Pre-serum Steve and Stucky

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Steve and Bucky were in their apartment late at night.

"Someone get me my inhaler cause Buck you just took my breath away."
Steve said.

Bucky screamed.

Steve tried to wink but he fainted.


(This isn't pre-serum Steve as much but it kinda is)

"Captain Rogers, how did you get so good at fighting?"
Someone asked at the Q&A.

"I was raised on the streets. I fought people who-"

"Someone stole his juice box in the third grade and he punched them."
Bucky interrupted.


"Did it hurt-"
Bucky asked before Steve cut him off.


"You didn't even wait for the 'when you fell from heaven' part."
Bucky said.

"I have chronic pain. Everything hurts."
Steve said.


"Bucky, how do I get revenge on my enemies?"
Becca, Bucky's younger sister asked.

"The best revenge is letting go and living your life to the fullest."
Bucky said.

"Steve, how do I-"



Steve did one press-up one day.

"I could kill God."
Steve said.

"No you can't. You'll get an asthma attack before you even leave the apartment."
Bucky said.


Tony found an old picture of Steve and Bucky from the 30's.

"Steve, how the fuck can someone go from as skinny as a piece of string to literally one of the buffest people on Earth?"
Tony asked.

Steve said, not looking up from his sketch.


"Let's hear it for Captain America! Who I told to stay home! Who let crazy scientists experiment on him even when a stiff breeze could snap him in two. whO I APPARENTLY NEED TO GET A BACKPACK LEASH FOR!"
Bucky shouted angrily.


"Hello! Hi baby, you're so cute."
Buck said in a babyish voice to his cat, Alpine.

"Alpine, you look radiant today. Have a wonderful day."
Steve said in his normal voice.


"Steve literally loves you so much, he would jump in front of a moving car for you."
Sam said.

"Do you know how self-destructive Steve is? He would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun."
Bucky said.

Just some Stucky moments for those who like Stucky.


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