said, lying his head on Flash's chest.

"Yeah. They can keep secrets."
Flash started combing his fingers through Peter's hair.

"'M gonna sleep now."
Peter mumbled out before his eyes closed.

"Night Petey."
Flash kissed the top of his head before snuggling down into the quilt.

Before you ask, yes there will be a part three. And no I did not read this through.


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